


HarperCollins e-books电子书

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作       者:Smith, J. Walker

出  版  社:HarperCollins e-books


字       数:42.7万

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Generation Ageless an authoritative and eye-opening look at the past, present, and future of Baby Boomers Think Baby Boomers are all alikeThink again. This dynamic generation is nearing the traditional age of retirement, but is in no mood to slow down. Learn how to market, sell to, do business with, or just understand this remarkable generation, from Yankelovich, Inc., the organization that knows them better than anyone else. Yankelovich actually coined the term "Baby Boomer" back in the late 1960s, when they first started collecting data on this influential generation. Now, more than thirty years later, they have the most complete information on Boomers ever assembled. And they have put it all together in this groundbreaking look at America's largest and most powerful generation. In Generation Ageless, Yankelovich president J. Walker Smith, Ph.D., and senior partner Ann Clurman, Boomers themselves, dig deep into what makes this generation tick. With fresh, original data and a wide-ranging look at everything about Boomers, they dissect Boomers into six major segments Straight Arrows, Due Diligents, Maximizers, Sideliners, Diss/Contenteds, and Re-Activists to provide new insights into the world's most talked-about generation. The results show key imperatives invaluable to anyone selling a product, service, or idea to this 78-million strong group.Boomers are the dominant generation in America. Their values and aspirations set the tone for everyone. Advances in medicine and health mean that this youth-obsessed generation is now focused on an everlasting prime of life. They are literally middle age less: holding onto their position at the top of the pyramid for as long as possible, and not fading away to their golden years. Today's fifty- and sixty-year-old Boomers are not eagerly anticipating lives of disengaged retirement. Instead, middle age less Boomers expect another twenty or thirty years of impact and influence albeit in a variety of ways reflective of a surfeit of agendas and ambitions they have yet to fulfill.


Title Page



Introduction: Going the Distance

SECTION I: Immortality

one: Ka-Boom!

two: Not Getting Old

three: Working on Mattering

four: A Life of Self-Invention

five: Marketing Immortality

SECTION II: Morality

six: Having a Purpose

seven: A Healthy Attitude

eight: Reconnecting

nine: Agendas for the Future

ten: Breaking Every Rule

Appendix:: Selected Study Data in Total and by Segments


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About the Authors


Also by J. Walker Smith and Ann Clurman



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