


The Way of Nowhere: Eight Questions to Release Our Creative Potential电子书

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作       者:Nick Udall,Nic Turner

出  版  社:HarperCollins


字       数:36.9万

所属分类: 进口书 > 外文原版书 > 经管/金融



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The Way of Nowhere is a business book by the UK’s hottest change management consultancy who have led transformations in some of Britain’s biggest and best known organisations. An invaluable resource for anyone who wants to make a creative difference in their lives and the lives of people around them. Inspired by the unique practice of 'nowhere', a community of companies that specialise in co-creation, this is an inspirational book that will help you break through to a more creative and strategic future Renowned for their world-class approach to innovation, the nowhere group works with a wide range of businesses, government agencies and individuals to develop their creativity to its full potential. Now, their book maps out the groundbreaking ways that anyone can become more productive, playing a more creative role in your organisation while simultaneously nurturing your own growth along the way. It contains eight breakthrough questions designed to stimulate and enrich our creative capacity, both as an individual and as part of a team. Using examples and tools from their work with some of the UK’s largest and best known businesses, The Way of Nowhere shows us how to unlock the underlying and invisible forces at play within organisations, communities and cultures. With practice, you will discover how these questions and insights can release the latent creativity that exists within - a place where magic can happen - out of nowhere!


Title Page



making a choice

the practice wheel of inspiring-innovation

a beginning

our quest

a book of breakthrough questions

inspiring-innovation: a personal practice


how to use the wheel

the 8 questions

e what is my unique purpose… ?

se how am I releasing the magic of the moment… ?

s how am I venturing into uncertainty… ?

sw how am I focusing the power of my intent… ?

w how am I supporting growth… ?

nw how am I learning to see the invisible… ?

n how am I returning my gift… ?

ne how am I keeping my energy clear and bright… ?

living the practice

standing at the centre of my circle

the Way of nowhere


making a choice

the art wheel of inspiring-innovation

a beginning

our quest

a book of breakthrough questions

inspiring-innovation: a personal practice


how to use the wheel

the 8 questions

e what is our unique purpose… ?

se how are we releasing the magic of the moment… ?

s how are we venturing into uncertainty… ?

sw how are we focusing the power of our intent… ?

w how are we supporting growth… ?

nw how are we learning to see the invisible… ?

n how are we returning our gift… ?

ne how are we keeping our energy clear and bright… ?

living the practice

the Way of nowhere


About the Publisher

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