


How To Make Good Food Go Further电子书

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作       者:Rose Prince

出  版  社:Fourth Estate


字       数:960.1万

所属分类: 进口书 > 外文原版书 > 饮食/健康



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Rose Prince’s The New English Kitchen was a modern classic and a house-hold gem. Collected here are its most essential recommendations and recipes for making good food go further. From how to stretch a native breed, properly hung cut of beef to eight meals, to making stock from prawn or langoustine shells, to saving by making your own bread (and using it right up to the last crumb), How to Make Good Food Go Further will inspire you make the absolute most of the food you buy. With brilliantly simple recipes for leftovers, cheaper cuts, and making nourishing meals from the simplest of components, it will help you discover that it is possible to eat well, and eat economically, without compromising on quality or the simple pleasure of eating good food.

How to make good food go further

Recipes and Tips from The New English Kitchen

Rose Prince



1 Bread

The Giant Bread Machine

Bread in Society

How to recognise good bread

Where to buy bread

Making bread at home

Hands versus machine

*kitchen note*

The cost of bread

Buying flour

Other types of flour

A little bread science

How to knead bread by hand

Basic yeast bread

*kitchen notes*

More adventures with dough

Sourdough bread

Soda bread

*kitchen notes*

Savoury pan scones

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Drop scones

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Flat breads

Basic flat bread

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Dry flat bread

Bread salad

Pizza margherita

*kitchen note*

Other uses for pizza dough

Making the most of stale bread


Sardines on toast

Dripping toast

More good things on toast


*kitchen note*

Bread sauces for poultry and game

Fried breadcrumbs with lemon

*kitchen note*

Almond, sherry and clove sauce

Traditional bread sauce

Breadcrumb coatings – suspicious minds

You need three bowls:

*kitchen note*

Breadcrumbs and garlic with pasta

*kitchen note*

Breadcrumb, garlic and parsley butter stuffing for shellfish

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Soaked bread

Breadcrumb salad

Sourdough bread, wine and onion soup

*kitchen note*

Summer pudding

*kitchen note*

Toffee pudding

Winter charlotte with rhubarb and raspberries

2 Stock

The economics of stock

Bought stock (stock cubes, stock powder and ready-made fresh stock)

The more bones the better

Time to make stock

Making stock from raw bones

Meat stock (beef, veal, lamb, pork and ham)

*kitchen note*

Concentrated stock

Storing stock

Clarifying stock

*kitchen note*

Poultry stock

Game stock

Slow-cooker stock

Vegetable and fish stocks

Basic vegetable stock

Concentrated celery and leek stock

*kitchen note*

Shellfish stock

*kitchen note*

Fish stock

*kitchen note*

Using stock in cooking

Making gravy

Thin gravy

Thickened gravy

Recipes using meat stock

Ham hock and bean soup

*kitchen notes*

Noodle soup

Recipes using chicken stock

Vegetable broth with basil and garlic oil

Smooth vegetable soup

Smooth green vegetable soup

Things to add to soups

A sauce for meat flavoured with mustard and white wine vinegar

*kitchen note*


*kitchen note*

Various risottos

Recipes using game stock

Duck and celery soup

Game broth with barley or wheat and parsley oil

Recipes using vegetable stock

Vegetable dressing

Recipes using shellfish and sea fish stock

Spiced soup with mushrooms

Aromatic soup with saffron and aniseed

Shellfish soup with rice noodles, coconut milk and chilli

*kitchen notes*

3 Poultry

Poultry highs and lows

Imported meat

The ultimate cost of cheap meat

Chicken utopia

You’re the one with the money – vote for what you want

Where to buy naturally reared chicken

Look for new-old breeds

Good economics in whole birds

The price of chicken

One chicken weighing 2.5kg/5½lb

Storing chicken

A large roast free-range chicken with long, hard bones, squeaky, firm meat and skin like mature, burnished parchment

Roast chicken

To carve the chicken


To roast chicken drumsticks and wings

*kitchen notes*

Chicken thighs

Cold roast chicken

Chicken sandwiches

Chicken with herb mayonnaise

Cold chicken with sesame sauce

Poached stuffed chicken and the richest chicken soup

Poached chicken with leeks, tarragon and creamy stock

*kitchen note*

Chicken giblets

Chicken livers on toast with anchovies and capers

*kitchen note*

Braised cockerel with trotters and red wine

*kitchen note*


Where to buy duck

How to get more from a duck

Duck breasts with lentils, watercress and redcurrants

*kitchen note*

Duck legs and potatoes

Roast salt duck

Keeping duck fat

Duck, sausages and beans

Crispy duck pancakes

Guinea fowl and quail


4 Beef, Pork and Lamb

The art of cooking meat

A new revolution in eating meat

The price of meat

What good meat can do for you

One leg or loin of pork weighing 2kg/4½lb plus extra bones

One forerib beef (four ribs) including rib bones weighing 4kg/9lb

One leg of lamb weighing 2.5kg/5½lb

Respect for meat

Empowerment and a better quality of life

The welfare of the animals

The end matters

The cost of regulations

Natural growth

Tasting the new-old breeds

Hanging and the cut

A lamb with four back legs

Where to buy meat

Cheap cuts



Good roasting cuts for beef

Roast forerib of beef

The skewer test for doneness

Yorkshire pudding

Sauces to go with roast beef

Horseradish cream

Summer green sauce for beef

Extra-hot mustard

Dripping on toast

Beef dripping sandwiches

Cold beef

Beef sandwiches

Cold beef with lime and sesame dressing

*kitchen note*

Cold beef with watercress and winter sauce

Soup noodles with rare beef, spring onions, pak choi and coriander

Braised once-roasted beef

Beef and parsnip pasties

Meat and potato pie

Italian meat sauce


Every bit of the pig

Roast loin of pork

*kitchen note*

Roast leg of pork

Roast pork belly

Sauces for roast pork

Apple sauce

Apple and onion sauce

Cornichon, egg and herb sauce

Spare crackling

Crackling with salad leaves and semi-soft-boiled eggs

*kitchen note*


Roast lamb

Cold lamb

Shepherd’s pie

Pilaff with cold meat

Lamb and butternut squash hash with cumin and coriander

*kitchen note*

Cheaper cuts of beef, pork and lamb

Turning cheap cuts into fast food

*kitchen note*

Lamb in a pan with peas, mint and butter

Fried lamb escalopes with flageolet beans

Beef with garlic greens

Pork with wood-roasted peppers and hot potato salad

Burgers and patties


Beef burgers

Lamb patties

Slow, slow cooking

Braised lamb with potatoes and parsley oil

*kitchen notes*

Simmered salt silverside and tongue with watercress dumplings

Caper and mustard sauce for boiled meat

Sliced cold silverside and tongue

Ribs and rib trim

Braised beef

Various braises

Hot sugared ham

Boiling the ham

Glazing the ham

Cumberland sauce

*kitchen note*

Ham broth

A ham broth for autumn


Braised sausages with cider and hot potato salad

Black pudding, dry-cured sausage and bacon with leaves

*kitchen note*




Lamb kidneys

Potatoes stuffed with lamb’s kidneys and bacon

Lamb sweetbreads

Sautéed sweetbreads


Economics of brawn

Pig’s brains

About the author

By the same author


About the Publisher

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