


I Know You Like to Smoke, But You Can Quit―Now: Stop Smoking in 30 Days电子书

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作       者:Andreas Jopp

出  版  社:Consult Media Verlag


字       数:39.0万

所属分类: 进口书 > 外文原版书 > 饮食/健康



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You Really Can Quit –Now. ?This German quit smoking bestseller is already translated into 10 languages and over 100.000 smokers have quit with it.Of course you like smoking—otherwise, it wouldn’t be so hard to quit. Only when you truly understand why you smoke is it possible to stop smoking without feeling like you’re giving up something.Of course you like smoking—otherwise, it wouldn’t be so hard to quit. Only when you truly understand why you smoke is it possible to stop smoking without feeling like you’re giving up something. “Every smoker has his or her own personal beliefs, fears, and questions about quitting. This interactive coaching program, including the book, online program, and personalized app will support you in every aspect, every step of the way. I don't expect that every reader has already decided to quit smoking. This decision happens when questions are answered and fears are alleviated, and that's what this program is designed to do,” says author Andreas Jopp. For those who are ready to quit, or ready at least to consider it, here is a modern handbook with a fresh approach.?Gone are the days of quitting by willpower alone! Using the latest findings in addiction research, Jopp explains the thought patterns that keep millions from trying to quit—and details the most successful strategies for quitting. Divided into 30 chapters (which can be read one per day leading up to quitting day, or at the reader’s own pace), the book presents an appealing mix of evidence-based research and insight and guidance informed by Jopp’s experiences as both an ex-smoker and a health coach who has already helped many thousands of smokers to stop smoking. Jopp never loses sight of what is most important for smokers to understand: exactly how nicotine induces both physical and psychological dependence—and by knowing all this, how to break free. Additionally, readers can download a free mobile app that lets them track and share their progress. Andreas Jopp’s comprehensive approach and straightforward guidance will help anyone kick the habit for good! About the Author ANDREAS JOPP is a medical journalist and health coach. He has published 7 books which have been on the best seller lists for weeks and translated into 16 languages. * His latest book on quit smoking book has been translated in 10 languages and is the No 1 quit smoking book in many countries. * Mr. Jopp has been a smoker himself in the past. After quitting he has coached thousands of smokers for the last ten years. * In addition Mr. Jopp is one of the most prominent nutrition and diet specialists in Germany. His books on losing weight with protein, vitamins & cancer, fats & longevity were on the best-seller lists for weeks. * These are also important topics of the new quit smoking book because smokers do not want to gain weight and many would like to lower the cancer risk once they stop. To download the Hypnosis MP3: www.nichtraucherin30Tagen.de/englishFor more information: www.jopp-online.com/en

I Know You Like to Smoke, But You Can Quit―Now: Stop Smoking in 30 Days

Title page




Part 1: Do you “like” to smoke?

1. From “liking” to “having” to smoke

2. Advertisements and Hollywood as role models

3. How nicotine dealers get you hooked

4. The biochemistry of happiness

5. My dog, my children, my wife . . .

Part 2: Smoking and the mind

6. The daily ups and downs caused by nicotine

7. Smoking with no advantages

8. The stimulation and concentration myth

9. Stress and mood

10. Interview with Prof. Parrott

11. The power of conditioning

12. Your cigarette brand and other smokers

Part 3: Other reasons to quit smoking

13. Weight and beauty

14. The daily cocktail of chemicals

15. The dewy-eyed view of risks

16. Things do get better!

17. What are you going to decide?

Part 4: Become a nonsmoker and maintain your weight

18. Smoking doesn’t keep you slim

19. Addiction and the sweet tooth

20. How to avoid the roly-poly trap

21. Protein—feeling full and happy

22. Maintain your weight after you quit smoking

Part 5: The most successful strategies for quitting

23. How to become smoke-free

24. Hypnotherapy

25. Nicotine replacement therapy

26. Acupuncture

27. Chantix

28. The last cigarette

29. Strategies to avoid slips and lapses

30. Your personal care and support

A final word

Download the APP: myquitsmokingcoach

The Hypnosis Program


About the author


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