


Work Like An Immigrant电子书

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作       者:Carlos Siqueira

出  版  社:Lifestyle Entrepreneurs Press


字       数:40.6万

所属分类: 进口书 > 外文原版书 > 经管/金融



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Work Like an Immigrant: 9 Keys to Unlock Your Potential, Attain True Fulfillment, and Build Your Legacy Today is a memoir-meets-business book that offers you inspiration, hard-won guidance, and soul-searching steps and activities to build a highly fulfilling lifestyle—no matter where you come from, what career path you are on or what adversity you may have encountered in the past. Part 1: The Story traces the author’s journey from selling bread and dodging bullets on the streets of Brazil to earning millions selling cable TV and Internet services door to door, as well as building and managing record-breaking sales teams. It later explores the family crisis that inspired him to become a high-performance consultant, coach, and speaker, leading others to achieve levels of happiness and fulfillment they had never imagined possible. Part 2: Nine Steps to Health, Wealth, Happiness and Fulfillment reveals the nine-step program to dreaming big and living your purpose by taking control of your thoughts and emotions and engaging in continuous joyful execution. Here, you discover how to harness the power of your imagination, unlock hidden resources, and overcome both internal and external limitations. In addition, you gain mastery of a variety of techniques inspired by numerous self-improvement visionaries, from Napoleon Hill and Joseph Murphy to Zig Ziglar and Tony Robbins. Part 3: Principles and Practices presents the nine principles for achieving prosperity, along with twenty-eight practical techniques for envisioning success, defining your mission, transforming negative thoughts to positive action, teaming up with a mentor, shifting focus from problems to solutions, and much more.



About the Book


My Journey Begins

Life or Death?

Early Education

My First Business Venture

Finding My Niche

My Grandparents

Working Collections

Challenging Bias and Discrimination

Early Days as a Coach

Drug Daze

A Growing Desire

My Last Day in Brazil

Early Days in the United States

From Boston to Framingham to Marlborough

First Full Day in the USA

Learning English

Finding My Way Around

My First Car

Setbacks and Success

A Second Job

I Want a Faca

A Third Job

Pulled Over by the Police

Committed to My Mission

Door to Door Sales

I’m on Fire: My First Day

Reaching Higher

Second Chances

Hope for the Hopeless

A Downward Spiral

Poor Choices

It Gets Worse

Depression Closes In

Smoking Crack Cocaine


A New Beginning

Next Stop: Harrisburg

A Challenging Mentee

Heading South

Perils of Success

Tragedy Strikes Again

Leaps of Faith

A New Challenge: Gangs

Conquering Fresno, Merced, and Modesto

Changing Teams

Finding the Love of My Life

Struggling to Achieve My Work-Life Balance

Family Illness

Another Blow

More Fallout

Shifting Focus

Concerns About My Health

Choosing the Path to a Healthier Me

Appreciating the Value of a Good Coach

Helping Clients Achieve Their "Aha Moment"

An Important Lesson

Finding the Right Clients

Getting Unstuck

Stepping It Up

A Wrong Assumption

Having All I Need


Control Your Mind, Control Your Destiny

Dream Like a Child

What Would You Do, If . . . ?

Daily Vision

Keep the Faith

Recognize Your Negative Thoughts

Challenging Limiting Beliefs

Conducting Your Daily Interview of the Truth

What Else Can This Mean?

Turning from Problems to Solutions

Daily Rituals: The Triple Trizzo Carlito’s Way Technique

Awaken the Warrior Within You

Pump Yourself Up with Affirmations

Harness the Power of Purpose and Passion

Discover Your Purpose in Life

Discover Purpose in Problems

Explore Your Skills

Celebrate Your Accomplishments

Find the Right Match

Dream Big, Then Make It Bigger

Prime Yourself Daily

Make a Bucket List

Beware of Dream Killers

The Moment of Truth

Fuel Your Inner Drive

Convert “Would” and “Should” to “Must”

Stay on Purpose

Do It—The Plan and The Process

Plan—Break It Down

Schedule Your Days

Focus on “The Process”

Strive for a Healthy Work-Life Balance

Find Time

Make Time

Achieve Time Mastery

Invest in Yourself

Embrace Continual Purposeful Learning

Ask Questions

Explore Different Ways to Learn

Use It or Lose It

Invest in Your Career

Invest in Your Health and Fitness

Invest in Your Relationships

Invest in Your Financial Future

Invest Wisely

Invest in Your Business

Invest by Teaching Positive Thinking

Persist: Continuous Joyful Execution

Persistence = Continuous Joyful Execution

Know Your Why

Plan and Prepare for the Future, but Act in the Present

Be Patient

Another Perspective

Failure Happens

Take the Persistence Challenge

Face Uncertainty with Certainty

Do It

Replace Uncertainty with Confidence

Engage Your Higher Self

Be Confident; You Can’t Fake It

Burn the Past


Find a Great Mentor

Be a Great Mentee

Ask Yourself the Right Questions

Take the 99-Day Ignite Your Best Self Challenge

Collaborate with Colleagues, Friends, Family, and Others

Collaborate with Your Competitors

Clarify and Communicate Your Mission

Write Your Mission Statement

Speak Passionately About What You Do

Take the Passionate Speaker Challenge

Sharpen Your Communication Skills

Know Your ABCs: Always Be Closing


Give with No Expectation of Return

Preserve Your Relationships by Giving and Lending the Right Way

Give Yourself

Look for Trouble

Be Generous

Let Life Flow Through You

Take the Contributor’s Challenge


The 9 Guiding Principles

28 Practical Techniques and Exercises for Success


About Expert Advisor Alliance

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