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作       者:平卡姆

出  版  社:外语教学与研究出版社


字       数:71.2万

所属分类: 教育 > 外语 > 英文教辅



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   新版:中式英语之鉴 《中式英语之鉴》十分系统地探讨了中式英语这一非常普遍的现象。作者把这些加以归类,然后提供大量的该类别中式英语实例,并逐一修改,同时还扼要地加以分析。每一章后面还附有练习,并提供参考答案。对于中国的英语学习者和广大汉译英工作者来说,这是一本很有参考价值的书。<br/>【推荐语】<br/>    美国大学生人手一册,百年英语写作圣经《英语写作手册:风格的要素》新译本  () 《中式英语之鉴》有如下特:中美资深翻译专家联手造,众多业内知名人士倾情推荐分类列举中式英语常见顽疾,全面揭示词语句式典型误区深浅出分析大量精选例句,循循善诱教你改正蹩脚表达即学即用丰富实例巩固记忆,循序渐熟练掌握地道英语。<br/>【作者】<br/>作者:(美国)平卡姆(Joan Pinkham) 注释 解说词:姜桂华 Joan Pinkham,美国职业翻译,毕业于哥伦比亚大学巴纳德学院 (Barnard College 0f Columblauniversity),并在美 国著名文理学院明德学院(MidaeburyCollege)获硕士学位。攻读硕士期间获富布赖特(Fulbriqht)奖学金赴巴黎大学(University ofParls)学习。毕业后在世界卫生组织联合国总部联络处纽约工作十年,担任双语秘书。之后为自由职业翻译,翻译的很多重要著作和文章受到高度评价。曾在中国的外文出版社和中央编译局从事译文修改工作,参与审校周思来、邓小平、陈云等中国领导人的 著作译文。 姜桂华,中央编译局中央文献翻译室英文处处长、译审,全国人民代表大会法制工作委员会英文版法律汇编译审委员。1962年毕业于原北京外国语学院英语系翻译班,1983年赴美国马萨诸塞大学修学习英语。长期从事英语翻译工作,并于2006年获“全国资深翻译家”称号,曾翻译《*选集》1~5卷,《周恩来选集》上、下卷,《聂荣臻革命回忆录》、1964年-1994年全国人民代表大会文件等,审核《中华人民共和国法律汇编》(1995-2009)以及《香港特别行政区基本法导论》等英译文。<br/>

To the Reader

Part One: Unnecessary Words

I. Unnecessary Nouns and Verbs



A warning about revision

Twenty more examples of revision

Twenty exercises

II. Unnecessary Modifiers

1. Redundant modifiers

2. Self-evident modifiers

3. Intensifiers

4. Qualifiers

5. Clichés

The importance of judgment

Twenty more examples of revision

Twenty exercises

III. Redundant Twins

Recognizing redundancies

Eliminating redundancies

Categories of redundant twins

Proliferation of redundancies

Again, the need for judgment

Redundant twins in native English

Twenty more examples of revision

Twenty exercises

IV. Saying the Same Thing Twice

Forms of repetition in Chinglish

Dealing with repetition in translations

Twenty more examples of revision

Twenty exercises

V. Repeated References to the Same Thing

Repeated references that can be dispensed with

Repeated references that need to be retained

Ways of shortening repeated references

Another reason for avoiding exact repetition

Twenty more examples of revision

Twenty exercises

VI. Summing it All Up

Twenty more examples of revision

Twenty more exercises

Part Two: Sentence Structure

VII. The Noun Plague

Perils of using abstract nouns

Sentences based on abstract nouns

Combating the plague

A special form of the plague

Twenty more examples of revision

Twenty exercises

VIII. Pronouns and Antecedents

Correct use of pronouns

1. When antecedents are not explicitly stated

2. When antecedents are ambiguous

3. When antecedents are too remote

4. When pronouns do not agree with their antecedents

Mistakes made by native speakers of English

Twenty more examples of revision

Twenty exercises

IX. The Placement of Phrases and Clauses

Correct word order for logic

Word order for proper emphasis

Twenty more examples of revision

Twenty exercises

X. Dangling Modifiers

1. Dangling participles

2. Dangling gerunds

3. Dangling infinitives

4. Prepositional phrases (not based on verb forms)

5. Individual adjectives

Twenty more examples of revision

Twenty exercises

XI. Parallel Structure

Difficulties in using parallel structure

1. Elements linked by coordinating conjunctions

2. Elements linked by correlative conjunctions

3. Items in a list or a series of headings

4. Elements linked in comparisons

Further refinements

Misleading parallel structure

Twenty more examples of revision

Twenty exercises

XII. Logical Connectives

Examples of logical connectives

Types of logical connectives

Examples of missing links

Dubious logical connectives

Wrong logical connectives

Twenty more examples of revision

Twenty exercises

XIII. Summing it All Up

Twenty more examples of revision

Twenty more exercises

Part Three: Supplementary Examples

Forty final exercises

Forty final revisions

Key to Exercises

I. Unnecessary Nouns and Verbs

II. Unnecessary Modifiers

III. Redundant Twins

IV. Saying the Same Thing Twice

V. Repeated References to the Same Thing

VI. Summing it All Up

VII. The Noun Plague

VIII. Pronouns and Antecedents

IX. The Placement of Phrases and Clauses

X. Dangling Modifiers

XI. Parallel Structure

XII. Logical Connectives

XIII. Summing it All Up

Selected Bibliography

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