




售       价:¥


249人正在读 | 0人评论 6.4

作       者:卢媛媛

出  版  社:陕西师范大学出版总社有限公司


字       数:14.9万

所属分类: 教育 > 外语 > 实用英语



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  • 读书简介
  • 目录
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1. 一条建议 A piece of advice

2. 现金也能回收? Can cash be recycled?

3. 你是英雄吗? Are you a hero?

4. 它们不一样 They are different

5. 黑茶还是红茶? Dark tea or black tea?

6. 被偷走的到底是什么? What are stolen indeed?

7. 鸡蛋和脑袋 Egg and head

8. 你该选择哪条路? Which way should you choose?

9. 都是“plastic”惹的祸 All because of“plastic”

10. “欢迎”即可,“光临”不必 “Visit”is not welcomed

11. 那个“老人”是谁? Who is that“old man”?

12. 它有多大? How big is it?

13. 吝啬的有钱人 A mean rich man

14. 这是什么? What is this?

15. 优美的“闲言碎语” Beautiful“gossip”

16. 到底谁出去? Who will be out?

17. “小兔子”和“大兔子” “Bunny”and“rabbit”

18. 当心! Watch out!

19. 你带了什么? What do you take with you?

20. 你的熨斗放在火上吗? Is your iron on the fire?

21. 这个地方在哪里? Where is it?

22. 春天的鸡 Spring chicken

23. 你往地上扔了什么? What did you throw on the floor?

24. 谁是第一个? Who is the first?

25. 不要吵闹 Don't make noise

26. 滚出去? Get out?

27. 来得容易去得也快 Easy come easy go

28. 你喜欢什么? What do you like?

29. 如何清洗? How to wash it?

30. 信件死了? The letter is dead?

31. 这是新的还是旧的? Is it new or old?

32. 我们是朋友 We are friends

33. 火鸡醉了 The turkey is drunk

34. 山体滑坡 Landslip

35. 画蛇添足 Draw a snake with feet

36. 来喝杯茶吧 Come and have a cup of tea

37. 你要去吃午饭吗? Are you going to have lunch?

38. 你有银子吗? Do you have any silver?

39. 别跟杰克打招呼 Don't say hi to Jack

40. 这是什么产品? What's this product?

41. 你能在餐馆冲澡吗? Can you shower in a restaurant?

42. 为你搬运东西 Carrying things for you

43. 你能找到路吗? Can you find the way?

44. 如何修它? How to alter it?

45. 你能做这份工作吗? Can you do it?

46. 这样“扔”真是太累人了 It's tiring to throw something

47. 那个男孩是谁? Who is that boy?

48. 你能找到路吗? Can you find the way?

49. 你会跳吗? Can you jump?

50. 别动! Don't move!

51. 他有时间 He is free

52. 你喜不喜欢? Do you like it or not?

53. 留下还是离开? Stay or leave?

54. 别摸我 Don't touch me

55. 全力以赴 Go all out

56. 哦,我的头! Oh,my head!

57. 去野外 Go to the wild

58. 你的东西在哪里? Where are your things?

59. 不同的文化 Different cultures

60. 去买一些纪念品 Go to buy some souvenirs

61. 他的鼻子是棕色的 His nose is brown

62. 我们能从哪里取水? Where can we get water?

63. 他的手是红色的? Are his hands red?

64. 你的鞋干净吗? Are your shoes clean?

65. 你喜欢肥肉吗? Do you like the fat?

66. 你敢喝吗? Dare you drink it?

67. 愚人节 April Fool's Day

68. 危险! Danger!

69. 你有宠物吗? Do you have a pet?

70. 我们应该怎么做? What should we do?

71. Tom是谁? Who is Tom?

72. 何为“windfall”? What is“windfall”?

73. 去洗衣服 Get the clothes washed

74. 娱乐场所 A place of entertainment

75. 谁能进去? Who can go in?

76. “John”和“john”不一样 “John”is different from“john”

77. 你的行李在哪里? Where is your luggage?

78. 你有几根大拇指? How many thumbs do you have?

79. 你带食物了吗? Do you take food with you?

80. 溜冰鞋很便宜 The skates are cheap

81. 几点了? What time is it?

82. “Free”不自由 “Free”is not free

83. 两只猴子 Two monkeys

84. 这是什么商品? What are these goods?

85. 你感冒了吗? Do you have a cold?

86. 到此为止 Stop here

87. 你“热”吗? Are you“hot”?

88. 给我五美元 Give me five dollars

89. 多快? How fast?

90. “ring”和“ring”不一样 “Ring”is different from“ring”

91. 哪边好? Which side is OK?

92. 细心的服务员 Careful waiter

93. 在哪里? Where is it?

94. 你会玩儿这种球吗? Can you play this ball?

95. 让我想想 Let me see

96. 睁大眼睛 Open your eyes

97. 你想掉进水里吗? Do you want to fall into water?

98. 谁是杀人犯? Who is the murderer?

99. 离它远一些 Keep far away from it

100. 缺点 Shortcoming

101. 棒极了! It is great!

102. 猪能挖出什么来? What can the pig dig out?

103. 沙发产自意大利 The sofa is made in Italy

104. 热气球 Hot air balloons

105. 不要喝太多 Don't drink too much

106. 你摔倒了怎么办? What if you fall down?

107. 今天是几号? What date is it?

108. 我们能把行李放在这里吗? Can we put the baggage here?

109. 亲亲宝贝 Kiss the baby

110. 你能在这里吸烟吗? Can you smoke here?

111. 仔细听 Listen carefully

112. 我疯了 I am crazy

113. 这个房间是用来做什么的? What is the room used for?

114. 你的视力好吗? Do you have good eyesight?

115. 商店关门了吗? Does the shop close?

116. 你想要哪种果汁? What kind of juice do you want?

117. 你有球吗? Do you have a ball?

118. 你有优惠券吗? Do you have any coupons?

119. 努力工作 Work hard

120. 急救 First aid

121. 你想要杯咖啡吗? Would you like a cup of coffee?

122. 注意它! Be careful of it!

123. 你叫什么? What's your name?

124. 乐于助人 Happy to help

125. 你喜欢哪种冰淇淋? Which ice cream do you like?

126. 烈酒与精神 Spirits and spirit

127. 谁会用此卫生间? Who will use the toilet?

128. 他去哪里了? Where has he gone?

129. 街道领导 Street leader

130. 你喜欢这道菜吗? Do you like this dish?

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