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125人正在读 | 0人评论 6.2

作       者:(美)麦加菲

出  版  社:中国城市出版社


字       数:23.6万

所属分类: 教育 > 中小学教辅 > 中小学阅读



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Lesson 1 Perseverance

Lesson 2 Try, Try Again

Lesson 3 Why the Sea is Salt

Lesson 4 Why the Sea Is Salt(Concluded.)

Lesson 5 Popping Corn

Lesson 6 Smiles

Lesson 7 Lazy Ned

Lesson 8 The Monkey

Lesson 9 Meddlesome Matty

Lesson 10 The Good Son

Lesson 11 To-morrow

Lesson 12 Where there is a Will there is a Way

Lesson 13 Piccola

Lesson 14 True Manliness

Lesson 15 True Manliness(Concluded.)

Lesson 16 The Brown Thrush

Lesson 17 A Ship in a Storm

Lesson 18 The Sailor's Consolation

Lesson 19 Two Ways of Telling a Story

Lesson 20 Freaks of the Frost

Lesson 21 Waste not, Want not

Lesson 22 Jeannette and Jo

Lesson 23 The Lion

Lesson 24 Strawberries

Lesson 25 Harry's Riches

Lesson 26 In Time's Swing

Lesson 27 Harry and his Dog

Lesson 28 The Voice of the Grass

Lesson 29 The Eagle

Lesson 30 The Old Eagle Tree

Lesson 31 Alpine Song

Lesson 32 Circumstances alter Cases

Lesson 33 The Noblest Revenge

Lesson 34 Evening Hymn

Lesson 35 How Margery Wondered

Lesson 36 The Child's World

Lesson 37 Susie's Composition

Lesson 38 The Summer Shower

Lesson 39 Consequences of Idleness

Lesson 40 Advantages of Industry

Lesson 41 The Fountain

Lesson 42 Coffee

Lesson 43 The Winter King

Lesson 44 The Nettle

Lesson 45 The Tempest

Lesson 46 The Creator

Lesson 47 The Horse

Lesson 48 Emulation

Lesson 49 The Sandpiper

Lesson 50 The Right Way

Lesson 51 The Golden Rule

Lesson 52 The Snow Man

Lesson 53 Robinson Crusoe's House

Lesson 54 Robinson Crusoe's Dress

Lesson 55 Somebody's Darling

Lesson 56 Knowledge is Power

Lesson 57 Good Will

Lesson 58 A Chinese Story

Lesson 59 The Way to be Happy

Lesson 60 The Giraffe, or Camelopard

Lesson 61 The Lost Child

Lesson 62 Which?

Lesson 63 The Pet Fawn

Lesson 64 Annie's Dream

Lesson 65 My Ghost

Lesson 66 The Elephant

Lesson 67 Dare to do Right

Lesson 68 Dare to do Right(Concluded.)

Lesson 69 Wreck of the Hesperus

Lesson 70 Anecdotes of Birds

Lesson 71 The Rainbow Pilgrimage

Lesson 72 The Old Oaken Bucket

Lesson 73 The Sermon on the Mount

Lesson 74 The Young Witness

Lesson 75 King Solomon and the Ants

Lesson 76 Rivermouth Theater

Lesson 77 Alfred the Great

Lesson 78 Living on a Farm

Lesson 79 Hugh Idle and Mr. Toil

Lesson 80 Hugh Idle and Mr. Toil(Concluded.)

Lesson 81 Burning of Fallow

Lesson 82 The Dying Soldiers

Lesson 83 The Attack on Nymwegen

Lesson 84 The Seasons

Lesson 85 Brandywine Ford

Lesson 86 Brandywine Ford(Concluded.)

Lesson 87 The Best Capital

Lesson 88 The Inchcape Rock

Lesson 89 My Mother's Grave

Lesson 90 A Mother's Gift

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