


Guy in Real Life电子书

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作       者:Brezenoff, Steve

出  版  社:Balzer + Bray


字       数:39.6万

所属分类: 进口书 > 外文原版书 > 文学/自传/回忆录



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From the acclaimed author of Brooklyn, Burning comes Guy in Real Life, an achingly real and profoundly moving love story about two teens that National Book Award–finalist Sara Zarr has called "wholly original and instantly classic."It is Labor Day weekend in Saint Paul, Minnesota, and boy and girl collide on a dark street at two thirty in the morning: Lesh, who wears black, listens to metal, and plays MMOs; Svetlana, who embroiders her skirts, listens to Bj?rk and Berlioz, and dungeon masters her own RPG. They should pick themselves up, continue on their way, and never talk to each other again.But they don't.This is a story of the roles we all play—at school, at home, online, and with our friends—and the one person who might be able to show us who we are underneath it all.




Level One

Chapter 1: Lesh Tungsten

Chapter 2: Svetlana Allegheny

Chapter 3: Lesh Tungsten

Chapter 4: Svetlana Allegheny

Chapter 5: Lesh Tungsten

Chapter 6: Svetlana Allegheny

Chapter 7: Lesh Tungsten

Chapter 8: Kugnar

Chapter 9: Lesh Tungsten

Level Four

Chapter 10: Lesh Tungsten

Chapter 11: Svetlana Allegheny

Chapter 12: Lesh Tungsten

Chapter 13: Svvetlana

Chapter 14: Lesh Tungsten

Chapter 15: Svetlana Allegheny

Chapter 16: Lesh Tungsten

Chapter 17: Svetlana Allegheny

Chapter 18: Lesh Tungsten

Chapter 19: Svvetlana

Chapter 20: Lesh Tungsten

Chapter 21: Svetlana Allegheny

Chapter 22: Svetlana Allegheny

Chapter 23: Lesh Tungsten

Chapter 24: Svvetlana

Level Thirty

Chapter 25: Svvetlana

Chapter 26: Svetlana Allegheny

Chapter 27: Lesh Tungsten

Chapter 28: Svetlana Allegheny

Chapter 29: Lesh Tungsten

Chapter 30: Svvetlana

Chapter 31: Lesh Tungsten

Chapter 32: Svetlana Allegheny

Chapter 33: Lesh Tungsten

Chapter 34: Svetlana Allegheny

Chapter 35: Lesh Tungsten

Chapter 36: Svetlana Allegheny

Chapter 37: Lesh Tungsten

Chapter 38: Svetlana Allegheny

Chapter 39: Lesh Tungsten

Level 50

Chapter 40: Lesh Tungsten

Chapter 41: Svetlana Allegheny

Chapter 42: Lesh Tungsten

Chapter 43: Kugnar

Chapter 44: Svetlana Allegheny

Chapter 45: Lesh Tungsten

Chapter 46: Svetlana Allegheny

Chapter 47: Lesh Tungsten

Chapter 48: Svetlana Allegheny

Chapter 49: Svetlana Allegheny

Chapter 50: Lesh Tungsten

Chapter 51: Svvetlana

Chapter 52: Lesh Tungsten

Chapter 53: Svetlana Allegheny

Chapter 54: Lesh Tungsten

Account Deleted

Chapter 55: Lesh Tungsten

Chapter 56: Svetlana Allegheny

Chapter 57: Lesh Tungsten


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