


Under a Bad Sign电子书

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出  版  社:University of Chicago Press


字       数:39.3万

所属分类: 进口书 > 外文原版书 > 文学/自传/回忆录



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Many people have contributed to the completion of this book.Its inception can be traced to a seminar that Lary May and Paula Rabinowitz asked me to deliver on hip hop's gangsta culture toward the end of my graduate studies in the American studies program at the University of Minnesota.The media hype and moral panic surrounding gangsta culture in the early 1990s bore an uncanny resemblance to the troublesome reception of Hollywood's white ethnic gangsters in the 1930s, the subject of my research at the time.The chance to discuss the gangster/gangsta relation also fueled the development of an undergraduate course on African American popular culture.So I have the American studies faculty and fellow graduates in Scott Hall, as well as the students on the consequent course, to thank for setting me on the road to writing Under a Bad Sign.A particular shout-out has to go to John Wright, who insisted I dig up Claude McKay's Harlem: Negro Metropolis in the rare books section of Wilson Library to see how deep the provenance and complex the relationship was between black denizens of the American city and their gangster culture heroes.


INTRODUCTION:“Cruel Stack O'Lee” Trickster Badness and the Fight against Subordination in African American Vernacular Culture

1 Original Gangsta Culture Economy and the Criminal Mediation of Black Entry into Urban Modernity

2  Sin City Cinema The Underworld Race Films of Oscar Micheaux and Ralph Cooper

3 Hustlers in the House of Literature Julian Mayfield, Chester Himes, and the Black Literary Ghetto

4 From Up Tight!to Dolemite The Changing Politics of Baadasssss Cinema

5 Keeping It Reel From Goines to Gangsta

EPILOGUE Global Gangsta—Life in Death

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