


From Mesopotamia to Iraq电子书

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作       者:Hans J. Nissen,Peter Heine

出  版  社:University of Chicago Press


字       数:25.3万

所属分类: 进口书 > 外文原版书 > 文学/自传/回忆录



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In April 2003, the world watched in horror as part of Iraq's cultural heritage disintegrated among the rubble of Saddam Hussein's regime. Looters descended on the Iraq National Museum in Baghdad, Arabic manu*s disappeared from the National Library, and countless Iraqi government records were destroyed. For those to whom Iraq meant only terror, weapons of mass destruction, or oil, several thousand years of history between the Tigris and the Euphrates opened into view. Basic techniques and concepts of civilization, without which human society would not have attained its present level, had their origin there. A writing system, the prerequisite of modern and premodern societies, was part of the human knowledge that spread from Mesopotamia, as were bureaucratic techniques such as archiving, still basic to any modern administration, or early forms of monotheism. Such “firsts” will be highlighted in the following pages. But the uniqueness of the ancient Mesopotamian culture rests not only on countless innovations of this kind but, to an even greater degree, on the fact that we can follow its gradual development and its absorption into the cultural canon over a period of ten thousand years, almost without major gaps.


1 Landscape, Climate, Population

2 The Beginnings of Sedentary Life

3 The First Urban Society and the Use of Writing

4 City-States and the Way toward the Central State

5 The First Central States

6 Babylonia as Part of the Near Eastern Community of States

7 The Empires of the Assyrians and the Babylonians

8 The Achaemenid Empire

9 Alexander and the Seleucids in Babylonia

10 The Empires of the Parthians and the Sasanians

11 The Islamic Conquest

12 Iraq as Part of the Ottoman Empire

13 Iraq under the Monarchy

14 The Republic of Iraq

Chronology, 1600 BCE to 1900 CE

Selected Biblography

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