


Developmental Editing电子书

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作       者:Scott Norton

出  版  社:University of Chicago Press


字       数:47.6万

所属分类: 进口书 > 外文原版书 > 家居/园艺/旅游



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This book grew out of an exhibition about Dellinger's life and work that was curated by Bob Mainfort at the Old State House Museum in Little Rock. The book includes a detailed biography of Dellinger, as well as a discussion of his work, an overview of major collecting efforts in Arkansas by out-of-state institutions, and a history of the University of Arkansas Museum. Lavishly illustrated with over two hundred images of artifacts, this book will now permit archaeologists to see some of the pieces Dellinger's lifetime of work saved and preserved.




1 CONCEPT Shaping the Proposal

Author Profile: The Veteran

Client Profile: The Agent

Assignment: The Proposal with Too Many Concepts

Locate the Concept

Profile the Audience

Evaluate Market Potential

Bring the Vision into Focus

2 CONTENT Assessing Potential

Author Profile: The First-Timer

Client Profile: The Big Trade House

Assignment: The Tome with Too Many Subjects

Size Up the Author

Size Up the Publisher

Size Up the DE

Create a Content Summary

Find the Main Subject

3 THESIS Finding the Hook

Author Profile: The Coauthors

Client Profile: The Small Trade House

Assignment: The Study with Too Many Theses

Cull Theses from Topics

Beware of the Rehash

Choose the Main Thesis

Create a Working Title

4 NARRATIVE Tailoring the Timeline

Author Profile: The Historian

Client Profile: The Copublisher

Assignment: The Sprawling Saga

Untangle Timelines from Arguments

Find the Main Timelines

Brainstorm Timeline Strategies

Compose the New Timeline

Finetune the Timeline

Restore Bits of Argument

5 EXPOSITION Deploying the Argument

Author Profile: The Theorist

Client Profile: The University Press

Assignment: The Theory with Too Many Tangents

Untangle Arguments from Timelines

Find the Main Arguments

Brainstorm Argument Strategies

Compose the New Argument

Finetune the Argument

Restore Bits of Timeline

6 PLAN Drafting a Blueprint

Write Up the Plan

Compose Chapter Theses

Intervene Strategically

7 RHYTHM Setting the Pace

Author Profile: The Sole Authority

Client Profile: The Regional House

Assignment: The Local History Turned Personal

Rearrange the Furniture

Draft New Passages

Balance Chapter Weights

Edit for Pace

8 TRANSITIONS Filling in the Blanks

Author Profile: The Dead Author

Client Profile: The Self-Publisher

Assignment: The Memoir with Lapses

Create Opening Transitions

Create Closing Transitions

Draw Conclusions

Place Those Conclusions

9 STYLE Training the Voice

Author Profile: The Journalist

Client Profile: The Book Packager

Assignment: The Story with Too Many Voices

Set the Tone

Parse the Rhetoric

Master Abstraction

Gauge the Ironies

Harmonize the Voices

10 DISPLAY Dressing Up the Text

Author Profile: The Author-for-Hire

Client Profile: The Trade Reference House

Assignment: The Guidebook with Poor Signage

Consider Subheads

Consider Epigraphs

Draft an Art Plan

Illustrate Concepts

Visualize Data

Test-Drive Maps

Add Lagniappe




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