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1 CONCEPT Shaping the Proposal
Author Profile: The Veteran
Client Profile: The Agent
Assignment: The Proposal with Too Many Concepts
Locate the Concept
Profile the Audience
Evaluate Market Potential
Bring the Vision into Focus
2 CONTENT Assessing Potential
Author Profile: The First-Timer
Client Profile: The Big Trade House
Assignment: The Tome with Too Many Subjects
Size Up the Author
Size Up the Publisher
Size Up the DE
Create a Content Summary
Find the Main Subject
3 THESIS Finding the Hook
Author Profile: The Coauthors
Client Profile: The Small Trade House
Assignment: The Study with Too Many Theses
Cull Theses from Topics
Beware of the Rehash
Choose the Main Thesis
Create a Working Title
4 NARRATIVE Tailoring the Timeline
Author Profile: The Historian
Client Profile: The Copublisher
Assignment: The Sprawling Saga
Untangle Timelines from Arguments
Find the Main Timelines
Brainstorm Timeline Strategies
Compose the New Timeline
Finetune the Timeline
Restore Bits of Argument
5 EXPOSITION Deploying the Argument
Author Profile: The Theorist
Client Profile: The University Press
Assignment: The Theory with Too Many Tangents
Untangle Arguments from Timelines
Find the Main Arguments
Brainstorm Argument Strategies
Compose the New Argument
Finetune the Argument
Restore Bits of Timeline
6 PLAN Drafting a Blueprint
Write Up the Plan
Compose Chapter Theses
Intervene Strategically
7 RHYTHM Setting the Pace
Author Profile: The Sole Authority
Client Profile: The Regional House
Assignment: The Local History Turned Personal
Rearrange the Furniture
Draft New Passages
Balance Chapter Weights
Edit for Pace
8 TRANSITIONS Filling in the Blanks
Author Profile: The Dead Author
Client Profile: The Self-Publisher
Assignment: The Memoir with Lapses
Create Opening Transitions
Create Closing Transitions
Draw Conclusions
Place Those Conclusions
9 STYLE Training the Voice
Author Profile: The Journalist
Client Profile: The Book Packager
Assignment: The Story with Too Many Voices
Set the Tone
Parse the Rhetoric
Master Abstraction
Gauge the Ironies
Harmonize the Voices
10 DISPLAY Dressing Up the Text
Author Profile: The Author-for-Hire
Client Profile: The Trade Reference House
Assignment: The Guidebook with Poor Signage
Consider Subheads
Consider Epigraphs
Draft an Art Plan
Illustrate Concepts
Visualize Data
Test-Drive Maps
Add Lagniappe