


Shakespeare and the Law电子书

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作       者:Bradin Cormack and Martha C. Nussbaum

出  版  社:University of Chicago Press


字       数:75.1万

所属分类: 进口书 > 外文原版书 > 文学/自传/回忆录



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William Shakespeare is inextricably linked with the law. Legal documents make up most of the records we have of his life, and trials, lawsuits, and legal terms permeate his plays. Gathering an extraordinary team of literary and legal scholars, philosophers, and even sitting judges,?Shakespeare and the Law demonstrates that Shakespeare's thinking about legal concepts and legal practice points to a deep and sometimes vexed engagement with the law's technical workings, its underlying premises, and its social effects.The book's opening essays offer perspectives on law and literature that emphasize both the continuities and contrasts between the two fields. The second section considers Shakespeare's awareness of common law thinking and common law practice, while the third inquires into Shakespeare's general attitudes toward legal systems. The fourth part of the book looks at how law enters into conversation with issues of politics and community, whether in the plays, in Shakespeare's world, or in our own world. Finally, a colloquy among Supreme Court Justice Stephen Breyer, Judge Richard Posner, Martha C. Nussbaum, and Richard Strier covers everything from the ghost in?Hamlet?to the nature of judicial discretion.



Title Page


Introduction: Shakespeare and the Law

I. How to Think “Law and Literature” in Shakespeare

Two Differences between Law and Literature

Decision, Possession: The Time of Law in The Winter’s Tale and the Sonnets

“Lively Evidence”: Legal Inquiry and the Evidentia of Shakespearean Drama

II. Shakespeare’s Knowledge of Law: Statute Law, Case Law

Interpreting Statute in Measure for Measure

Vengeance, Complicity, and Criminal Law in Othello

III. Shakespeare’s Attitudes Toward Law: Ideas of Justice

Law and Commerce in The Merchant of Venice

Opinion of Fried, J., Concurring in the Judgment

Equity in Measure for Measure

Shakespeare and Legal Systems: The Better the Worse (but Not Vice Versa)

IV. Law, Politics, and Community in Shakespeare

Liquid Fortification and the Law in King Lear

Saying in The Merchant of Venice

A British People: Cymbeline and the Anglo-Scottish Union Issue

“Romans, Countrymen, and Lovers”: Political Love and the Rule of Law in Julius Caesar

A Lesson from Shakespeare to the Modern Judge on Law, Disobedience, Justification, and Mercy

V. Roundtable

Shakespeare’s Laws: A Justice, a Judge, a Philosopher, and an English Professor




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