


Steam-Powered Knowledge电子书

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作       者:Fyfe, Aileen

出  版  社:University of Chicago Press


字       数:64.4万

所属分类: 进口书 > 外文原版书 > 文学/自传/回忆录



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With the overwhelming amount of new information that bombards us each day, it is perhaps difficult to imagine a time when the widespread availability of the printed word was a novelty. In early nineteenth-century Britain, print was not novel-Gutenberg's printing press had been around for nearly four centuries-but printed matter was still a rare and relatively expensive luxury. All this changed, however, as publishers began employing new technologies to astounding effect, mass-producing instructive and educational books and magazines and revolutionizing how knowledge was disseminated to the general public.In Steam-Powered Knowledge, Aileen Fyfe explores the activities of William Chambers and the W. & R. Chambers publishing firm during its formative years, documenting for the first time how new technologies were integrated into existing business systems. Chambers was one of the first publishers to abandon traditional skills associated with hand printing, instead favoring the latest innovations in printing processes and machinery: machine-made paper, stereotyping, and, especially, printing machines driven by steam power. The mid-nineteenth century also witnessed dramatic advances in transportation, and Chambers used proliferating railway networks and steamship routes to speed up communication and distribution. As a result, his high-tech publishing firm became an exemplar of commercial success by 1850 and outlived all of its rivals in the business of cheap instructive print. Fyfe follows Chambers's journey from small-time bookseller and self-trained hand-press printer to wealthy and successful publisher of popular educational books on both sides of the Atlantic, demonstrating along the way the profound effects of his and his fellow publishers' willingness, or unwillingness, to incorporate these technological innovations into their businesses.



Title Page




List of Abbreviations

A Note on Money


Introduction: The Flood of Cheap Print

1. W. & R. Chambers and the Market for Print

Part I: Organizing a Proper System of Publishing

2. Industrial Book Production

3. Reaching a National Market

4. Production and Steam Power

5. New Formats for Information

6. Reaching an Overseas Market

7. A Modern Printing Establishment

Part II: Railways and Competition

8. The Coming of the Railways

9. Centralizing Business in Edinburgh

10. Routledge and the New Competition

11. Railway Bookstalls

12. Instructionin the Railway Marketplace

13. The Dignitaries of the Trade Take on Routledge

Part III: Steamships and Transatlantic Business

14. Transatlantic Opportunities

15. Getting to Know the American Market

16. The Dissemination of Cheap Instruction

17. A New Spirit of Engagement

18. Building Relationships with Boston and Philadelphia

19. Piracy and Shipwreck!





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