


Greater Ethiopia电子书

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作       者:Levine, Donald N.

出  版  社:University of Chicago Press


字       数:46.0万

所属分类: 进口书 > 外文原版书 > 文学/自传/回忆录



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Greater Ethiopia combines history, anthropology, and sociology to answer two major questions. Why did Ethiopia remain independent under the onslaught of European expansionism while other African political entities were colonizedAnd why must Ethiopia be considered a single cultural region despite its political, religious, and linguistic diversity?Donald Levine's interdisciplinary study makes a substantial contribution both to Ethiopian interpretive history and to sociological analysis. In his new preface, Levine examines Ethiopia since the overthrow of the monarchy in the 1970s."e;Ethiopian scholarship is in Professor Levine's debt. . . . He has performed an important task with panache, urbanity, and learning."e;-Edward Ullendorff, Times Literary Supplement"e;Upon rereading this book, it strikes the reader how broad in scope, how innovative in approach, and how stimulating in arguments this book was when it came out. . . . In the past twenty years it has inspired anthropological and historical research, stimulated theoretical debate about Ethiopia's cultural and historical development, and given the impetus to modern political thinking about the complexities and challenges of Ethiopia as a country. The text thus easily remains an absolute must for any Ethiopianist scholar to read and digest."e;-J. Abbink, Journal of Modern African Studies


Copyright Page

Title Page



List of Illustrations

List of Tables

Preface 2000


1. Conventional Images of Ethiopia

A Far-off Place

Ethiopia the Pious

A Magnificent Kingdom

Savage Abyssinia

A Bastion of African Independence

2. Scholarly Images and Assumptions

An Outpost of Semitic Civilization

An Ethnic Museum

An Underdeveloped Country

A Complex Evolving System

3. The Differentiation of Peoples and Cultures

Lines of Internal Differentiation

Lines of External Influence

The Peoples of Ethiopia: A Classification

4. Foundations of Unity

Greater Ethiopia as a Relational Network

Greater Ethiopia as a Culture Area

The Ethiopian Response to Alien Influence

5. Patterns of Expansion and Unification

Centers of Expansion before 1300

The Amhara Thesis

The Oromo Antithesis

The Ethiopian Synthesis

6. Four Questions

7. Tigrean Legacy: A National Script

The Kibre Negest: A Reassessment

Prologue, Narrative, and Epilogue

The Kibre Negest as a National Epic

A Cultural Identity Struggle

The Tigrean Contribution

8. The Amhara System

Household, Seignory, and Parish

The Nation as Community

Functional Specialization

Hierarchical Interaction

Individualistic Association

System Stability and Historical Change

9. The Oromo System

Olla, Lineage, and Class

The Agnatic Community

Functional Redundancy

Egalitarian Interaction

Solidaristic Association

System Instability and Historical Change

10. Comparisons and Explanations

The Question of Amhara Expansion

The Question of the Oromo Victories

The Question of Amhara-Tigrean Resurgence

The Question of Oromo Affiliation

11. Social Evolution in Ethiopia

Holistic Specialization

Mutualistic Specialization

Internal Specialization : The Formation of Ruling Elites

Despecialization and New Evolutionary Potential

Internal Specialization : The Creation of Free-floating Resources

The Present Evolutionary Situation

The Evolution of Ethiopian Society

Appendix: Roster of the Peoples of Ethiopia



Addendum to the Bibliography


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