


Politics and Partnerships电子书

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作       者:Elisabeth S. Clemens and Doug Guthrie

出  版  社:University of Chicago Press


字       数:68.3万

所属分类: 进口书 > 外文原版书 > 文学/自传/回忆录



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Exhorting people to volunteer is part of the everyday vocabulary of American politics. Routinely, members of both major parties call for partnerships between government and nonprofit organizations. These entreaties increase dramatically during times of crisis, and the voluntary efforts of ordinary citizens are now seen as a necessary supplement to government intervention.But despite the ubiquity of the idea of volunteerism in public policy debates, analysis of its role in American governance has been fragmented. Bringing together a diverse set of disciplinary approaches, Politics and Partnerships is a thorough examination of the place of voluntary associations in political history and an astute investigation into contemporary experiments in reshaping that role. The essays here reveal the key role nonprofits have played in the evolution of both the workplace and welfare and illuminate the way that government's retreat from welfare has radically altered the relationship between nonprofits and corporations.



Title Page



Chapter 1: Introduction: Politics and Partnerships

Part I: Of, By, and Instead of Politics

Chapter 2: Civil Society and American Nationalism, 1776–1865

Chapter 3: Steering the State: Government, Nonprofits, and the Making of Labor Knowledge in the New Era

Chapter 4: In the Shadow of the New Deal: Reconfiguring the Roles of Government and Charity, 1928–1940

Part II: Nonprofits in a World of Markets

Chapter 5: Bringing the Market Back In: Philanthropic Activism and Conservative Reform

Chapter 6: Nonprofit Research Institutes: From Companies without Products to Universities without Students

Chapter 7: Corporate Philanthropy in the United States: What Causes Do Corporations Back?

Part III: Boundary Crossing: Contemporary Recombinations of Markets, States, and Nonprofit Organizing

Chapter 8: Privatizing the Welfare State: Nonprofit Community-Based Organizations as Political Actors

Chapter 9: Nonprofits and the Reconstruction of Urban Governance: Housing Production and Community Development in Cleveland, 1975–2005

Chapter 10: Evangelical Megachurches and the Christianization of Civil Society: An Ethnographic Case Study

Chapter 11: Resolviendo: How September 11 Tested and Transformed a New York City Mexican Immigrant Organization


List of Contributors

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