


Corporate Social Responsibility?电子书

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作       者:Charlotte Walker-Said and John D. Kelly

出  版  社:University of Chicago Press


字       数:82.8万

所属分类: 进口书 > 外文原版书 > 文学/自传/回忆录



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With this book, Charlotte Walker-Said and John D. Kelly have assembled an essential toolkit to better understand how the notoriously ambiguous concept of corporate social responsibility (CSR) functions in practice within different disciplines and settings. Bringing together cutting-edge scholarship from leading figures in human rights programs around the United States, they vigorously engage some of the major political questions of our age: what is CSR, and how might it render positive political change in the real worldThe book examines the diverse approaches to CSR, with a particular focus on how those approaches are siloed within discrete disciplines such as business, law, the social sciences, and human rights. Bridging these disciplines and addressing and critiquing all the conceptual domains of CSR, the book also explores how CSR silos develop as a function of the competition between different interests. Ultimately, the contributors show that CSR actions across all arenas of power are interdependent, continually in dialogue, and mutually constituted. Organizing a diverse range of viewpoints, this book offers a much-needed synthesis of a crucial element of today's globalized world and asks how businesses can, through their actions, make it better for everyone.?


Title Page

Copyright Page



CHAPTER 1. Introduction: Power, Profit, and Social Trust

PART I. Corporate Social Responsibility as Controlled Negotiation: The Hierarchy of Values

CHAPTER 2. Two Cheers for CSR

CHAPTER 3. Assessing Corporate Social Responsibility in the Tobacco Industry

CHAPTER 4. Transparency, Auditability, and the Contradictions of CSR

CHAPTER 5. Virtuous Language in Industry and the Academy

PART II. Corporate Social Responsibility and the Mandate to Remedy: Between Empowerment and Mitigating Vulnerabilities

CHAPTER 6. An Emerging History of CSR: The Economic Trials at Nuremberg (1945–49)

CHAPTER 7. The Impact of the War Crimes Tribunals on Corporate Liability for Atrocity Crimes under US Law

CHAPTER 8. Sanction and Socialize: Military Command Responsibility and Corporate Accountability for Atrocities

CHAPTER 9. Law, Morality, and Rational Choice: Incentives for CSR Compliance

CHAPTER 10. Multistakeholder Initiative Anatomy: Understanding Institutional Design and Development

CHAPTER 11. The Virtue of Voluntarism: Human Rights, Corporate Responsibility, and UN Global Compact

PART III. Africa as CSR Laboratory: Twenty-First-Century Corporate Strategy and State Building

CHAPTER 12. CSR and Corporate Engagement with Parties to Armed Conflicts

CHAPTER 13. Corporate and State Sustainability in Africa: The Politics of Stability in the Postrevolutionary Age

CHAPTER 14. Tender Is the Mine: Law, Shadow Rule, and the Public Gaze in Ghana

CHAPTER 15. Corporate Social Responsibility and Latecomer Industrialization in Nigeria

Final Thoughts and Acknowledgments



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