


Shared Future电子书

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作       者:Wood, Richard L.

出  版  社:University of Chicago Press


字       数:205.7万

所属分类: 进口书 > 外文原版书 > 文学/自传/回忆录



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Faith-based community organizers have spent decades working for greater equality in American society, and more recently have become significant players in shaping health care, finance, and immigration reform at the highest levels of government.In A Shared Future, Richard L. Wood and Brad R. Fulton draw on a new national study of community organizing coalitions and in-depth interviews of key leaders in this field to show how faith-based organizing is creatively navigating the competing aspirations of America's universalist and multiculturalist democratic ideals, even as it confronts three demons bedeviling American politics: economic inequality, federal policy paralysis, and racial inequity. With a broad view of the entire field and a distinct empirical focus on the PICO National Network, Wood and Fulton's analysis illuminates the tensions, struggles, and deep rewards that come with pursuing racial equity within a social change organization and in society. Ultimately, A Shared Future offers a vision for how we might build a future that embodies the ethical democracy of the best American dreams.


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Introduction: Exorcising America’s Demons, Building Ethical Democracy

Democracy and Multiculturalism: Dilemmas of the Democratic Public Sphere

Universalist and Multiculturalist Democracy in Action: The Scale and Strategic Ambition of Today’s Faith-Based Community Organizing

The Other Democratic Dilemma: Religion in the Public Sphere

Outline of the Book’s Argument

Part I: The Strategic Infrastructure, Ambition, and Racial/Ethnic Diversity of Faith-Based Community Organizing

ONE / The Scale of Organizing Today: The National Study of Community Organizing Coalitions


On Nomenclature: Faith-Based or Institution-Based or Broad-Based Organizing?

Research Design

Organizational Infrastructure: The Changing Field of Organizing

Scale and Scope of Organizing: The New Political Imagination

Emerging Federated Structures: State and National

Mobilizing Resources: Funding in the Field of Faith-Based Community Organizing

Summary: Dynamics Underlying the Growth of Faith-Based Community Organizing

TWO / Leadership and Diversity

Governing and Leading: Board Members, Clergy, and Leaders

Organizing the Terrain: The Makeup of Professional Staff

Retaining Professional and Diverse Staff: Salaries, Meaning, and the Shared Work of Multiculturalism


THREE / Racial Diversity in Faith-Based Organizing

Demographics of Institutional Diversity: Racial and Ethnic Diversity of Member Institutions

And Yet . . . Is Diversity in Faith-Based Organizing on the Decline?

The Strategic and Institutional Origins of Changing Diversity

Better Measures? Capturing the Complex Diversity Picture

Brief Contrast Case: Religious Diversity in Organizing


Part II: Ethical Democracy on the Ground— Organizing, Democracy, and the Challenges of Diversity

Introduction to Part II

FOUR / Transforming Institutions: The Strategic and Ethical Dynamics of Commitment to Racial Equity

Getting Real: Building a Culture of Engagement on Racial Equity, Preserving Political Efficacy

How Hard It Is: The Intellectual Work behind PICO’s Transformation

Conclusion: Envisioning and Rebuilding a “Land of Opportunity” in America: Can Americans Deal with America’s Racial Legacy?

FIVE / Lifelines to Healing: Betting Resources and Reputation on Racial Equity

A Campaign for Racial Equity: “Targeted Universalism” in Action

The Symbiosis of Structure, Culture, and Leadership: Campaigns within a Network

Change over Time: The Institutional, Strategic, and Cultural Origins of Commitment to Racial Equity

Conclusion: Risks and Rewards of Ambitious Organizing

SIX / Challenge to America: An Interview with Rev. Michael McBride, Lifelines to Healing LiveFree Campaign, PICO National Network1

SEVEN / Strategic Innovation and Democratic Theory

The Fire of Faith in Organizing

Creativity: Strategic Innovation in Faith-Based Organizing

Reprise: The Theoretical Stakes behind Real-World Democratic Struggles


Conclusion: A Shared Future—Ethical Democracy, Racial Equity, and Power

Building Ethical Democracy by Reanchoring Democratic Life in Society

Real-World Work for Ethical Democracy: Insights for Democratic Movements







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