


Why Do Pirates Love Parrots?电子书

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作       者:Feldman, David

出  版  社:HarperCollins e-books


字       数:38.7万

所属分类: 进口书 > 外文原版书 > 教育/学习



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Are you the type of person who stays up nights wondering how they get the paper tag into Hershey's KissesOr why portholes are roundEven if you don't lose sleep over such matters, you have to admit that such questions are, well, worthy of consideration. Here, from David Feldman, creator of the Imponderables series, are the latest questions on the minds of his devoted readers and fans. No question from his readers is too small or obscure for Feldman to tackle. From the return of red Ms (they are back, if you've missed it) to new-car smell, the answers to life's little mysteries are dissected in these pages. Although it's all done in great fun, there is also an educational edge to the answers, as Feldman ferrets out top experts in diverse fields to come up with his entertaining answers. And their answers may surprise you from the detailed physics involved in why cans of Diet Coke float but regular Coke doesn't, all the way to why they put crinkly paper into pairs of men's socks (but only one sock, not both).Complete with drawings by longtime Imponderables illustrator Kassie Schwan, and a special section updating answers to questions in previous books in the series, this eleventh book of Imponderables is sure to entertain the thousands of Feldman fans who have purchased over 2 million copies to date. Prepare to be delighted!


Title Page




Why Did Pirates Love...

Why Do Packing Peanuts...

Why Can't You Buy Grape...

Why Don't You Ever Hear...

Why Do Some Slot Machines...

Why Does Lightning Have a...

Why Do Men Have Domain...

Why Do Bats Roost Upside...

Why Are Most Bibles Printed...

Why Do Bottles Have Necks?

Why Is the Pitcher's Mound...

Why Are Most Psychics Women?

Who Was Monterey Jack, and...

Why Is the Moon Sometimes...

How Do They Get the Paper...

How Does the Vending Machine...

What Happens to Olives After...

Do Ostriches Swim?

When You Switch Chairs with...

What Accounts for the Different...

What Does the "D" in D-Day...

Why Is an Elephant's "Nose"...

Why Are American Football...

Why Do Books, Legal and...

In Bowling, Why Is a Strike...

Why Are the Number 13 and...

Since Doughnut Holes Are So...

Is There Any Logic to the...

Why Does Dog Food Have...

In Track Events with Staggered...

Are Brussels Sprouts Really...

How Did They Mark Years...

Why Are There More Windows...

How Do Audio Cassette Decks...

Do Real Artists Line Up the...

Why Does Store-Bought Bread...

Why Does Water Vapor in the...

Why Is Carbonated Water...

Why Are There Holes in the...

Why Do Women's Hips Sway...

Unimponderables-What Are...

Why Do Drive-Up ATMs Have...

Do Blind People Dream? If So...

Why, Unlike Other Sports, Do...

How Many Licks Does It Take...

How Does the Hair on Your...

Why Do We Park on Driveways...

Why Do They Use Sterilized...

Why Did Kamikaze Pilots Wear...

Why Are "Black Boxes" Orange?

If You Can Answer the Questions...

Why Do the U.S. and Other Navies...

Why Are Computer Circuit Boards...

Why Do Wet Dogs Go Out of...

Why Is a Square Boxing Area...

Why Does Iced Tea Get Cloudy?

What's Medicinal About a Medicine...

What Is the White, Usually Ova...

Why Do Some Places, Such as...

How Did the Candy Snickers Get...

Why Do Motorcyclists, Especially...

Why Are Salmon Pink?

Why Do Parrots and Other Birds...

Why Are Portholes Round?

Now We Know Why Ships' Portholes...

Why Don't Trains Have Cabooses...

Do Birds Sweat?

Why Is the Earth's Core Still Hot?

Why Do More Men Snore Than...

Why Do Vultures "Waste Time"...

What's the Purpose of the "SysRq"...

Why Do Taxicab Drivers Often...

Where Do Telephone Companies...

Why Do Telephone Poles Extend...

Why Does a Can of Diet Coke...

Why Do Male Figure-Skating...

Why Is It More Tiring To Stand...

If Thanksgiving Is a Harvest...

Why Do Self-Service Gas Stations...

Can Women Use "Just For Men"...

Drug Labels List Active and Sometimes...

Why Do Peanut Butter Cookies...

Do Starfish Have Faces?

Why Do We Often Find a Folded-Up...


Why Do Fish Eat Earthworms?...

What Exactly Are We Smelling...

Why Do Mosquitoes Seem To Like...

Why Do We Wave Polaroid Prints...

Why Are U.S. Elections Held on...

Why Can't We Tickle Ourselves?

Why Aren't There Any Miniature...

Does Anyone Really Like Fruitcake?

Why Do Older People Tend To...

Why Are the Sprinkles Put on Ice...

Why Is Yawning Contagious?

Is There Any Logic to the Numbers...

Why Did They Take Away...

Why Do Horses Sleep Standing...

When Do Fish Sleep?

Why Don't Crickets Get...

Why Does Looking Up at the...




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