


Emily Post's Etiquette, 18电子书

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作       者:Post, Peggy

出  版  社:William Morrow


字       数:141.9万

所属分类: 进口书 > 外文原版书 > 教育/学习



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Millions of Readers, Eighteen Editions, One Trusted ResourceFrom social networking to social graces, the name Emily Post has been the definitive source on etiquette for generations of Americans. That tradition continues with the 18th edition of Etiquette, which welcomes a new generation of Posts Anna Post, Lizzie Post, and Daniel Post Senning the great-great grandchildren of Emily Post. Led by Peggy Post, author of the 16th and 17th editions of Etiquette, this team shows how twenty-first-century manners are a combination of kindness, confidence, and awareness. New trends, topics, and societal hot zones include: When is it okay to unfriend someone on FacebookIf I'm in a middle seat on an airplane, do I automatically get both armrestsA business client is sick with a cold am I obligated to shake his handIs it rude for guests to tweet from a weddingDo I have to buy a gift if I attend a destination weddingCan I email a condolence noteShould I cover up my tattoo for a job interviewThe Posts don't stint on classic conundrums, either. Emily Post's Etiquette includes advice on names and titles, dress codes, invitations, table manners, workplace frustrations, and weddings. According to the Posts, though times have changed, the principles of good manners remain constant. Above all, manners are a sensitive awareness of the feelings of others. Being considerate, respectful, and honest is more important than knowing which fork to use. Whether it's a handshake or a fist bump, it's the underlying sincerity and good intentions of the action that matter most.


Title Page



A Note to Readers


Part I - Everyday Manners

CHAPTER 1 - Guidelines for Living

CHAPTER 2 - Important Manners for Every Day

CHAPTER 3 - Common Courtesies

CHAPTER 4 - Your Personal Image

CHAPTER 5 - Table Manners

Part II - Out and About

CHAPTER 6 - Living with Neighbors

CHAPTER 7 - Around Town

CHAPTER 8 - Dining Out

CHAPTER 9 - Traveling Near and Far

CHAPTER 10 - Sports and Recreation

CHAPTER 11 - Attending Performances

CHAPTER 12 - Tipping

CHAPTER 13 - Volunteering

CHAPTER 14 - Official Life

Part III - Communication and Technology

CHAPTER 15 - The Good Conversationalist

CHAPTER 16 - Notes and Letters

CHAPTER 17 - Social Names and Titles

CHAPTER 18 - Telephone Manners

CHAPTER 19 - Personal Communication Devices

CHAPTER 20 - Computers and Communication

Part IV - Social Life

CHAPTER 21 - Hosts and Guests

CHAPTER 22 - Houseguests

CHAPTER 23 - Invitations and Announcements

CHAPTER 24 - Entertaining at Home

CHAPTER 25 - Celebrations Through Life

CHAPTER 26 - Formal Dinners and Parties

CHAPTER 27 - Ceremonies and Religious Services

CHAPTER 28 - Giving and Receiving Gifts

CHAPTER 29 - Dating

CHAPTER 30 - Social Networking


Part V - Getting the Job

CHAPTER 31 - The Job Search

CHAPTER 32 - The Job Interview

Part VI - On the Job

CHAPTER 33 - Office Issues

CHAPTER 34 - Workplace Relationships

CHAPTER 35 - Customers, Clients, Vendors, and Contractors

CHAPTER 36 - The Social Side of Business


Part VII - Home and Family Life

CHAPTER 37 - Home Life

CHAPTER 38 - Today’s Families

CHAPTER 39 - Pregnancy, Birth, and Adoption

CHAPTER 40 - Children and Teens

CHAPTER 41 - Living with Others

CHAPTER 42 - People Who Work in Your Home

CHAPTER 43 - Separation and Divorce

CHAPTER 44 - Elder Etiquette

CHAPTER 45 - Illness

CHAPTER 46 - Loss, Grieving, and Condolences

Part VIII - Weddings

CHAPTER 47 - The Engagement

CHAPTER 48 - New Times, New Traditions

CHAPTER 49 - Planning Your Wedding

CHAPTER 50 - Wedding Invitations and Announcements

CHAPTER 51 - Wedding Attire

CHAPTER 52 - Wedding Registries, Gifts, and Thank-yous

CHAPTER 53 - The Big Day

CHAPTER 54 - Remarriage

CHAPTER 55 - A Guide for Wedding Guests


Names and Titles

Official Forms of Address

Dressing for the Occasion

Sample Invitations and Announcements

Guide to Food and Drink

Wedding Budget Planning Chart



Emily Post, 1872 to 1960

About the Authors

Also from the Emily Post Institute



About the Publisher

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