



2013年8月,全国大学英语四、六级考试改革后,六级考试阅读题型由三部分构成,即:选词填空、长篇阅读和仔细阅读。值得注意的是,虽然题型有了一些新的变化,但是阅读题在整个六级考试中所占的分值比重并未改变,仍然为35%。由此,阅读题型得分对于顺利通过六级考试的重要性显而易见。 为了帮助广大六级考生能够为六级考试阅读题型做好充分的准备,新东方考试研究中心集合众多一线教师和专业编辑,在总结历年六级真题命题规律的基础上,对新阅读题型进行了深刻解读,经过长达数月的钻研、探讨、编撰和修改,精心编写成《六级阅读强化训练600题》一书。

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作       者:新东方考试研究中心

出  版  社:浙江教育出版社


字       数:58.0万

所属分类: 教育 > 外语 > 英文教辅



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《六级阅读强化训练600题》是新东方考试研究中心研发的英语六级阅读类书籍,特别适合备考六级考试的考生。全书参照2013年8月四六级考试改革后的*六级阅读题型,一共分为三部分:选词填空、长篇阅读和仔细阅读。考生可以根据自身的需求单独强化训练某一题型,也可以自行将各部分的文章按照六级真题的结构组合起来,在考前行充分的六级阅读实战模拟。 本书从文章的选材到题目的难度都尽可能地贴近真题,而且对每道题都作了精准的解析,帮助考生掌握快速解题的方法。除此之外,本书还给出了选项分析、长难句睛、全文译文。“选项分析”引导考生对选词填空部分的备选词汇行分类整理,做到心中有数,快速答题;“长难句睛”对文章中的较难理解的句子从结构、语法等方面行分析,提升考生的阅读理解能力;“全文译文”给出了本书全80篇文章的参考译文,帮助考生充分理解文意,加强学习效果。  <br/>【推荐语】<br/>2013年8月,全国大学英语四、六级考试改革后,六级考试阅读题型由三部分构成,即:选词填空、长篇阅读和仔细阅读。值得注意的是,虽然题型有了一些新的变化,但是阅读题在整个六级考试中所占的分值比重并未改变,仍然为35%。由此,阅读题型得分对于顺利通过六级考试的重要性显而易见。 为了帮助广大六级考生能够为六级考试阅读题型做好充分的准备,新东方考试研究中心集合众多一线教师和专业编辑,在总结历年六级真题命题规律的基础上,对新阅读题型行了深刻解读,经过长达数月的钻研、探讨、编撰和修改,精心编写成《六级阅读强化训练600题》一书。 本书覆盖六级考试阅读部分的所有题型,并参照真题中各题型的比例和顺序,包含20篇选词填空、20篇长篇阅读以及40篇仔细阅读。考生可以针对自己的学习习惯或学习需求行各题型专项强化训练,也可以按照六级阅读真题题型比例,自行将本书所含篇目组合成20套全真六级阅读模拟题,想怎么学就怎么学,备考效率倍增。 此外,本书所有文章均选自国外主流英语报刊杂志,专项强化训练六级阅读之余,还能从阅读地道、时新英语文章中收获乐趣与智慧,自是妙不可言。<br/>【作者】<br/>新东方考试研究中心:汇聚了新东方长期从事英语教学和研究工作的一线教师、辅导专家和专业编辑。他们具有丰富的教学经验,准确把握各类考试的命题指导思想、命题规律和命题趋势,熟知考生在备考阶段存在的弱和误区。所编写的辅导用书凝聚了多年教学实践和理论探索之精华,方便考生明确备考方向,高效复习迎考。<br/>


PART 1 选词填空

01 A Cube That Can Walk

02 Memory Appears Susceptible to Eradication of Fear Responses

03 Online Privacy: How to Disappear

04 China's Disposable Chopstick Addiction Is Destroying Its Forests

05 Solar Power Could Serve All of the World's Energy Needs

06 It's No Better to Put Your Child Into a Gifted Program

07 Labor Markets: Glad to Be Grey

08 How to Live Longer: Find Your Purpose in Life

09 Security Group Plans for a Future Without Passwords

10 Poverty Will Never Die in American Society?

11 Various Recreation Tastes

12 Eating in Antarctica

13 Health Leaders Concerned by Resistance to Anti-malaria Drugs

14 Does Creative Intelligence Matter?

15 Physicians Integrate Yoga Into Medical Practice

16 A New Study Shows Benefit of Playing Video Games for Kids

17 Texting Makes You Stupid

18 Smoking: Weight Watchers

19 Big in Norway: Slow TV

20 Replacing Food: An Engineer's Approach to Body Fuel

PART 2 长篇阅读

01 The Amazon Mystery

02 Too Much Healthcare

03 The Health Risks of Small Apartments

04 Should Medical School Be Shortened to Three Years?

05 Raising the Minimum Wage Reduces Poverty

06 Why Do You Go to College?

07 Sardines Will Abandon You

08 What America Won in the "War on Poverty"?

09 The Nuke That Might Have Been

10 My Father Was a Wartime Spy

11 Don't Worry, Be Happy

12 Future Service Robots

13 The Morality Test

14 Eating Our Young

15 The Drugs Don't Work

16 Save the Post Office From Extinction

17 What Dreams Are Made of?

18 Global Markets Hit by Fears of Growth Slowdown

19 Flexible Study for the Future Universities

20 What Do the Humanities Teach Us?

PART 3 仔细阅读

01 Delivery by Drone?

02 Why You Have the Illusion That Your Phone Is Vibrating?

03 Youth Unemployment

04 Tobacco Control Has Saved 8 Million Lives

05 The Art Market: Fairly Popular

06 Millennials Dream About Travel and Self-employment

07 Know Yourself: How Mindfulness Can Improve Self-knowledge

08 Will the Leaning Tower of Pisa Ever Fall?

09 More Time Is Needed to Pay Off the Mortgage

10 Sorry, Marriage Is a "Luxury Good"

11 Weak Hurricane Season: A Surprise and a Puzzle

12 The Myth of Blind Conformity

13 America's Clash of Generations Is Inevitable

14 You Have Never Actually Used a Styrofoam Product

15 It's Better to Be Right Than Happy

16 Form Good Habits Instead of Enhancing Self-control Ability

17 Are People Really Staring at You?

18 What If There Were No Gravity on Earth?

19 Big Banks and High-cost Lenders

20 Is an Expensive Watch Any Better at Telling Time?

21 The Brains of Men and Women Really Are Different

22 Walt Disney

23 AIDS in India: The Cost of Living

24 GM Maize and Health

25 Intelligence

26 Bigger Weddings Lead to Happier Marriages

27 A Decline of the Traditional Work-moral Values

28 Conceptions of the World Is Relative to the Language One Learns?

29 The Spice of Language

30 The Extinction of the Whales

31 Too Much Choice Leads to Riskier Decisions

32 Ostracism Cuts Both Ways

33 What Effect Does Extreme Cold Have on the Human Body?

34 Retroviruses: Koala Killer

35 Growing Up Poor and Stressed Impacts Brain Function

36 Electricity From Waste Heat With More Efficient Materials

37 What You Should Ask Before Opting for Elective Surgery

38 Why Are There So Many Tunnels Under London?

39 Our History Is Under Attack

40 Scientists Discover Freshwater Under the Ocean

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