


Another Forgotten Child电子书

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作       者:Cathy Glass

出  版  社:Harper Element


字       数:42.7万

所属分类: 进口书 > 外文原版书 > 文学/自传/回忆录



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A new memoir from Sunday Times and New York Times bestselling author Cathy Glass. Eight-year-old Aimee was on the child protection register at birth. Her five older siblings were taken into care many years ago. So no one can understand why she was left at home to suffer for so long. It seems Aimee was forgotten. The social services are looking for a very experienced foster carer to look after Aimee and, when she reads the referral, Cathy understands why. Despite her reservations, Cathy agrees to Aimee on – there is something about her that reminds Cathy of Jodie (the subject of ‘Damaged’ and the most disturbed child Cathy has cared for), and reading the report instantly tugs at her heart strings. When she arrives, Aimee is angry. And she has every right to be. She has spent the first eight years of her life living with her drug-dependent mother in a flat that the social worker described as ‘not fit for human habitation’. Aimee is so grateful as she snuggles into her bed at Cathy’s house on the first night that it brings Cathy to tears. Aimee’s aggressive mother is constantly causing trouble at contact, and makes sweeping allegations against Cathy and her family in front of her daughter as well. It is a trying time for Cathy, and it makes it difficult for Aimee to settle. But as Aimee begins to trust Cathy, she starts to open up. And the more Cathy learns about Aimee’s life before she came into care, the more horrified she becomes. It’s clear that Aimee should have been rescued much sooner and as her journey seems to be coming to a happy end, Cathy can’t help but reflect on all the other ‘forgotten children’ that are still suffering…

Title Page



Chapter One: The Child from Hell

Chapter Two: Awaiting Aimee

Chapter Three: A Challenge

Chapter Four: ‘I Want Biscuits’

Chapter Five: Severe Neglect

Chapter Six: ‘I’ll Tell Me Mum!’

Chapter Seven: Should Have Done More

Chapter Eight: Meeting Susan

Chapter Nine: ‘He’s Horrible’

Chapter Ten: Poor Role Models

Chapter Eleven: The Phone Call

Chapter Twelve: Craig

Chapter Thirteen: More Trouble

Chapter Fourteen: Keep Asking

Chapter Fifteen: Quiet and Withdrawn

Chapter Sixteen: Serious Allegation

Chapter Seventeen: Problem Family

Chapter Eighteen: Flashback

Chapter Nineteen: Hatchet

Chapter Twenty: ‘Father Christmas Didn’t Come to My House’

Chapter Twenty-One: Going for Gold

Chapter Twenty-Two: Perfect Christmas

Chapter Twenty-Three: A New Year

Chapter Twenty-Four: Jason

Chapter Twenty-Five: A Winner Now

Chapter Twenty-Six: Progress

Chapter Twenty-Seven: A Chance Meeting

Chapter Twenty-Eight: Peter Rabbit

Chapter Twenty-Nine: The Visit

Chapter Thirty: An Incredible Family



Exclusive sample chapter

Cathy Glass

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