


小学英语无障碍学习丛书 英语小故事课后读·五年级电子书


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作       者:时秀梅,薛益谦

出  版  社:大连出版社


字       数:11.1万

所属分类: 教育 > 中小学教辅 > 中小学阅读



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所有阅读材料均来自英美国家的儿童读物以及有关的报刊。并对所选的阅读材料按照《英语课程标准》规定的标准,行明晰分类,便于小读者集中阅读。阅读材料中出现的生僻单词和词组,随文配有解释。对于阅读材料中出现的难、重和疑也行了详细的讲解。扫描书后的二维码可下载阅读材料的音频和中文翻译,小读者可边读边听边练,一举三得。  <br/>【推荐语】<br/>为适合小学社生学习使用,本书在内容选取、语言风格和体例编排上都花费了许多心思,始终贯穿“玩中学”的理念:以小学生日常生活学习为主线行编排,使英语学习在日常生活中自然而然地实现;内容时尚,语言地道:语言材料由有外国生活经验的教师精心采集,配套音频由外籍专家精心录制,让学生掌握地道的英语发音,学会听、说,从小培养良好的英语语感。  <br/>【作者】<br/>时秀梅,女,博士,大连外国语大学英语教师,美国加州大学欧文分校访问学者,致力于青少年英语培训与教材和教辅书籍发创作。<br/>


(1)The Boss (老板)

(2)Cut My Ticket (剪票)

(3)A Good Boy (好孩子)

(4)Drunk (醉酒)

(5)Send My Hat Back (把帽子寄回来)

(6)That Is Not My Dog! (那不是我的狗!)

(7)My First and My Last(我的第一次和最后一次)

(8)Chaude and Cold (热和冷)

(9)A Bad Impression (坏印象)

(10)How Did You Ever Get Here?(你怎么来的?)

(11)West Point (西点军校)

(12)Imitation (模仿)

(13)I’m Happy (我很开心)

(14)One Apple Is Worth Nothing(一个苹果不要钱)

(15)That’s Why (原来如此)

(16)A Fine Match (势均力敌)

(17)Early Shopper (采购过早)

(18)Advantages and Disadvantages(优缺点)

(19)Keep th e Change (零钱不用找了)

(20)Camera (相机)

(21)A Mistake (一个错误)

(22)Persistence (坚持不懈)

(23)Bedtime Pray (睡前祷告)

(24)Things Have Been Okay (一切正常)

(25)A Trip to Disney (迪士尼之旅)

(26)Twin Lobsters (孪生龙虾)

(27)Part-time Job (兼职工作)

(28)I Don’t Want to Walk Home(我不想走回家)

(29)IItt’’ss GGoooodd ttoo AAddmmiitt aa FFaauulltt承认错误(是承认好孩错子误是好孩子)

(30)Two Holes for the Dogs (两个狗洞)


(1)Mark the Boat to Seek the Sword(刻舟求剑)

(2)Pull up the Rice Shoots with the Intention of Helping Them Grow (揠苗助长)

(3)Look for a Good Horse According to Its Description (按图索骥)

(4)Practice Makes Perfect (熟能生巧)

(5)Dong Shi Mimicked the Way Xi Shi Frowned (东施效颦)

(6)Kua Fu Ran After the Sun (夸父逐日)

(7)His Spear Against His Shield(自相矛盾)

(8)Plugging One’s Ears While Stealing a Bell (掩耳盗铃)

(9)Draw a Snake and Add Feet to It(画蛇添足)

(10)It Is Never Too Late to Mend(亡羊补牢)

(11)Birds Startled by the Mere Twang of a Bowstring (惊弓之鸟)

(12)Mao Sui Recommending Himself(毛遂自荐)

(13)Going South by Driving the Chariot North (南辕北辙)

(14)Putting the Finishing Touch to the Picture of a Dragon (画龙点睛)

(15)Sitting by a Stump, Waiting for a Careless Hare (守株待兔)

(16)Basking in Reflected Glory (狐假虎威)

(17)Look at the Sky from the Bottom of a Well (井底之蛙)

(18)Buying Shoes (郑人买履)

(19)Getting the Casket and Returning the Pearl (买椟还珠)

(20)Be There Just to Make up the Number (滥竽充数)

(21) Sai Weng Lost His Horse (塞翁失马)

(22)The Donkey in Ancient Guizhou Has Exhausted Its Tricks (黔驴技穷)

(23)Give Up Halfway (半途而废)

(24)Love Me, Love My Dog (爱屋及乌)

(25)Food Handed out in Contempt(嗟来之食)


(1)Three Good Friends (三个好朋友)

(2)A Bundle of Sticks (一捆树枝)

(3)Parrot and Cat (鹦鹉和猫)

(4)Fox Is with the Grapes (狐狸和葡萄)

(5)Wolf Is Coming (狼来了)

(6)A Clever Farmer (聪明的农民)

(7)The King and His Stories(国王和他的故事)

(8)Marry the Strongest (嫁给最强者)

(9)The Fisherman and His Wife( 渔夫和他的妻子)

(10)The Miser and His Gold(守财奴和他的金子)

(11)A Silly Man (一个愚蠢的人)

(12)The Boy and the Nettles (男孩和荨麻)

(13)The Wily Lion (狡猾的狮子)

(14)The Bear and the Travelers(熊和行人)

(15)The North Wind and the Sun(北风与太阳)

(16)The Goose That Laid the Golden Eggs (下金蛋的鹅)

(17)The Old Cat (老猫)

(18)The City Mouse and the Country Mouse (城里老鼠和乡下老鼠)

(19)The Peasant and the Apple Tree(农夫和苹果树)

(20)The Bat and the Weasel(蝙蝠和黄鼠狼)

(21)The Peacock and the Crane (孔雀和鹤)

(22)The Farmer and Fortune(农夫和幸运之神)

(23)The Boy and the Filberts (男孩和榛子)

(24)The Tortoise and the Eagle (乌龟和老鹰)

(25)The Olive Tree and the Fig Tree(橄榄树和无花果树)


(1)The Mouse and the Bull (老鼠和公牛)

(2)The Wolf and the Sheep (狼和羊)

(3)The Lion and the Mouse (狮和鼠)

(4)A Fox Without a Tail(没有尾巴的狐狸)

(5)Open Your Mouth (张开你的嘴)

(6)A Clever Panda (聪明的熊猫)

(7)The Fox and the Crow (狐狸和乌鸦)

(8)Two Little Monkeys (两只小猴子)

(9)Three Foxes (三只狐狸)

(10)Three Little Pigs (三只小猪)

(11)A Smart Tortoise (聪明的乌龟)

(12)A Little Horse Crossing the River (小马过河)

(13)The Dog, the Cock and the Fox(狗、公鸡和狐狸)

(14)The Crow and the Pitcher (乌鸦和水罐)

(15)The Cat and the Mice (猫和老鼠)


(1)Six Inches Deep (六英寸深)

(2)Nails on the Wall (墙上的钉子)

(3)The Real Meaning of Peace(宁静的真谛)

(4)Light Reflected by Snow (囊萤映雪)

(5)A Tiny Candle (小小的蜡烛)

(6)The Smoke Signal (求救信号)

(7)The Eagle (雄鹰)

(8)Just Do a Little Bit More (再努力一点点)

(9)The Secret to Success (成功的秘诀)

(10)Eagle in a Storm (风雨中的雄鹰)

(11)A Glass of Milk (一杯牛奶)

(12)Fine Clothes Make the Man (人靠衣装)

(13)I Am Blind (我是一个盲人)

(14)Goals Only Work When You Do (目标重在实践)

(15)Phoenix Nirvana (凤凰涅槃)


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