


Discipline Children电子书

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作       者:Joseph R. Parker

出  版  社:PublishDrive


字       数:6.0万

所属分类: 进口书 > 外文原版书 > 家庭/亲子



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Have you wondered if you're making the right decisions when it comes to raising your child? Over the last years, there has been a lot of confusion about the role of boys and girls in our society. It's easy to see why parents are left with lots of unanswered questions when they're raising their children.Using positive discipline methods can significantly help them become responsible and balanced adults later in life.Here's some of what you can expect to learn inside the pages of this book: ·Learn how to avoid common discipline mistakes that parents make that can end up harming their child's development in the long-term. ·Setting healthy boundaries that your kids will always respect. ·Learn the best methods to handle conflicts and arguments. ·Effective communication with yout child or teenager. ·Teaching self-control, handling aggressive behaviors, and more! Would you like to enjoy going through every stage of your child's development without worrying if you're doing the right thing or not?The earlier you manage to give proper guidance, the easier it is for them to grow into healthier adults.However, there is no such thing as being too late, and even the most damaging of behaviors and habits can be helped.Do not leave anything to chance. Start by guiding them towards the best possible path towards a healthy and responsible adulthood today!


Chapter 1: Parenting styles

Chapter 2: Setting healthy boundaries

Chapter 3: Effective communication with your child

Chapter 4: Handling arguments and conflict

Chapter 5: Teaching Self-Control

Chapter 6: Dealing with aggressive behaviors

Chapter 7: The most common discipline mistakes that parents make


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