


How To Get Your Self-Published Book Into Bookstores电子书

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作       者:Debbie Young

出  版  社:Publishdrive


字       数:17.1万

所属分类: 进口书 > 外文原版书 > 教育/学习



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Are you looking for a quick and easy way to get your self-published books into local and international bookstores? A must-read for all indie authors! Highly recommended! New technologies, tools and distribution methods make it easier than ever for indies to place their books on global bookshelves. While selling print books through brick-and-mortar stores can be challenging, it is also extremely rewarding. And it enables you to reach readers who prefer print and who like to browse and shop offline for books. Even if you’re a technophobe, this friendly, easy-to-follow guidebook will take you through every step of the process so you can soon start selling more books in your home country, and across the world. We’ll cover… the best way to approach both independent stores and chains how to decide on print-on-demand vs batch orders how to find your perfect profit point, and much more ?You’ll learn… how bookstores actually operate (and how it can it help you) how to easily make your titles bookstore-ready why bookstores are essential to all authors like you You’ve written that great book, published it online, now find out how to get it on the shelves and selling more in this quick, encouraging read by the renowned Alliance of Independent Authors (ALLi).


Definitions and Terms of Reference

1. Why This Book Is Needed

2. About the #Authors4Bookstores Campaign

3. Bookstores, Past, Present, and Future

4. Different Types of Bookstore

5. Why Sell Self-Published Books through Bookstores Anyway?

6. How Bookstores Operate

7. How to Make Your Book Bookstore Ready

8. How to Pitch Your Book to a Bookstore

9. Financial Considerations

10. Other Ways of Selling Books In-Store

11. How I Do It: ALLi Members’ Bookstore Experiences

12. Why Every Author Needs Bookstores

13. Going Forward Together

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