


Assessing Science at KS2电子书

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1人正在读 | 0人评论 9.8

作       者:Burton, Neil

出  版  社:Andrews UK


字       数:209.2万

所属分类: 进口书 > 外文原版书 > 文学/自传/回忆录



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  • 读书简介
  • 目录
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Encourage students to record their scientific knowledge and understanding using these easy-to-use sheets. The activities will encourage students to think and help you to gather evidence and assess what they know and can do. The teachers' notes contain further assessment activities, with anticipated student responses.


Front matter

Title page

Copyright page


Making best use of the book

Body matter

Sc1: Scientific enquiry

Showing what I understand about a process - Teacher’s page

Showing what I understand about a process

This is what I know about ... - Teacher’s page

This is what I know about ...

Be safe! - Teacher’s page

Be safe!

Word map - Teacher’s page

Word map

Questions - Teacher’s page


Fair test - Teacher’s page

Fair test

My plans - Teacher’s page

My plans

What I think now - Teacher’s page

What I think now

My results - Teacher’s page

My results

Applying and understanding findings - Teacher’s page

Applying and understanding findings

Making sense of what I found out - Teacher’s page

Making sense of what I found out

Sc2: Life processes & living things

Living things - Teacher’s page

Living things

Sorting key - Teacher’s page

Sorting key

Food chains - Teacher’s page

Food chains

Blood circulation - Teacher’s page

Blood circulation

Bones and muscles - Teacher’s page

Bones and muscles

Digestive system - Teacher’s page

Digestive system

Eat well! - Teacher’s page

Eat well!

Keeping healthy - Teacher’s page

Keeping healthy

Healthy heart - Teacher’s page

Healthy heart

Teething trouble - Teacher’s page

Teething trouble

Plant parts - Teacher’s page

Plant parts

Healthy plants - Teacher’s page

Healthy plants

Plant cycles - Teacher’s page

Plant cycles

Where/how does it live? - Teacher’s page

Where/how does it live?

Micro-organisms - Teacher’s page


Sc3: Materials and their properties

Properties and uses of materials - Teacher’s page

Properties and uses of materials

Comparing rocks and soils - Teacher’s page

Comparing rocks and soils

Heating and cooling - Teacher’s page

Heating and cooling

Mixing and separating - Teacher’s page

Mixing and separating

Solids, liquids and gases - Teacher’s page

Solids, liquids and gases

Water cycle - Teacher’s page

Water cycle

Sc4: Physical processes

Compression and tension - Teacher’s page

Compression and tension

Frictional forces - Teacher’s page

Frictional forces

Balanced/unbalanced forces - Teacher’s page

Balanced/unbalanced forces

Magnets and magnetic materials - Teacher’s page

Magnets and magnetic materials

Making circuits - Teacher’s page

Making circuits

Brighter and dimmer - Teacher’s page

Brighter and dimmer

Controlling electrical devices - Teacher’s page

Controlling electrical devices

Properties of light - Teacher’s page

Properties of light

Days, months and years - Teacher’s page

Days, months and years

Time of day/time of year - Teacher’s page

Time of day/time of year

Changing sounds - Teacher’s page

Changing sounds

Sounds all around - Teacher’s page

Sounds all around

Back matter

Teachers’ glossary of scientific terms

Also available

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