


Planning for Learning through People Who Help Us电子书

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作       者:Sparks Linfield, Rachel

出  版  社:Andrews UK


字       数:7.1万

所属分类: 进口书 > 外文原版书 > 家居/园艺/旅游



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Plan for six weeks of learning covering all six areas of learning and development of the EYFS through the topic of people who help us. The Planning for Learning series is a series of topic books written around the Early Years Foundation Stage designed to make planning easy. This book takes you through six weeks of activities on the theme of people who help us. Each activity is linked to a specific Early Learning Goal, and the book contains a skills overview so that practitioners can keep track of which areas of learning and development they are promoting. This book also includes a photocopiable page to give to parents with ideas for them to get involved with their children's topic, as well as ideas for bringing the six weeks of learning together. The weekly themes in this book include: people who help keep us safe, help us stay healthy, help us to have food and who help us at home. Tie the learning together with a big thank you party.


Front matter

Title page

Copyright page

Making plans

Using the ‘Early Learning Goals’

Body matter

Week 1: People who help us at home

Week 2: People who help us at school/nursery/pre-school

Week 3: People who help to keep us safe

Week 4: People who help us stay healthy

Week 5: People who help us to have food

Week 6: The thank you party

Bringing it all together


Collecting Evidence of Children’s Learning

Skills overview of six-week plan

Home links

Parent’s Page

Back matter

Also available

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