


Expert Advisor Programming And Advanced Forex Strategies: Maximum MT4 and Forex电子书

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作       者:Wayne Walker

出  版  社:PublishDrive


字       数:10.0万

所属分类: 进口书 > 外文原版书 > 文学/自传/回忆录



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This special combination book, Expert Advisor Programming and Advanced Forex Strategies, will provide you with a solid foundation of the techniques required for profiting by combining expert advisor programming with advanced forex strategies. When finished you will have a deep understanding of the forex market from several angles. The emphasis throughout is on practical applications. Part 1: Expert Advisor Programming for Beginners: Maximum MT4 Forex Profit Strategies You will discover step by step along with clear visuals on how to profit with MT4 programming. Automated trading is often shrouded in mystery along with many misconceptions about who it can benefit. We peal away the layers of this misunderstood world in the book. Part 2: Expert Advisor and Forex Trading Strategies: Take Your Expert Advisor and Forex Trading To The Next Level You will learn advanced trading strategies along with easy to understand visuals on how to increase profits. This?is a unique combination of manual and automated trading. Therefore it is for the intermediate to advanced manual trader and those seeking an insight into programmed trading.?

Expert Advisor Programming And Advanced Forex Strategies

Introduction Expert Advisor Programming

Chapter 1: Basics of Trading

Chapter 2: Automatic Trading

Chapter 3: MetaTrader and MetaEditor

Chapter 4: Introducing Flowcharts

Chapter 5: Introducing Functions

Chapter 6: NewOrder() Function

Chapter 7: IsNewBar Function

Chapter 8: Total Orders Function

Chapter 9: Close All Orders Function

Chapter 10: Pips Function

Chapter 11: BreakEven Function

Chapter 12: Trailing stop function

Chapter 13: Trade Function

Chapter 14: CandleClose Function

Chapter 15: Strategy Function

Chapter 16: How to use the OnTick() function

Chapter 17: Designing a trading strategy

Bonus Content(If-Statement, For loop function)

Introduction: Advanced Forex Strategies

Chapter 18: The Day of The Week Anomaly

Chapter 19: First Refinement: Day of The Week Effect Strategy

Chapter 20: Day of The Week Effect: Introducing Volatility

Chapter 21: What Are Realistic Profits To Target In The Market?

Chapter 22: Short Term Fast Growth vs Long Term Slow Growth

Chapter 23: Big Boys vs Small Traders

Chapter 24: The Martingale Strategy Explained

Chapter 25: Adding To Winners - How Professionals Manage Their Trades


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