


The Woman on the Train电子书

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作       者:Rupert Colley

出  版  社:PublishDrive


字       数:12.6万

所属分类: 进口书 > 外文原版书 > 文学/自传/回忆录



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Someone saves your life. Now you wish they hadn't. World War Two, summer, 1942, Nazi-occupied France. A nervous young resistance fighter sits on a train. The Gestapo demand his papers. An older woman, sitting opposite, intervenes.Paris, 1968. The young man is now the most successful music conductor in France. Yet, 26 years on, he still wonders why the woman on the train saved him that fateful day? He knows he owes her everything. Unexpectedly, he receives a letter from her, begging him to come to her aid. Honour-bound, he gladly offers to return the favour.? But the woman hides a dark and terrible secret, which, if exposed, threatens to destroy them both. Torn between those he loves and his sense of honour, his life rapidly spirals out of control.?Who exactly was The Woman on the Train?Historical fiction with heart and drama.Part of?The Love and War Series, novels set during the 20th century's darkest years.Also included,?The Last Act of War, a heart-rending short story.?

Copyright Page

The Woman on the Train

Part One

Part Two

Paris, November 1966

Paris, August 1944

Paris, May 1968

Paris, September 1968

Paris, October 1968

Annecy, March 1969

Rennes, October 1969

Part Three

Annecy, October 1982

Annecy, November 1982

Other Works by Rupert Colley

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