


Homeland Revealed电子书

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作       者:Hurwitz, Matt

出  版  社:Chronicle Books LLC


字       数:26.1万

所属分类: 进口书 > 外文原版书 > 文学/自传/回忆录



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An American soldier presumed killed in Iraq returns home ten years after disappearing. This is the premise of the award-winning and highly addictive Homeland. Known for its heart-pumping plot and phenomenal acting, Homeland has garnered multiple Emmys, fabulous reviews, and legions of devoted fans. This richly visual book unpacks the complex show, delving into favorite characters, conspiracy theories, and behind-the-scenes detail, while also exploring how real covert operations inspire and inform the show. Hundreds of photos capturing the intense onscreen action complement veteran writer Matt Hurwitz's narrative as he weaves in and out of the past three seasons using interviews with the creators, cast, and crew. An engrossing read in a deluxe hardcover package, Homeland Revealed is the ultimate gift for any fan of the series.Homeland TM 2014 Twentieth Century Fox Film Corporation. All Rights Reserved. Artwork 2014 Showtime Networks, Inc. A CBS Company. All Rights Reserved.





Foreword by Alex Gansa

Part One: Creating Homeland

What Is Prisoners of War?

Meet the Characters

Carrie Mathison

What Is Bipolar Disorder?

Nicholas Brody

Saul Berenson

Jessica Brody

Dana Brody

David Estes

Vice President William Walden

Virgil and Max

Filming Homeland

Filming in Charlotte

The Brody House

Carrie’s Apartment


The Writers

Season One

“The Pilot”

So Where Was Brody?

The Love Triangle

Carrie and Brody

How Does a Polygraph Work?

A Living Lie

“The Weekend”

Abu Nazir


An Explosion in Farragut Square

A Trip to Gettysburg

Building a Better Suicide Vest

The Rainbow Wall

Inside the Bunker

What Is ECT?

Season Two

Congressman Brody—A Fresh Start?

Action in Beirut

Roya Hammad

“State of Independence”

Dana and Finn

Peter Quinn

“Q & A”

Aileen Morgan

Dar Adal

The End of the Brodys

No Longer a Threat

Death to Tyrants

A New Ground Zero

Season Three

A Ruse Is Cooked

A Loss in the Family

“Tin Man Is Down”

Senator Lockhart

Dana and Leo

Saul and Mira

Fara Sherazi

“Tower of David”

Majid Javadi

Saul Gets Goosed

A Bloody Mess

Carrie Almost Gets Her Man

The Resurrection of Nicholas Brody

Action at the Border

Filming in Morocco

Will He or Won’t He?

The End of Brody

“The Star”


About the Author

Chronicle Ebooks

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