


The Hard Truth About Soft Skills电子书

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作       者:Klaus, Peggy

出  版  社:HarperCollins e-books


字       数:26.2万

所属分类: 进口书 > 外文原版书 > 经管/金融



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What's the hard truthSoft skills get little respect but will make or break your career. Master your soft skills and really get ahead at work! Fortune 500 coach Peggy Klaus encounters individuals every day who excel at their jobs but aren't getting where they want to go. It's rarely a shortfall in technical expertise that limits their careers, but rather a shortcoming in their social, communication, and self-management behaviors. In The Hard Truth About Soft Skills Klaus delivers practical tools and techniques for mastering soft skills across the career spectrum. She shows how to: manage your workload handle the critics develop and promote your personal brand navigate office politics lead the troops and much more! Klaus reveals why soft skills are often ignored, while bringing their importance to life in her trademark style straightforward, humorous, and motivating. Perfect for readers at all professional stages from those who are just starting out to seasoned executives this book is essential reading for anyone who wants to take his or her career to the next level.


Title Page




Part One

Knowing yourself is as important....

There's no such thing as work-life....

Years of loyalty can work against you

Listen to your gut....

No risks, no rewards

Get out of your own way

Learn the honest truth....

You have to be good to be lucky

Part Two

Your boss wants you to figure it out

Learn when to stick....

When you can't deliver....

Your procrastination is trying....

Whining is for kids....

Manage your meetings...or else

Common sense is far too uncommon

Part Three

Listening is part art....

Adjust your communication accordingly

Say the magic words....

Keep your mouth shut

Get smart about asking dumb questions

Learn how to present....

Part Four

Books are judged....

Don't be the last...

Never tolerate a bully boss....

You don't need....

Your greatest tormentor....

Know where to draw....

Stay cool in the hot Seat

Part Five

Learn the unspoken rules

Two heads are better....

Don't let the fear....

When it comes to gossip....

Think long and hard....

Manage your affairs....

Part Six

Think of yourself....

Turn your accomplishments....

Tooting your own horn....

You're only as good....

Put the right words....

Keep your visibility....

Stop credit thieves....

Part Seven

Don't take it personally

Raise your sensitivity antenna

Competition is a double-edged sword

Find the silver lining

Stop stereotypes from sinking you

Part Eight

Know what you're getting into

A good manager....

Avoid being a know-it-all....

People aren't mind readers

You're the boss....

Treat everyone equally

The impostor syndrome....

A little humility takes....



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