


Aestheticism in Art电子书

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作       者:William Hogarth

出  版  社:Parkstone International


字       数:21.3万

所属分类: 进口书 > 外文原版书 > 艺术/建筑/历史



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It is no wonder that this subject was considered inexplicable for so long, as the nature of many parts of it cannot possibly come within the reach of mere men with pens; otherwise those ingenious gentlemen who have published treatises about it (and who wrote much more learnedly than can be expected from one who never took up the pen before) would not so soon have been bewildered in their accounts of it and obliged so suddenly to turn into the broad and more beaten path of moral beauty, in order to extricate themselves from the difficulties they seem to have met with in this. What’s more, they were forced for the same reasons to amuse their readers with amazing (but often misapplied) encomiums on deceased painters and their performances, wherein they continually discoursed effects instead of developing causes. After much flattery, in very pleasing language, one is fairly set down just from where they were picked up, honestly confessed to that in terms of grace, the main point in questio


General Rules of Composition

Of Fitness

Of Variety

Of Uniformity, Regularity or Symmetry

Of Simplicity, or Distinctness

Of Intricacy

Of Quantity

Mastering of Lines

Of Lines

Of What Sort of Parts, and How Pleasing Forms Are Composed

Of Composition with the Waving-Line

Of Compositions with the Serpentine-Line

Light, Shadows and Colours

Of Proportions

Of Light and Shade, and the Manner in which Objects are Explained to the Eye by Them

Of Composition, with Regard to Light, Shade and Colour

Of Colouring

Positioning of the Human Figure in Compositions

Of the Face

Of Attitude

Of Action

Hogarth's Life


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