


Mastering Spring Application Development电子书

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作       者:Anjana Mankale

出  版  社:Packt Publishing


字       数:121.9万

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If you are a Java developer with experience in developing applications with Spring, then this book is perfect for you. A good working knowledge of Spring programming conventions and applying dependency injections is recommended to make the most of this book.

Mastering Spring Application Development

Table of Contents

Mastering Spring Application Development


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1. Spring Mongo Integration

Installing MongoDB and creating a database

Setting up a batch file for MongoDB

Order use case with Spring and MongoDB

Mapping a Mongo document to Spring Bean

Setting up a Spring-MongoDB project

Application design

Application implementation of Spring with MongoDB

Order management use case

Creating and inserting Order

Controller to handle requests

Adding the @Modelattribute annotation at the Method level

CRUD operations of the OrderController class

JSP files


2. Messaging with Spring JMS

Types of messaging

Message consumers

Message structure

Message-driven POJOs and listeners

Open source messaging tools

Apache ActiveMQ

Setting up ApacheMQ for point-to-point messaging

Use case for ApacheMq with Spring JmsTemplate

Spring dependency

Implementing the Order Management Messaging System with SpringJMS and ActiveMQ

Configuring dispatcherservlet.xml to use JMS

Working with multiple queues in ApacheMQ

Configuring JMS transactions

Configuring multiple JMS listeners and adapters

JMS transactions


3. Mailing with Spring Mail

Spring mail message handling process

Interfaces and classes used for sending mails with Spring

Sending mail using the @Configuration annotation

Sending mail using MailSender and SimpleMailMessage with the XML configuration

Sending mails to multiple recipients

Sending MIME messages

Sending attachments with mails

Sending preconfigured mails

Using Spring templates with Velocity to send HTML mails

Sending Spring mails over a different thread

Sending Spring mails with AOP


4. Jobs with Spring Batch

Introduction to Spring Batch

Use cases for using Spring Batch

Goals of batch processing

Architecture of a batch job

Using an enterprise batch

Dependency for Spring Batch

Key components of Spring Batch

Developing a sample batch application

Creating a sample batch application using the Tasklet interface

Using Spring Batch to read a CSV file

Spring Batch with a Spring scheduler

Configuring Spring Batch with Quartz scheduler

Using Spring Batch to read a file and update a MongoDB database

Using Spring Batch with threads to partition jobs

Intercepting a Spring Batch job with listeners

Unit testing Spring Batch applications


5. Spring Integration with FTP

Maven dependency

Spring's XSD for FTP

Configuring an outbound channel adapter for FTP

Configuring an inbound channel adapter for FTP

FTPSessionFactory and FTPSSessionFactory

Spring FTP using an outbound channel example

Configuring Spring FTP to read files in subfolders using the gateway

Configuring Spring FTP in Java

Sending files over FTP using the Spring integration

FTP application using the Spring integration and Spring batch


6. Spring Integration with HTTP

HTTP methods and status codes

HTTP headers

HTTP time-out

HTTP proxy settings in Java

Proxy configuration support in Spring

Spring Integration support for HTTP

Spring Integration support for multipart HTTP requests

Spring Integration support for HTTP responses

Configuring the outbound HTTP messages

Configuring cookies with OutboundGateway

Configuring InboundGateway with both no response and with the response

RequestMapping support for an inbound channel adapter or a gateway

Configuring the RequestMapping using the HTTP inbound endpoint

Configuring the inbound channel adapter to read request information from the URL

Configuring the outbound gateway for HTTP responses

Configuring the outbound adapter for different response types

Mapping URI variables as subelement with an HTTP outbound gateway and an outbound channel adapter

Handling time-out with the HTTP outbound gateway and the HTTP inbound gateway

Spring support for header customizations

Sending multipart HTTP requests using Spring's RestTemplate


7. Spring with Hadoop

Apache Hadoop modules

Spring namespace for Hadoop

Hadoop Distributed Files System


Map and Reduce

Creating a configuration object in Spring for Map and Reduce

Map and Reduce jobs with Spring

Dependencies for Maven project

Map and Reduce jobs using Hadoop streaming and Spring DataApache Hadoop


8. Spring with OSGI

OSGI containers

OSGI usage

Spring integration with OSGI

Spring Dynamic Modules and OSGI

Simple applications with OSGI

Integrating Spring Dynamic Modules with OSGI


9. Bootstrap your Application with Spring Boot

Setting up Spring Boot

Spring Gradle MVC application

Hot swapping with Spring Boot

Integrating Spring Boot with Spring Security

Cloud Foundry support for Eclipse Spring Boot

RestfulWebService using Spring Boot


10. Spring Cache

Spring annotations for caching

@Cacheable usage

The @CacheEvict usage

Spring caching repository

The Ehcache popular library

Spring CacheManager

Maven dependency for Spring with caching

Declarative configuration of ehcache

Spring MVC with caching

Implementing your own caching algorithm


11. Spring with Thymeleaf Integration

Thymeleaf attributes

Spring Thymeleaf dependency

Spring MVC and Thymeleaf

MVC with Spring Thymeleaf

Spring Boot with Thymeleaf and Maven

Reloading Thymeleaf templates

Spring security with Thymeleaf


12. Spring with Web Service Integration

Spring with JAX-WS

Spring Web Services with JAXB marshalling for request

Writing a client application for Spring Web Services using JAXB unmarshalling for request



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