


Learning Spark SQL电子书

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作       者:Aurobindo Sarkar

出  版  社:Packt Publishing


字       数:50.3万

所属分类: 进口书 > 外文原版书 > 电脑/网络



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Design, implement, and deliver successful streaming applications, machine learning pipelines and graph applications using Spark SQL API About This Book ? Learn about the design and implementation of streaming applications, machine learning pipelines, deep learning, and large-scale graph processing applications using Spark SQL APIs and Scala. ? Learn data exploration, data munging, and how to process structured and semi-structured data using real-world datasets and gain hands-on exposure to the issues and challenges of working with noisy and "dirty" real-world data. ? Understand design considerations for scalability and performance in web-scale Spark application architectures. Who This Book Is For If you are a developer, engineer, or an architect and want to learn how to use Apache Spark in a web-scale project, then this is the book for you. It is assumed that you have prior knowledge of SQL querying. A basic programming knowledge with Scala, Java, R, or Python is all you need to get started with this book. What You Will Learn ? Familiarize yourself with Spark SQL programming, including working with DataFrame/Dataset API and SQL ? Perform a series of hands-on exercises with different types of data sources, including CSV, JSON, Avro, MySQL, and MongoDB ? Perform data quality checks, data visualization, and basic statistical analysis tasks ? Perform data munging tasks on publically available datasets ? Learn how to use Spark SQL and Apache Kafka to build streaming applications ? Learn key performance-tuning tips and tricks in Spark SQL applications ? Learn key architectural components and patterns in large-scale Spark SQL applications In Detail In the past year, Apache Spark has been increasingly adopted for the development of distributed applications. Spark SQL APIs provide an optimized interface that helps developers build such applications quickly and easily. However, designing web-scale production applications using Spark SQL APIs can be a complex task. Hence, understanding the design and implementation best practices before you start your project will help you avoid these problems. This book gives an insight into the engineering practices used to design and build real-world, Spark-based applications. The book's hands-on examples will give you the required confidence to work on any future projects you encounter in Spark SQL. It starts by familiarizing you with data exploration and data munging tasks using Spark SQL and Scala. Extensive code examples will help you understand the methods used to implement typical use-cases for various types of applications. You will get a walkthrough of the key concepts and terms that are common to streaming, machine learning, and graph applications. You will also learn key performance-tuning details including Cost Based Optimization (Spark 2.2) in Spark SQL applications. Finally, you will move on to learning how such systems are architected and deployed for a successful delivery of your project. Style and approach This book is a hands-on guide to designing, building, and deploying Spark SQL-centric production applications at scale.

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Learning Spark SQL


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Getting Started with Spark SQL

What is Spark SQL?

Introducing SparkSession

Understanding Spark SQL concepts

Understanding Resilient Distributed Datasets (RDDs)

Understanding DataFrames and Datasets

Understanding the Catalyst optimizer

Understanding Catalyst optimizations

Understanding Catalyst transformations

Introducing Project Tungsten

Using Spark SQL in streaming applications

Understanding Structured Streaming internals


Using Spark SQL for Processing Structured and Semistructured Data

Understanding data sources in Spark applications

Selecting Spark data sources

Using Spark with relational databases

Using Spark with MongoDB (NoSQL database)

Using Spark with JSON data

Using Spark with Avro files

Using Spark with Parquet files

Defining and using custom data sources in Spark


Using Spark SQL for Data Exploration

Introducing Exploratory Data Analysis (EDA)

Using Spark SQL for basic data analysis

Identifying missing data

Computing basic statistics

Identifying data outliers

Visualizing data with Apache Zeppelin

Sampling data with Spark SQL APIs

Sampling with the DataFrame/Dataset API

Sampling with the RDD API

Using Spark SQL for creating pivot tables


Using Spark SQL for Data Munging

Introducing data munging

Exploring data munging techniques

Pre-processing of the household electric consumption Dataset

Computing basic statistics and aggregations

Augmenting the Dataset

Executing other miscellaneous processing steps

Pre-processing of the weather Dataset

Analyzing missing data

Combining data using a JOIN operation

Munging textual data

Processing multiple input data files

Removing stop words

Munging time series data

Pre-processing of the time-series Dataset

Processing date fields

Persisting and loading data

Defining a date-time index

Using the TimeSeriesRDD object

Handling missing time-series data

Computing basic statistics

Dealing with variable length records

Converting variable-length records to fixed-length records

Extracting data from "messy" columns

Preparing data for machine learning

Pre-processing data for machine learning

Creating and running a machine learning pipeline


Using Spark SQL in Streaming Applications

Introducing streaming data applications

Building Spark streaming applications

Implementing sliding window-based functionality

Joining a streaming Dataset with a static Dataset

Using the Dataset API in Structured Streaming

Using output sinks

Using the Foreach Sink for arbitrary computations on output

Using the Memory Sink to save output to a table

Using the File Sink to save output to a partitioned table

Monitoring streaming queries

Using Kafka with Spark Structured Streaming

Introducing Kafka concepts

Introducing ZooKeeper concepts

Introducing Kafka-Spark integration

Introducing Kafka-Spark Structured Streaming

Writing a receiver for a custom data source


Using Spark SQL in Machine Learning Applications

Introducing machine learning applications

Understanding Spark ML pipelines and their components

Understanding the steps in a pipeline application development process

Introducing feature engineering

Creating new features from raw data

Estimating the importance of a feature

Understanding dimensionality reduction

Deriving good features

Implementing a Spark ML classification model

Exploring the diabetes Dataset

Pre-processing the data

Building the Spark ML pipeline

Using StringIndexer for indexing categorical features and labels

Using VectorAssembler for assembling features into one column

Using a Spark ML classifier

Creating a Spark ML pipeline

Creating the training and test Datasets

Making predictions using the PipelineModel

Selecting the best model

Changing the ML algorithm in the pipeline

Introducing Spark ML tools and utilities

Using Principal Component Analysis to select features

Using encoders

Using Bucketizer

Using VectorSlicer

Using Chi-squared selector

Using a Normalizer

Retrieving our original labels

Implementing a Spark ML clustering model


Using Spark SQL in Graph Applications

Introducing large-scale graph applications

Exploring graphs using GraphFrames

Constructing a GraphFrame

Basic graph queries and operations

Motif analysis using GraphFrames

Processing subgraphs

Applying graph algorithms

Saving and loading GraphFrames

Analyzing JSON input modeled as a graph

Processing graphs containing multiple types of relationships

Understanding GraphFrame internals

Viewing GraphFrame physical execution plan

Understanding partitioning in GraphFrames


Using Spark SQL with SparkR

Introducing SparkR

Understanding the SparkR architecture

Understanding SparkR DataFrames

Using SparkR for EDA and data munging tasks

Reading and writing Spark DataFrames

Exploring structure and contents of Spark DataFrames

Running basic operations on Spark DataFrames

Executing SQL statements on Spark DataFrames

Merging SparkR DataFrames

Using User Defined Functions (UDFs)

Using SparkR for computing summary statistics

Using SparkR for data visualization

Visualizing data on a map

Visualizing graph nodes and edges

Using SparkR for machine learning


Developing Applications with Spark SQL

Introducing Spark SQL applications

Understanding text analysis applications

Using Spark SQL for textual analysis

Preprocessing textual data

Computing readability

Using word lists

Creating data preprocessing pipelines

Understanding themes in document corpuses

Using Naive Bayes classifiers

Developing a machine learning application


Using Spark SQL in Deep Learning Applications

Introducing neural networks

Understanding deep learning

Understanding representation learning

Understanding stochastic gradient descent

Introducing deep learning in Spark

Introducing CaffeOnSpark

Introducing DL4J

Introducing TensorFrames

Working with BigDL

Tuning hyperparameters of deep learning models

Introducing deep learning pipelines

Understanding Supervised learning

Understanding convolutional neural networks

Using neural networks for text classification

Using deep neural networks for language processing

Understanding Recurrent Neural Networks

Introducing autoencoders


Tuning Spark SQL Components for Performance

Introducing performance tuning in Spark SQL

Understanding DataFrame/Dataset APIs

Optimizing data serialization

Understanding Catalyst optimizations

Understanding the Dataset/DataFrame API

Understanding Catalyst transformations

Visualizing Spark application execution

Exploring Spark application execution metrics

Using external tools for performance tuning

Cost-based optimizer in Apache Spark 2.2

Understanding the CBO statistics collection

Statistics collection functions

Filter operator

Join operator

Build side selection

Understanding multi-way JOIN ordering optimization

Understanding performance improvements using whole-stage code generation


Spark SQL in Large-Scale Application Architectures

Understanding Spark-based application architectures

Using Apache Spark for batch processing

Using Apache Spark for stream processing

Understanding the Lambda architecture

Understanding the Kappa Architecture

Design considerations for building scalable stream processing applications

Building robust ETL pipelines using Spark SQL

Choosing appropriate data formats

Transforming data in ETL pipelines

Addressing errors in ETL pipelines

Implementing a scalable monitoring solution

Deploying Spark machine learning pipelines

Understanding the challenges in typical ML deployment environments

Understanding types of model scoring architectures

Using cluster managers


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