


Creating Development Environments with Vagrant - Second Edition电子书

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作       者:Michael Peacock

出  版  社:Packt Publishing


字       数:138.7万

所属分类: 进口书 > 外文原版书 > 电脑/网络



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If you are a developer who wants to have your development environment accurately reflect your live servers to tackle the ever-increasing complexity of web and software projects, this book is most certainly intended for you! It's assumed that you know the basics of Linux systems in the context of web-based projects.

Creating Development Environments with Vagrant Second Edition

Table of Contents

Creating Development Environments with Vagrant Second Edition


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1. Getting Started with Vagrant

Introducing Vagrant

Requirements for Vagrant

Getting started

Installing VirtualBox

Installing Vagrant


2. Managing Vagrant Boxes and Projects

Creating our first Vagrant project

Managing Vagrant-controlled guest machines

Powering up a Vagrant-controlled virtual machine

Suspending a virtual machine

Resuming a virtual machine

Shutting down a virtual machine

Starting from scratch

Updating based on Vagrantfile changes

Connecting to the virtual machine over SSH

Managing integration between host and guest machines

Port forwarding

Synced folders


Autorunning commands

Managing Vagrant boxes

Adding Vagrant boxes

Listing Vagrant boxes

Checking for updates

Removing Vagrant boxes

Repackaging a Vagrant box

Updating the current environment's box

Too many Vagrants!


3. Provisioning with Puppet



Creating modules and manifests with Puppet

Puppet classes

Default Puppet manifests


Resource requirements

Resource execution ordering

The notify, subscribe, and refreshonly parameters

Executing resources in stages

Installing software

Updating our package manager

Installing the nginx package

Running the nginx service

File management

Copying a file

Creating a symlink

Creating folders

Creating multiple folders in one go

Cron management

Running commands

Managing users and groups

Creating groups

Creating users

Updating the sudoers file

Creating configurable classes

Puppet modules

Using Puppet to provision servers


4. Using Ansible

Understanding Ansible

Installing Ansible

Creating an inventory

Creating Ansible playbooks

Modules – what Ansible can do

Installing software

Updating our package manager

Installing the nginx package

Running the nginx service

Understanding file management

Copying a file

Creating a symlink

Creating folders

Managing cron

Running commands

Managing users and groups

Creating groups

Creating users

Using Ansible roles

Using Ansible to provision servers


5. Using Chef

Knowing about Chef

Creating cookbooks and recipes with Chef

Resources – what Chef can do

Installing software

Updating our package manager

Installing the nginx package

Running the nginx service

Understanding file management

Copying a file

Creating a symlink

Creating folders

Creating multiple folders in a single process with looping

Managing cron

Running commands

Managing users and groups

Creating groups

Creating users

Updating the sudoers file

Knowing common resource functionalities

Using Chef cookbooks

Using Chef to provision servers


6. Provisioning Vagrant Machines with Puppet, Ansible, and Chef

Provisioning within Vagrant

Provisioning with Puppet on Vagrant

Using Puppet in standalone mode

Puppet provisioning in action

Using Puppet in client/server mode

Provisioning with Ansible on Vagrant

Provisioning with Chef on Vagrant

Using Chef-solo

Using Chef in client/server mode

Provisioning with SSH – a recap

Using multiple provisioners on a single project

Overriding provisioning via the command line


7. Working with Multiple Machines

Using multiple machines with Vagrant

Defining multiple virtual machines

Connecting to the multiple virtual machines over SSH

Networking the multiple virtual machines

Provisioning the machines separately

Destroying a multimachine project


8. Creating Your Own Box

Getting started

Preparing the VirtualBox machine

VirtualBox Guest Additions

Vagrant authentication

Vagrant user and admin group

The sudoers file

Insecure public/private key pair


Installing Puppet

Installing Chef

Cleaning up the VM



9. HashiCorp Atlas

Discovering boxes

Installing new boxes

Updating existing boxes

Checking for outdated boxes

Distributing boxes

Sharing and connecting with Atlas

Logging Vagrant into Vagrant Cloud

Sharing a Vagrant virtual machine over HTTP(S)

Sharing and connecting to a Vagrant virtual machine


A. A Sample LEMP Stack

Creating the Vagrant project

Creating the Puppet manifests

Installing Nginx

Installing PHP

Installing the MySQL module

Default manifest

Installing Nginx and PHP

Hostname configuration

E-mail sending services

MySQL configuration

Launching the virtual machine



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