


Drupal 5 Views Recipes电子书

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作       者:Marjorie Roswell

出  版  社:Packt Publishing


字       数:123.7万

所属分类: 进口书 > 外文原版书 > 电脑/网络



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This book will give you a long list of powerful recipes. Choose the ones that suit your needs and use them through step-by-step instructions. Most of the recipes are code-free, but a number of the recipes contain code snippets. This book is primarily written for Drupal site builders, administrators, and themers who want to develop custom content displays using Views. It can be used by anyone who has a Drupal 5 web site, including original site developers as well as people who have inherited a Drupal 5 site. Some knowledge of HTML and CSS is required; PHP basics will be handy for some of the recipes.

Drupal 5 Views Recipes

Table of Contents

Drupal 5 Views Recipes


About the Author


About the Reviewer


What this book covers

What you need for this book

Who this book is for


Reader feedback

Customer support

Downloading the example code for the book




1. Introduction to Views

Recipe 1: Installing the Views module

Finding or creating the <DRUPALROOT>/sites/all/modules directory

Downloading and uncompressing the module

Enabling the module

Recipe notes

Command line tips

Recipe 2: Views-related URLs on your site

Recipe notes

Recipe 3: Creating a "Swim Groups" Page View

Creating a new Content type (Swim Group), and adding content

Creating a View

Selecting Filters

Recipe notes

Recipe 4: Adding a Header to your View

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Recipe 5: Adding a View to a Menu

Recipe notes

Recipe 6: Creating a Block of Swim Groups

Recipe notes

Recipe 7: Creating an "Admin" Role and setting Access Permissions

Installing the Admin Role module

Adding an Admin Role

Configuring the Admin Role module

Creating a User for the Admin Role

Recipe notes

Recipe 8: Installing Firefox and Firebug

Installing Firefox

Installing Firebug

Recipe notes

Recipe 9: Revealing the full extent of Views

Ensure that Firefox and Firebug are installed (See Recipe 8)

Running the jQuery command

Recipe notes

Recipe 10: Preparing Views Worksheets

Recipe notes


2. Working with Default Views

Recipe 11: Adding "Recent Comments" to your site

Overriding the View

Configuring the Block

Configuring the Date Field

Recipe notes

Recipe 12: The frontpage View

Teaser List

Node Feed Selector Argument

Enabling the Views RSS module

Looking at the Frontpage View, and Overriding it

Basic Information fieldset

Page fieldset

Fields fieldset

Feed Selector Argument

Filters fieldset

Sort Criteria fieldset

Enabling the frontpage View to show on the front page

Removing duplicate search engine results

Recipe notes

Recipe 13: Read More link

Recipe notes

Recipe 14: All-time Popular, and Recent Popular Pages

Enabling Statistics

Overriding the Default Views

The Menu Options

Recipe notes

Recipe 15: All-time Popular, and Recent popular Blocks—removing the hit count

Adding the blocks to a region

Removing the hits from the popular_alltime block

Recipe notes

Another alternative

User-submitted snippets

Recipe 16: Taxonomy View

Recipe notes

Recipe 17: Fixing the case of the missing Taxonomy term

Recipe notes

Recipe 18: Empty Text, with PHP

Generating a list of Regional categories

Recipe notes

Recipe 19: Getting to know the Tracker

Recipe notes

Recipe 20: Making the Tracker Sortable

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Recipe 21: Integrating the Tracker View with the Tracker module

Recipe notes

Recipe 22: Reviewing Default Views code

Recipe notes

Recipe 23: Creating a Default View

The ".info" file

Default Views function in a ".inc" file

Including the Default View in a ".module" file.

Recipe notes


3. CCK and Views

Recipe 24: Addressing the Views Body Field issue

Demonstrating the Body Field issue

Copying the Body Field, and modifying the View

Recipe notes

Recipe 25: Creating Website snapshots

Installing modules

Creating a Content Type

Adding the Link Field

Create a Website Snapshots View

Recipe notes

Recipe 26: Creating a Blogroll

Modifying the Link Field

Creating a new view based on website_snapshots

Placing the Blogroll Block

Recipe notes

Recipe 27: Displaying Guitar Chords

Recipe notes

Recipe 28: Using the Viewfield module

Installing modules

Views, Taxonomy, and Content setup

Associating the View with a Content item

Recipe notes

Recipe 29: Using the Node Reference module

Enabling the modules

Creating the Media Hit and Press Release Content types

Adding Press Releases

Creating drop-down Press Release View

Modifying and populating the Media Hit Content type

Recipe notes

Recipe 30: Relating Content types with Reverse Node Reference

Recipe notes

Recipe 31:Embedding a View in a Theme template

Recipe notes

Recipe 32: Displaying mini-pie charts

Setting up the Pie Chart Content type and View

Install and configure sIFR

Recipe notes


4. Dates and Calendars

Recipe 33: Understanding Date formats

Recipe notes

Recipe 34: Block of upcoming workshops

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Recipe 35: Exposed Filters

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Recipe 36: Views Date Range Filter module

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Recipe 37: Exposed Filter settings

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Recipe 38: Summary Views

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Recipe 39: Date Browser

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Recipe 40: Timeline

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Recipe 41: Views Popup

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Recipe 42: Creating a Calendar

Installation and configuration

View setup

Installing Calendar Blocks

Recipe notes

Recipe 43: iCal feeds

Import Calendar items

Export Calendar items

Recipe notes

Recipe 44: Upgrade Date and Calendar modules

Backing up the Database

Approach 1: Backup with mysqldump

Approach 2: Backup with the Drupal Backup and Migrate module

Upgrading Calendar and Date

Recipe notes


5. Views and Tools for Administrators

Recipe 45: Administration menu

Recipe notes

Recipe 46: ModuleInfo

Recipe notes

Recipe 47: Views UI permissions

Recipe notes

Recipe 48: Views UI Sort

Recipe notes

Recipe 49: Editablefields

Recipe notes

Recipe 50: Views Bulk Operations—Content administration

Recipe notes

Recipe 51: Views Bulk Operations—Taxonomy assignment

Recipe notes

Recipe 52: Views Custom Field

Recipe notes

Recipe 53: Cron setup

Example 1: Setting up Cron using cPanel

Example 2: Setting up Cron on a Linux box

Example 3: Using the Poormanscron module

Recipe notes

Recipe 54: Formatting Views queries

Recipe notes


6. Views Galore

Recipe 55: Views Fusion

Patch the Node Reference module

Views setup

Views Fusion installation and configuration

Recipe notes

Recipe 56: Views Fast Search


Using the Default View

Using an Alternative Imported View

Replacing the Search block

Recipe notes

Recipe 57: YouTube Video Bar

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Recipe 58: Views Bonus Pack Export

Recipe notes

Recipe 59: Photo Gallery

Set up the Photo Content type

Configure ImageCache

Add Photos

View setup

Recipe notes

Recipe 60: Gallery with Lightbox2 and jQuery Update

Installing jQuery Update

Installing Lightbox2

Recipe notes

Recipe 61: Google Maps

Setup Google Maps Tools

Create and populate the Content types

View setup

Recipe notes

Recipe 62: Proximity Search

Recipe notes

Recipe 63: Views Calculations

Recipe 64: Podcasting


Adding content

View setup

Recipe notes

Recipe 65: Using the Flag module for Bookmarks

Default Bookmarks View

Recipe 66: Using the Flag module for various use cases

Viewing a List of inappropriate comments

Creating a view for Fact-Checkers

View of RSVPs

Recipe notes

Recipe 67: Explore more Views, Galore

Views Checkboxes


Default Views


7. Theming and Layout

Recipe 68: Themeable functions reference

Recipe notes

Recipe 69: Displaying Themeable function names in Source Code

Recipe notes

Recipe 70: Using Panels with SimpleFeed


Creating Feed Content

Create Views

Enabling specific Views for Panels

Panels setup

Placing Panels on the Front Page

Recipe notes

Recipe 71: Tweaking output with hook_link_alter

Recipe notes

Recipe 72: Debugging

Recipe notes

Recipe 73: Node-feed-item.tpl.php

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Recipe 74: Format the Pager with CSS-only modifications

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Recipe 75: Overriding the theme_pager function

Recipe notes

Recipe 76: Understanding how Theme functions are called

Recipe notes

Recipe 77: Override theme_views_view

Recipe notes

Recipe 78: Total Item count

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Recipe 79: Views Theme Wizard

Frequently asked Questions:

Recipe notes

Recipe 80: Date badge

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Recipe 81: Grouped View

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Recipe 82: Body classes

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Recipe 83: Carousel View

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Recipe 84: Views Dashboard—code approach

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Recipe 85: Views Dashboard—module approach

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Recipe 86: Great Online Theming resources


8. Navigating the Online Drupal Community

Recipe 87: Creating an issue Page Bookmark

Recipe notes

Recipe 88: Searching the Views issue queue

Basic Search

Advanced Search

Recipe notes

Recipe 89: Posting an issue

Posting a New issue

Responding to an existing issue

Recipe notes

Recipe 90: Applying a Patch

Recipe notes

Recipe 91: Creating a Patch

Recipe notes

Recipe 92: Installing a Search plugin for the Contributions API

Recipe notes

Recipe 93: Using IRC—real-time technical support

Recipe notes

Recipe 94: Exploring Resources


A. Default Views in Drupal 5 Modules

B. Formatters

C. Style Plugins

D. Views Hooks for Coders

E. Modules Included in Recipe Ingredients

F. Additional Resources and Modules Mentioned in Recipes

G. Selected Noteworthy Patches to Views


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