


Liferay Beginner's Guide电子书

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2人正在读 | 0人评论 9.8

作       者:Robert Chen

出  版  社:Packt Publishing


字       数:157.5万

所属分类: 进口书 > 外文原版书 > 电脑/网络



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Part of Packt’s Beginner’s Guide series, each chapter follows the creation of a fictional neighbourhood site to demonstrate an aspect of Liferay portal with practical examples, screenshots, and step-by-step instructions. All you need in order to benefit from the Liferay Beginner’s Guide is programming experience. No prior knowledge of Liferay is required, although experienced Liferay portal programmers who need to get up to speed with its latest features will also find this book useful.


Table of Contents



About the Authors

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What this book covers

What you need for this book

Who this book is for


Time for action – heading

What just happened?

Pop quiz – heading

Have a go hero – heading

Reader feedback

Customer support

Downloading the example code for this book




1. Planning Your Portal

What is Liferay Portal?

Time for action – browsing sites based on Liferay Portal

What just happened?

Definition of a portal

Horizontal vs. vertical portals

Time for action – comparing Yahoo! and YouTube

What just happened?

Open source vs. commercial portals

Time for action – finding the source code of Liferay Portal

What just happened?

Pop quiz – multiple choices

Liferay Portal architecture

Web service provider

Liferay is flexible

Liferay is standard compliant

Pop quiz – multiple choices

Main Liferay Portal features

Theme and layout

Communities and organizations

Content Management System and Web Content Management

Time for action – watching Liferay Portal portlets in action

What just happened?

Pop quiz

Preparation for Liferay Portal installation

Hardware requirements

Time for action – finding RAM information

What just happened?

Software requirements

Operating systems

Java Development Kit

Time for action – installing JDK

What just happened?

Application servers and servlet containers

Database servers

Time for action – installing MySQL database server

What just happened?

Web browser

Installing OpenOffice

Time for action – installing OpenOffice

What just happened?

Time for action – starting OpenOffice service

What just happened?

Time for action – checking the OpenOffice service

What just happened?

Archive tools

Pop quiz


2. Installing a Liferay Portal Instance

Getting started

Liferay with Apache Tomcat

Time for action – deploying on Tomcat

What just happened?

Liferay with JBoss Application Server

Time for action – deploying on JBoss AS

What just happened?

Liferay with GlassFish

Time for action – deploying in GlassFish

What just happened?

Liferay with Oracle WebLogic

Time for action – configuring Weblogic

Configuring Oracle WebLogic

What just happened?

Deploying Liferay on WebLogic

What just happened?

Liferay on existing Tomcat

Time for action – deploying Liferay

What just happened?

Database configuration

Time for action – creating the database

What just happened?

Configuring Liferay to use MySQL

Time for action – changing the file

What just happened?


3. Understanding Portal Basics and Theming

Understanding a portal

Navigating Liferay

Time for action – signing in to Liferay Portal

What just happened?

Getting familiar with the Dockbar

The Add option

Time for action – creating a new page and adding a portlet

What just happened?

Have a go hero – installing a new portlet

Pop quiz – true or false

Using the Manage option

Time for action – accessing a portal with a normal user account

What just happened?

Pop quiz – select the correct answer

Getting an overview of Liferay Portal Architecture

Understanding the Liferay building blocks


User group





Pop quiz

Basics of the Control Panel

Visiting the Control Panel

Time for action – creating a new user

What just happened?

Changing Portal's look and feel with themes

Time for action – installing a new theme and applying it to the portal

What just happened?


4. Tips and Tricks-Advanced Configuration

Renaming our portal

Time for action – changing our portal name

What just happened?

SSO with OpenID

Time for action – using OpenID for authentication

What just happened?

Ask users to accept terms before accessing Liferay

Time for action – enabling Terms of Use

Time for action – changing Terms of Use

What just happened?

E-mail notifications

Time for action – enable notification for account creation

What just happened?

Adding custom attributes for User

Time for action – giving the option to add a user's favorite sport

Have a go hero – add more custom attributes

OpenOffice integration

Time for action – enabling OpenOffice integration

What just happened?

Changing the hostname

Time for action – changing our portal name

What just happened?

Mail server

Time for action – enabling the mail server


5. Building your First Liferay Site

Designing the site – painting the full picture





Have a go hero – finding out information for an intranet portal

Knowing the portal requirements

CIGNEX Neighborhood portal

Organizing users in an organization and a community

Organization—structured grouping of users

Adding the organization

Time for action – creating organization for CIGNEX Neighborhood

Time for action – understanding actions associated with the organization

What just happened?

Have a go hero – adding a sub-organization to Neighborhood Congress

Understanding the difference between a Location and Regular Organization

Pop quiz – true or false?

Community—a collection of users having common interests

Adding the community

Time for action – creating a community for CIGNEX Neighborhood

What just happened?

Time for action – understanding actions associated with the community

Have a go hero – adding more communities to the CIGNEX Neighborhood

Pop quiz – true or false?

What suits your portal—organization or community?

Using organizations

Using communities

User groups—arbitrary collection of users

Time for action – adding a user group to CIGNEX Neighborhood

Time for action – understanding the actions associated with the group

What just happened?

User group and page templates

Time for action – creating a page template for the Bowlers user group

What just happened?

Pop quiz – multiple choice


6. Managing Pages, Users, and Permissions


Creating pages for the Neighborhood site

Creating pages for Neighborhood communities

Time for action – creating pages for Neighborhood communities

What just happened?

Have a go hero – other top-level and child pages

Setting page-level attributes to define page characteristics

Time for action – providing a HTML title and friendly URL for a page

What just happened?

Pop quiz – true or false?

Exploring the User section

Configuration for user pages' default porltets

Creating an administrator user to manage the Neighborhood site

Time for action – creating a user and assigning an administrator role

What just happened?

Editing the user profile

Time for action – modifying user details

What just happened?

Assigning users to Neighborhood communities and organizations

Time for action – assigning a user to communities and organizations

What just happened?

Have a go hero – adding additional users to site

Disabling the option to register for the site for guest users

Time for action – disabling the Register option for a guest user

What just happened?

Pop quiz

Exploring role/permission management in Liferay

Creating a role to manage pages of the Neighborhood site

Time for action – creating a role to manage pages

What just happened?

Portal scoped roles

Community/Organization roles

Assigning users to community/organization administrator role

Time for action – assigning community/organization Administrator role

What just happened?

Have a go hero – creating a community role to grant blog creation permission

What just happened?

More on permissions

Defining resource-level permissions

Time for action – defining permissions for a bookmark entry

What just happened?

Have a go hero – defining the View permission for the Bookmark portlet

Pop quiz


7. Creating and Publishing Content

Content management preview

Analyzing online content

Organizing content

Purpose of Liferay content management

Uploading images

Time for action – uploading an image file

What just happened?

Pop quiz

Have a go hero – uploading another image

Creating web content

Regular web content

Time for action –adding content to the welcome page

What just happened?

Web content with a structure and template

Time for action – creating a structure

What just happened?

Time for action – creating a template

What just happened?

Time for action – creating template-based content

What just happened?

Migrated web content

Time for action –migrating static content from an existing site using the web content portlet

What just happened?

Pop quiz

Have a go hero – exploring the content creation process

Displaying web content

Welcome page

Time for action – adding content to the Welcome page

What just happened?

Houses-on-Sale page

Time for action – selling houses online

What just happened?

Registration page

Time for action – populating the registration page

What just happened?

Pop quiz

Have a go hero – tweaking content display

Uploading documents

Time for action – uploading a video file

What just happened?

Time for action – uploading a PDF file

What just happened?

Pop quiz

Have a go hero – find out more about file uploading

Showing a PDF file link in web content

Time for action – embedding a link for a PDF file

What just happened?

Pop quiz

Have a go hero – checking file permissions

Enabling comments for web content

Time for action – enabling comments for content

What just happened?

Pop quiz

Have a go hero – adding comment about content

Disclosing decrypted Congress documents

Time for action – displaying documents

What just happened?

Pop quiz

Have a go hero – adding comments

Managing content

Reviewing web content

Time for action – using the web content list portlet

What just happened?

Pop quiz

Have a go hero – filtering content

Monitoring other content

Time for action – adding the asset publisher portlet

What just happened?

Pop quiz

Have a go hero – updating content

Converting web content to formatted files

Time for action – adding a file conversion feature

What just happened?

Pop quiz

Have a go hero – performing conversion


8. Exploring Communities


Setting up an online game using Flash Portlet

Time for action – setting up an online game using Flash Portlet

What just happened?

Have a go hero – displaying a Vegetable schedule

Adding Web Content Display to announce a cricket match

Time for action – announcing a cricket match

What just happened?

Using Video Portlet to share Neighborhood videos

Time for action – sharing Neighborhood videos

What just happened?

Sharing Neighborhood photos using Image Gallery

Time for action – sharing Neighborhood photos

What just happened?

Pop quiz – multiple choice

Exploring chat functionality to enable chat between Neighborhood members

Time for action – exploring chat functionality

What just happened?

Pop quiz – True or false

Integrating Open Social Gadgets in Neighborhood site

Time for action – integrating Open Social Gadgets

What just happened?

Creating bookmark of useful links using Bookmark Portlet

Time for action – creating bookmarks of useful links

What just happened?

Conducting polls in the Neighborhood site using Polls Portlet

Time for action – creating bookmarks of useful links

What just happened?

Pop quiz – multiple choice

Have a go hero – creating more polls

Changing language of Neighborhood site using Language Portlet

Time for action – changing language using Language Portlet

What just happened?

Have a go hero – change user language

Displaying breaking news as a carousel on the Neighborhood site

Time for action – displaying breaking news as a carousel

What just happened?

Defining a search on the Neighborhood site

Setting site wide search on the Neighborhood site

Time for action – searching all content

What just happened?

Setting Web Content search on the Neighborhood site

Time for action – searching for Web Content

What just happened?

Have a go hero – searching only general content


9. Setting up an Online Shop

Getting started with online store setup

Online shop configuration

Page configuration

Time for action – configuring an online shop page

What just happened?

Payment configuration

Time for action – configuring tax rate and currency

What just happened?

Payment method configuration

Time for action – configuring payment through PayPal

What just happened?

Adding PayPal Sandbox environment support in the Shopping portlet

Time for action – installing a plugin to provide PayPal Sandbox environment support

What just happened?

What about payment with credit cards?

Shipping cost configuration

Time for action – configuring the shipping cost

What just happened?

Percentage formula for shipping cost calculation

Insurance cost configuration

Time for action – configuring the insurance cost

What just happened?

E-mail configuration

Time for action – configuring the e-mail templates

What just happened?

Pop quiz

Shopping items

Item categories

Time for action – item category creation

What just happened?

Changing the Parent Category

Have a go hero – define another subcategory

Shopping items

Time for action – item creation

What just happened?

Basic attributes

Fields section attributes

Prices section attributes

Images section attributes

Have a go hero – defining a complete set of items for our shop

Pop quiz

Shopping cart

Have a go hero – creating a login id for our customer

Let's do shopping

Time for action – adding items to the shopping cart

What just happened?

Item listing view (category listing view)

Item details view

Shopping cart view

Pop quiz

Checkout process

Time for action – making a payment

What just happened?

Address details

Order confirmation

Have a go hero – verifying PayPal accounts

Order management

Time for action – processing the order

What just happened?

Order listing

Order details

Promotion offers

Time for action – promoting offers

What just happened?

Coupon listing

Edit coupon details

Have a go hero – advertising

Pop quiz


10. Liferay Server Administration

Getting started with server administration

Monitoring and managing server resources

Time for action – monitoring and controlling Liferay resources

Memory utilization

Used Memory versus Total Memory

Used Memory versus Maximum Memory

Memory management operations

General maintenance operations

Managing log levels

Time for action – configuring the log levels

What just happened?

What if the class or package entry is not found?

Configuring the log levels permanently

Time for action – changing log levels permanently

What just happened?

Managing file upload size and types

Time for action – configuring document library file settings

What just happened?

Monitoring portal sessions

Time for action – monitoring live user sessions

What just happened?

Configuring multiple portals on the same Liferay server

Time for action – configuring another portal instance

What just happened?

Virtual hosting of communities and organizations

Time for action – virtual host configuration

What just happened?

Implementing the staging environment

Time for action – configuring staging environments

What just happened?

Staging configuration

Publish to Live Now

Scheduled publication

Time for action – scheduling publication of portal changes

What just happened?


A. PayPal Test Account Configuration

B. Pop Quiz Answers

Chapter 1, Planning your Portal

Chapter 3, Understanding Portal Basics and Theming

Chapter 5, Building your First Liferay Site

Chapter 6, Managing Pages, Users, and Permissions

Chapter 7, Creating and Publishing Content

Chapter 8, Exploring the Communities

Chapter 9, Setting up an Online Shop

Bonus Chapter, Exploring Social Collaboration


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