


Moodle 2.0 for Business电子书

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作       者:Gavin Henrick

出  版  社:Packt Publishing


字       数:126.6万

所属分类: 进口书 > 外文原版书 > 电脑/网络



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Part of Packt's Beginner's Guide series, each chapter looks at a different aspect of using Moodle in a business environment, and steadily guides the reader through setting Moodle up in their own business with the help of practical examples, accompanied by lots of screenshots. Each chapter also includes case studies from well-known companies that have already implemented Moodle. If you are responsible for training, recruitment, or maintaining any guidelines within your company, then this book is for you. No previous experience with Moodle is necessary as the examples are easy to follow

Moodle 2.0 for Business

Table of Contents

Moodle 2.0 for Business


About the Authors

About the Reviewers


Support files, eBooks, discount offers and more

Why Subscribe?

Free Access for Packt account holders


What this book covers

Who this book is for


Time for action - heading

What just happened?

Time for reflection

Have a go hero - heading

Reader feedback

Customer support




1. Getting Started with Moodle

Why Moodle?

Why open source?

Installing Moodle for experimentation

Time for action - download and run the Moodle installer

What just happened?


Creating a course

Time for action - creating your first course

What just happened?

Basic Moodle tools

Time for action - adding a resource

What just happened?

Have a go hero - organizing resources

Creating a forum

Time for action - creating your first forum

What just happened?


Have a go hero - doing more with forums

An eLearning framework for implementing Moodle






Case Study—OpenText

What was the business problem(s) for which Moodle was chosen as the solution?

What was the solution and how did they arrive at the solution?

Why did they choose Moodle?

Was the project a success?

What were the benefits gained?

What lessons were learned?

Do you have any advice for future businesses who plan to implement Moodle?

Any other thoughts or comments?


2. Moodle in Hiring and Interviewing

Creating an assignment for submitting resumes/CVs

Time for action - creating the assignment

What just happened?

Have a go hero - adding an application form to the assignment module

Enabling user account creation

Time for action - how to enable self registration

What just happened?

Assessing submitted resumes/CVs

Time for action - screening the resumes/CVs

What just happened?

Have a go hero - evaluating cover letters

Time for reflection

Creating competency tests with the Moodle quiz module

Using Moodle to create competency tests

Time for action - enabling conditional activities

What just happened?

Time for action - creating a quiz

Time for action - adding questions to the quiz

What just happened?

Time for action - creating a Question Bank

What just happened?

Have a go hero - creating other question types

Time for action - grading competency test responses

What just happened?

Time for reflection

Have a go hero - adding randomized questions to a quiz

Creating a choice module to schedule interviews

Time for action - creating a choice module

What just happened?

Time for reflection

Creating resources and forums for the decision makers

Time for action - creating resources and forums for the decision makers

What just happened?

Time for action - creating question and answer forums

What just happened?

Time for reflection

Case Study—A&L Goodbody

What was the business problem(s) for which Moodle was chosen as the solution?

What was the solution and how did they arrive at the solution?

Why did they choose Moodle?

Was the project a success?

What were the benefits gained?

What lessons were learned?


3. Rollout Products and Services with Moodle

Some points to keep in mind

Setting up a course for a new product

Time for action - creating a Scheme of Work

What just happened?

Creating the course

Time for action - creating the course

What just happened?

Creating the structure

Time for action - editing topic summaries

What just happened?

Adding lesson objectives

Time for action - adding labels to each topic

What just happened?


Have a go hero - adding more topics

Creating a glossary of terminology

Time for action - creating a glossary

What just happened?

Adding terms to the glossary

Time for action - adding entries to the glossary

What just happened?

Creating flashcards

Time for action - adding the random glossary entry block

What just happened?

Breaking up a glossary into categories

Time for action - adding a category

What just happened?

Have a go hero - adding different glossaries


Implementing role-playing

Time for action - creating a chat

What just happened?

Recording the role-play

Time for action - a look at chat logging

What just happened?

Have a go hero - different chat options


Creating and assessing product knowledge sheets

Time for action - creating the outline of the product knowledge sheet

What just happened?

Building a structure

Time for action - creating the database

What just happened?

Adding fields

Time for action - adding a field to the database

What just happened?

Adding entries

Time for action - adding an entry to the database

What just happened?


Have a go hero - different database options

Case Study—AA Ireland

What was the business problem(s) for which Moodle was chosen as the solution?

What was the solution and how did they arrive at the solution?

Why did they choose Moodle?

Was the project a success?

What were the benefits gained?

What lessons were learned?

What advice does AA Ireland have for businesses that plan to implement Moodle?



4. Moodle for Managing Compliance Training

Using the lesson module as a training tool

Creating a lesson module

Time for action - creating a lesson module

What just happened?

Time for action - creating a content page

What just happened?

Time for action - creating a question page

What just happened?

Time for action - creating page jumps

What just happened?

Time for action - testing your lesson

What just happened?

Have a go hero - creating flash cards


Creating groups and groupings to manage employees going through training

Creating groups

Time for action - creating groups in your course

What just happened?

Time for action - enabling groupings in your course

What just happened?

Time for action - enabling group mode

What just happened?

Time for action - creating groupings

What just happened?

Time for action - filtering activity access via groupings

What just happened?

Time for action - adding users to groups

What just happened?

Have a go hero - adding an enrolment key


Using completion tracking

Time for action - enabling completion tracking

What just happened?

Time for action - configuring completion tracking in your course

What just happened?

Time for action - configuring completion tracking at the activity level

What just happened?

Have a go hero - blank questions


Course completion reports

Time for action - adding the completion status block to your course

What just happened?


Case Study—Aer Lingus

What was the business problem(s) for which Moodle was chosen as the solution?

What was the solution and how did they arrive at the solution?

Why did they choose Moodle?

Was the project a success?

What were the benefits gained?


5. CPD and Competency Tracking with Moodle

Some points to keep in mind

Enabling Outcomes in Moodle

Time for action - enabling Outcomes

What just happened?

Adding a scale

Time for action - creating a scale

What just happened?

Adding an Outcome

Time for action - editing topic summaries

What just happened?

Adding Outcomes in bulk


Have a go hero - creating more Outcomes

Using Outcomes in a course

Time for action - adding an Outcome to a course

What just happened?

Have a go hero - adding more Outcomes to the course

Adding an Outcome to an activity

Time for action - adding an Outcome to an online assignment

What just happened?

Grading an Outcome in an assignment

Time for action - grading the assignment

What just happened?

Have a go hero - add more Outcomes in the course


Reporting on Outcomes in a course

Time for action - viewing reports

What just happened?

Have a go hero - customizing the grader report

Case study—National Health Institute, Italy

What was the business problem(s) for which Moodle was chosen as the solution?

What was the solution and how did they arrive at the solution?

Why did they choose Moodle?

Was the project a success?

What were the benefits gained?

What lessons were learned

What advice does National Health Institute, Italy, have for businesses that plan to implement Moodle?

Some thoughts

Case study—Gulf Agency Company

What was the business problem(s) for which Moodle was chosen as the solution?

What was the solution and how did they arrive at the solution?

Why did they choose Moodle?

Was the project a success?

What were the benefits gained?

What lessons were learned?



6. Communities of Practice in Moodle

Creating a wiki for your community

Time for action - adding a wiki to the community site

What just happened?

Administering your wiki

Time for action: Revert a wiki page

What just happened?

Managing pages

Time for reflection

Creating a collaborative glossary

Time for action - creating a glossary

What just happened?

Time for action - creating the basic database shell

What just happened

Time for action - Creating the database fields

What just happened?

Time for action - edit the display template for a database

What just happened?

Have a go hero

Time for reflection

Creating community moderators

Time for action - creating the moderator role

What just happened?

Time for action - Assigning the role to a user in a forum

What just happened?

Have a go hero

Editing privileges for an existing role

Time for action - editing the privileges in a forum

What just happened?

Time for action - checking the users permissions

What just happened

Time for reflection

Using RSS feeds to improve communication

Creating RSS feeds from a forum

Time for action - Enabling RSS

What just happened

Time for action - Enabling RSS in a forum

What just happened?

Displaying an RSS feed in a course

Time for action - creating an RSS feed block

What just happened?

Case Study—Adapt

What was the business problem(s) for which Moodle was chosen as the solution?

What was the solution and how did they arrive at the solution?

Why did they choose Moodle?

Was the project a success?

What were the benefits gained?

What were the lessons learned?

Do you have any advice for future businesses that plan to implement Moodle?


7. Web Conferencing with Moodle

Some points to keep in mind

Background on web conferencing




Technology and web conferencing

Time for reflection

Using Adobe Connect Pro with Moodle

Time for action - find and install the module

What just happened?

Installing the module

Time for action - unzipping and uploading

What just happened?

Creating an Adobe Connect activity in Moodle

Time for action - creating an activity

What just happened?

Joining the Adobe Connect Room

Time for reflection

Have a go hero - creating more rooms

Using BigBlueButton with Moodle

Time for action - find and install the Module

What just happened?

Installing the Module

Time for action - Unzipping and uploading

What just happened?

Creating a BigBlueButton activity in Moodle

Time for action - creating a BigBlueButton activity

What just happened?

Joining the BigBlueButton virtual classroom

Time for reflection

Have a go hero - creating more rooms

Case study—Remote-Learner

What was the business problem(s) for which Moodle and Web Conferencing was chosen as the solution?

What was the solution and how did they arrive at the solution?

Why did they choose Moodle with these web conferencing platforms?

Was the project a success?

What were the benefits gained?

What lessons were learned?

What advice does Remote-Learner have for businesses that plan to implement Web Conferencing with Moodle?

Some thoughts



8. Integrating Moodle with Other Systems

Managing content in repositories

Using Alfresco to manage content

Time for action - installing Alfresco on your test site

What just happened

Time for action - add a repository plugin to Moodle

What just happened

Have a go hero

Time for action - adding content to Alfresco

What just happened

Have a go hero

Time for action - adding content from Alfresco to Moodle

What just happened

Time for action - creating a content conversion space

What just happened?

Time for action - adding a content rule to a space

What just happened?

Time for action - testing your new rule

What just happened

Have a go hero

Using Google Docs as a repository for Moodle

Time for action - configuring the Google Docs plugin

What just happened

Time for action - adding a Google Doc to your Moodle course

What just happened

Have a go hero

Time for reflection

Exporting content to e-portfolios

Time for action - installing Mahara

What just happened?

Time for action - configuring the networking and SSO

What just happened

Have a go hero

Time for action - enabling Mahara portfolio plugin

What just happened

Time for action - enabling Mahara to listen to Moodle

What just happened

Time for action - creating a Mahara portfolio

What just happened

Using Google Docs as a repository

Time for action - setting up the Google Docs portfolio plugin

What just happened

Time for action - exporting from a forum to Google Docs

What just happened

Have a go hero

Time for reflection

Case study

Why did you choose Moodle?

Was the project a success?

What benefits did TASB and its audience realize from the adoption of Moodle?

What lessons did you learn if you had to do it again?

Do you have any advice for future businesses who plan to implement Moodle?


9. Integrating Moodle into Enterprise

Authentication plugins available in Moodle

Internal authentication methods

External authentication methods

Time for action - enabling the LDAP plugin

What just happened

Time for action - enabling the external database plugin

What just happened?

Time for reflection

Enrollment plugins available in Moodle 2.0

Enrollment plugins

Time for action - automating enrollment with flat file

What just happened

Creating an enrollment flat file

Time for action - creating an enrollment flat file

What just happened

Time for action - editing flat file enrollment plugin settings

What just happened

Time for action - automating enrollment with external database plugin

What just happened?

Time for reflection

Customizing the look of your Moodle site

Applying one of the available existing themes

Time for action - applying standard themes

What just happened

Time for action - customizing themes with theme customization forms

What just happened

Time for action - changing the site header

What just happened

Time for action - editing language strings

What just happened

Have a go hero - adding a custom footer to your Moodle site

Case study—Raiffeisen International Fund Advisory

What was the business problem(s) for which Moodle was chosen as the solution?

What was the solution and how did they arrive at the solution?

Why did they choose Moodle?

Was the project a success?

What were the benefits gained?

What were the lessons learned?

Do you have any advice for future businesses which plan to implement Moodle?

Do you have any other thoughts or comments on Moodle?


A. Case study credits

Chapter 1: OpenText

Chapter 2: A&L Goodbody

Chapter 3: AA Ireland

Chapter 4: Aer Lingus

Chapter 5: ISS

Chapter 5: GAC

Chapter 6: ADAPT

Chapter 7: Remote-Learner

Chapter 8: Texas Association of School Boards

Chapter 9: RIFA


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