


Oracle Siebel CRM 8 Installation and Management电子书

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作       者:Alexander Hansal

出  版  社:Packt Publishing


字       数:561.4万

所属分类: 进口书 > 外文原版书 > 电脑/网络



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  • 读书简介
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This book provides a practical, hands-on experience. Chapter by chapter, a Siebel CRM self-study environment is created which can be used to follow the examples described in the book to explore the Siebel functionality. The book ensures that you understand what you are doing and why you are doing it. It contains clear step-by-step instructions, explanatory tables, screenshots, and precise diagrams. This book is for administrators who want to develop and strengthen their Siebel CRM skills in the areas of installation and system management. Whether you are a novice or a more experienced user, this book will teach you something new in many ways and by the end of the book, you will be ready to install and manage Siebel CRM in a real-world environment.

Oracle Siebel CRM 8 Installation and Management

Table of Contents

Oracle Siebel CRM 8 Installation and Management


About the Author

About the Reviewers


What this book covers

What you need for this book

Who this book is for


Reader feedback

Customer support




1. Introducing the Siebel Web Architecture

The Siebel web architecture

The Siebel database

The Siebel File System

The Siebel Enterprise Server

The Siebel Gateway Name Server

The Siebel Server

The Application Object Manager (AOM)

Configuration parameters

Data Manager (DM)

Siebel Repository File (SRF)

Siebel Web Engine (SWE)

Siebel Web Templates (SWT)

The web server

The Siebel Web Server Extension

The browser and the Siebel user interface


2. Planning and Preparing the Installation

Planning the Siebel CRM installation

Sample planning document

More planning information

Understanding hardware and software prerequisites

Sizing the Siebel deployment

Preparing the Siebel database

Creating the service owner account

Creating the Siebel File System root folder

Downloading the Siebel installation archives

Using a download management tool

Running the Siebel Image Creator

Obtaining the license key


3. Installing Siebel CRM Server Software on Microsoft Windows

About the Siebel server installer

Installation using GUI mode

Installation using console mode

Installing the Siebel Gateway Name Server

Installing the Siebel Server

Verifying successful Siebel Server installation

Installing the Siebel Database Server Utilities

About the Sample Database support module

Verifying the successful installation of the Siebel Database Server Utilities

Installing support files for the Siebel EAI Connectors

Installing the Siebel Web Server Extension

Checking the system configuration with the Siebel Environment Verification Tool (EVT)

Applying patches for Siebel server software


4. Configuring Siebel Server Software on Microsoft Windows

About the Siebel Software Configuration Wizard

Configuring the Siebel Gateway Name Server

Verifying the successful Siebel Gateway Name Server configuration

Configuring the Siebel Enterprise

About the Siebel Enterprise name

About additional tasks for configuring the Enterprise

Verifying the successful Enterprise configuration

Configuring the Siebel Web Server Extension logical profile

About SWSE parameters

Verifying the successful SWSE logical profile creation

Installing the Siebel Database schema and seed data

Preparing and executing the grantusr.sql file

Enter the correct tablespace names

Modify default passwords if needed

Add additional user accounts

Executing the grantusr.sql Script

About the Siebel Upgrade Wizard and the Log Parser

Steps of the Install Siebel Database task

Verifying the successful Siebel database installation

Using the Siebel Log Parser

Verifying tables and data

Restarting the Siebel Upgrade Wizard in the case of errors

Configuring the Siebel Server

Verifying the successful Siebel Server configuration

Configuring the Siebel Web Server Extension

Verifying the successful Siebel Enterprise server installation

Starting the Windows services

Logging on as the Siebel Administrator for the first time

Finalizing the Siebel Server installation

Setting the System Service owner account

Copying the Siebel File System Seed files

Creating administrative Siebel user accounts

Applying additional license keys

Synchronizing server components

Installing and configuring Siebel server software in unattended mode

Creating an .ini file for unattended Siebel server installation

Creating a response file for the Siebel Configuration Wizard

Modifying the .ini file to launch the configuration automatically

Executing the installer in unattended mode


5. Installing and Configuring Siebel CRM Server Software on Linux

Installing the Siebel Gateway Name Server

Installing the Siebel Server

Verifying the Siebel Server installation

Installing the Siebel Database Server Utilities

Installing the Siebel Web Server Extension

Using the Siebel Software Configuration Wizard on Linux or UNIX

Preparing to run the Software Configuration Wizard

Configuring the Siebel Gateway Name Server

Verifying the Siebel Gateway Name Server Installation on Linux or UNIX

Configuring the Siebel Enterprise

Verifying the successful Enterprise configuration

Verifying the ODBC data source

Configuring the Siebel Web Server Extension logical profile

Verifying the successful SWSE logical profile creation

Installing the Siebel Database Schema and Seed Data

Preparing the environment for database configuration

Creating the dbenv.sh script

Modifying the dbenv.sh script

Executing the dbenv.sh script

Verifying ODBC settings using odbcsql

Starting the Siebel Configuration Wizard

Starting the Siebel Upgrade Wizard

Verifying the successful Siebel Database installation

Restarting the Siebel Gateway Name Server

Stopping the Gateway Name server

Modifying the siebenv.sh file

Executing the siebenv.sh file

Starting and verifying the Gateway Name Server

Configuring the Siebel Server

Verifying successful Siebel Server Configuration

Configuring the Siebel Web Server Extension

Preparing the web server

Configuring the Siebel Web Server Extension

Verifying the successful SWSE configuration

Verifying the successful Siebel Enterprise Server installation

Starting the services

Starting the Siebel Gateway Name Server on Linux or UNIX

Starting the Siebel Server

Starting the web server

Logging on as SADMIN for the first time

Final Steps

Configuring services for automatic start on Linux

Editing the siebel_server file

Copying the siebel_server file to the init.d folder

Setting permissions for the siebel_server file

Creating a non-root user file

Creating soft links


6. Installing Siebel Client Software

About the Developer and Mobile Web Client

User groups and Siebel Client Software

Prerequisite software and configuration settings for Siebel Web Clients

About database client software for Developer Web Clients

Installing with administrative user rights

Internet Explorer security settings

Java Runtime Environment (JRE)

Additional software recommendations

Installing the Siebel Developer Web Client

Verifying the Siebel Developer Web Client installation

About the Siebel Client configuration file

About configuring data sources for the Siebel client

Configuring the Local data source for the Mobile Web Client

Configuring the Server data sources for the Siebel Developer Web Client

Setting up additional data sources

Creating Siebel application shortcuts

Installing the Siebel sample database

Verifying successful installation of the Siebel Sample Database

Installing Siebel Tools

Verifying successful Siebel Tools installation

Configuring Siebel Tools for the Siebel Sample Database

Creating shortcuts for Siebel Tools

Applying patches to Siebel client software


7. Installing Ancillary Siebel Server Software

Installing and configuring the Visual Mining NetCharts server

Downloading the Visual Mining NetCharts Server installer

Planning and preparing the NetCharts Server installation

Installing the Visual Mining NetCharts server on Windows

Verifying successful installation of the NetCharts Server

Configuring connectivity from Siebel CRM to the NetCharts Server

Creating a project folder and file for Siebel

Setting Siebel Enterprise parameters

Verifying successful setup of Siebel Charts

Installing Oracle BI Publisher

Downloading Oracle BI Publisher Enterprise Server

Prerequisites for Oracle BI Publisher Enterprise Server

Installing Oracle BI Publisher Enterprise Server

Verifying successful installation of BI Publisher

Setting up Siebel CRM for BI Publisher reports

Siebel CRM version differences

Importing Fix Pack SIF files

Creating a new outbound web service for BI Publisher

Importing the Siebel inbound web services

Creating XMLP responsibilities

Configuring the Siebel outbound web service for Siebel 8.2 or higher

Copying Siebel java libraries to the BI Publisher server

Enabling external file references for BI Publisher

Enabling Siebel Server components

Setting parameters for the XMLP Java subsystem

Setting the BI Publisher Security Model

Uploading preconfigured reports

Verifying BI Publisher integration for Siebel CRM

Assigning BI Publisher roles to the SiebelCRMReports folder

Copying fonts for BI Publisher reports (optional)

Configuring the BI Publisher Scheduler (optional)

Creating the BI Publisher scheduler tables

Creating List of Values data to support report scheduling

Creating a symbolic URL definition for viewing scheduled reports in Siebel CRM

Configuring the BI Publisher host name for viewing scheduled reports in Siebel CRM

Creating the dataservice.wsdl file from the Siebel inbound web service

Verifying the BI Publisher scheduler functionality


8. Special Siebel Server Configurations

Installing and configuring additional Siebel servers

Planning the installation of additional Siebel Servers

Installing additional Siebel Servers

Verifying the successful Siebel Server installation and configuration

About configuring multiple Siebel Servers on the same physical machine

Configuring Siebel load balancing

About Siebel load balancing

Single Siebel Server

Siebel Native Load Balancing

Third-Party Load Balancing

Configuring the SWSE for Siebel Native Load Balancing

Creating the load balancer configuration file

Reconfiguring the Siebel Web Server Extension

Validating the eapps.cfg file

Verifying the successful load balancing configuration of the SWSE

Installing additional language packs

Downloading Siebel CRM language packs

Adding language packs to existing Siebel installation images

Installing additional language packs for Siebel Enterprise Server software

Adding language support for a Siebel Server

Importing language-specific seed data into the Siebel database

Installing language-specific seed data

Deactivating non-multilingual List of Values (MLOV) seed data

Importing language-specific repository metadata

Enabling multilingual List of Values

Installing additional language packs for the Siebel Web Server Extension

Verifying the successful language pack installation for Siebel server software

Restarting the Siebel Enterprise

Logging on to the new application object manager

Verifying UI translation

Verifying multilingual List of Values

Installing additional language packs for the Siebel Developer or Mobile Web Client

Verifying the successful language pack installation for the Siebel Developer Web Client

About language packs for Siebel Tools


9. Siebel Server Management

Understanding servers, components, and parameters


Component groups

Component definitions

Component definition run modes

Component types

Enterprise parameters

Enterprise profiles

System alerts

Siebel enterprise hierarchy and parameter inheritance

Using server management screens in the Siebel client

Using the Administration - Server Configuration screen

Backing up the Siebel enterprise configuration

Restoring the Siebel enterprise configuration

Enterprise Explorer

Enterprises - Component Groups

Enterprises - Component Definitions

Enterprises - Parameters

Enterprises - Profile Configuration

Enterprises - System Alerts

Enterprises - Synchronize

Servers view

Setting component start up mode

Setting event log levels

Job Templates

Using the Administration - Server Management screen

Enterprises view

About component run states

Controlling component run states

Servers view

Components view

Tasks view

Sessions view

Jobs view

Using command line tools for Siebel server management

About the srvrmgr command line utility

Listing and reviewing information about the Siebel enterprise

Backing up the enterprise configuration

Listing and modifying parameters

Creating and modifying component definitions

Controlling assignment of component groups to Siebel servers

Setting the start up mode of server components

Controlling server components

Running jobs for batch and background components

Using input files


10. User Authentication

User authentication concepts in Siebel CRM

Database authentication

Security adapters are defined as enterprise profiles

Associating a security adapter with a server component

Managing user accounts for database authentication

Directory server authentication

Installing the directory server (optional)

Installing the IBM LDAP Client

Creating user accounts in the directory server

Creating the shared credentials account

Creating the anonymous user accounts

Setting access permissions for LDAP accounts

Verifying the proxy account

Configuring the LDAP Security Adapter

Configuring server components

Verifying LDAP authentication

Registering a new user

Configuring the Siebel Gateway Name Server for LDAP authentication (optional)

Verifying LDAP authentication for the Siebel Gateway Name Server

Configuring Siebel clients for LDAP authentication (optional)

Setting the SecThickClientExtAuthent system preference to TRUE

Creating the central authentication configuration file

Modifying the client configuration file

Verifying directory server authentication for the Siebel client

Web Single-Sign-On

Creating a non-anonymous virtual directory on the web server

Creating or verifying user accounts in the external authentication system

Modifying the Siebel Web Server Extension configuration file

Modifying the LDAP security adapter

Verifying the Web SSO configuration


11. User Authorization and Access Control

Understanding Siebel Access Control

Controlling access to Siebel views

The importance of business process analysis

Using responsibilities to control access to views

Creating or modifying responsibilities

Understanding the implications of view access

Controlling view access on local databases

Controlling read-only behaviour of views

Controlling the tab layout for screens and views

Controlling access to customer data

Controlling record access for a single user or employee

Controlling record access for multiple employees

Controlling record access for teams based on positions

Controlling record access for different companies based on organizations

Controlling access to master data

Personalized access to features and data

Controlling access to applets and views based on personalization

Controlling data display based on personalization


12. Managing User Accounts

Understanding divisions and organizations

Setting up divisions

Setting up organizations

Setting up and managing the position hierarchy

Multiple positions for an employee

Setting up user and employee accounts

Creating or verifying user accounts in the authentication system


13. Siebel Remote and the Siebel Development Environment

Introduction to Siebel Remote

Differences between developers and end users

Setting up mobile clients

Enabling and configuring Siebel Remote server components

Creating the database schema files

Extracting data for local databases

About Siebel Remote system preferences

Running a database extract job for developers

Initializing the local database

Establishing network connectivity for mobile clients

Verifying settings in the client configuration files

Additional configuration file settings for developers

Logging in to the local database for the first time

Understanding the Siebel configuration process

Synchronizing local databases

Manual synchronization

Siebel TrickleSync

Monitoring and managing Siebel Remote users

Managing the transaction components on the Siebel server

Monitoring mobile client activity

Sending messages to mobile users

Re-extracting local databases

Deactivating mobile user registrations


14. Installing and Configuring the Siebel Management Server Infrastructure

Overview of the Siebel Management Server Infrastructure

Installing and configuring the Siebel Management Server

Prerequisites for the Siebel Management Server

About the cross-enterprise user account

Adding the Siebel Server bin directory to the PATH environment variable

Installing the Siebel Management Server on Microsoft Windows

Verifying the successful installation and configuration of the Siebel Management Server

Installing and configuring Siebel Management Agents

Verifying the successful installation and configuration of a Siebel Management Agent

Registering Siebel Management Agents


15. Migrating ConfigurationChanges betweenEnvironments

Overview of Siebel Application Deployment Manager

Administrative data (Database objects)

Repository objects

Files on Siebel servers and Siebel Web Server Extensions (SWSE)

The Application Deployment Manager Architecture

Setting up Siebel Application Deployment Manager

Enabling the ADM component group

Managing ADM components in source and target enterprises

Configuring the enterprise profile for ADM

Enabling ADM support for the application object manager

Activating ADM workflow processes

Restarting Siebel Servers

Verifying the adm.cli file

Creating shared directories

Creating the enterprise profile and deployment batch files

Exporting and Packaging Configuration Changes

Creating the ADM package

Creating the empty package structure

Exporting administrative data using the Application Deployment Manager screen

Exporting administrative data using the ADM Batch Processor server component

Exporting repository data using Siebel Tools

Exporting repository object definitions for Hot-Fixes

Exporting repository object definitions for mid-level releases

Exporting repository data using the consoleapp utility

Copying files to the ADM package

About deploying Siebel Repository Files

Sealing the ADM package

Validating the ADM package

Deploying ADM packages

Other migration utilities

Siebel Upgrade Wizard—Migrate Repository

Deploying enterprise configuration data using the cfgmerge utility

Deploying new component definitions from source to target enterprises

Using the cfgmerge utility


16. Monitoring Siebel Applications

Server component event logging

Using the Siebel Server Manager command line to set event log levels

Siebel Application Response Measurement (SARM)

Enabling SARM

Enabling SARM for Siebel servers and components

Enabling SARM for other Siebel software units

Managing SARM files

Using sarmquery to read SARM files

Specifying the start and end time

Application performance by area and subarea

Analyzing areas, subareas and instances

Time histograms

Identifying slow performing objects

Creating SARM output files

Automating SARM data retrieval

Siebel Diagnostic Tool

Client-side logging

Enabling client-side logging for the application object manager

Enabling client-side logging on the client machine

Reviewing the client log file

Siebel Usage Collection


A. Sample Planning Document

Database server information

Siebel File System-related information

Web server-related information

Siebel Gateway Name Server installation and configuration

Siebel Enterprise Server configuration

Siebel Web Server Extension logical profile configuration

Siebel Server installation and configuration

Installing the Siebel database

Siebel Web Server Extension installation and configuration

Example topology

B. Uninstalling Siebel CRM Software

Uninstalling Siebel CRM server software on Microsoft Windows

Verifying the Siebel Server uninstaller

Uninstalling Siebel CRM server software on Linux or UNIX

Uninstalling Siebel CRM client software

C. More Information

Getting trained

Finding information

The Siebel Bookshelf

Oracle Forums

My Oracle Support

The Internet community


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