


Plone 3.3 Site Administration电子书

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作       者:Alex Clark

出  版  社:Packt Publishing


字       数:127.7万

所属分类: 进口书 > 外文原版书 > 电脑/网络



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This book is a step-by-step tutorial guide, explaining many common and fundamentally important Plone site administration tasks. This book is designed for site administrators, webmasters, or content editors managing a site with Plone. These users will not be new to Plone itself, but they will be new to the site administration tasks. The reader is also expected to know basic Python programming. This book caters to these users, and builds their confidence by helping them to get their Plone sites up, running, and customized with minimal peripheral knowledge.

Plone 3.3 Site Administration

Table of Contents

Plone 3.3 Site Administration



About the Author

About the Reviewer


What this book covers

What you need for this book

Who this book is for


Reader feedback

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1. Background

Site administration essentials




What you need to get started

Modern computer

Supported operating system

Internet connection

Terminal window

Text editor

About Plone installers

About Python software distributions

Using Python on Mac OS X

Verify that Python works

Installing Python on Windows

Download the Python installer

Run the Python installer

Configure the Environment Variable—Path

Verify that Python works

Install PyWin

Using Python on Ubuntu Linux

Verify that Python works

How to install Distribute—a framework for managing Python packages

Installing Distribute on Mac OS X

Download distribute_setup.py

Execute distribute_setup.py

Verify that Distribute works

Installing Distribute on Windows 7

Download distribute_setup.py

Execute distribute_setup.py

Verify that Distribute works

Installing Distribute on Ubuntu Linux

Download distribute_setup.py

Execute distribute_setup.py

Verify that Distribute works

How to install PIP: a more user friendly Python package installer

Installing PIP on Mac OS X

Installing PIP on Windows 7

Installing PIP on Ubuntu Linux

How to install Buildout—a tool for building software

Installing Buildout on Mac OS X

Installing Buildout on Windows 7

Installing Buildout on Ubuntu Linux

More about Python software distributions

How to install a C compiler

Installing a C compiler on Mac OS X

Installing XCode

Verify that GCC works

Installing a C compiler on Windows

Downloading MinGW

Installing MinGW

Adding MinGW to the Environment Variable—Path

Verify that GCC works

Configuring Distutils

Installing a C compiler on Ubuntu Linux

Verify that GCC works

Installing additional development libraries

How to install Subversion—a version control system

Using Subversion on Mac OS X

Verify that Subversion works

Installing Subversion on Windows

Downloading Subversion

Installing Subversion

Verify that Subversion works

Installing Subversion on Ubuntu Linux

Verify that Subversion works

How to install Python with Buildout

Running the first buildout

Running the second buildout

Verify that Python works


2. Site Basics

More about Buildout

Configuration file format

About the Python buildout

The buildout section

Adding parts

Global versus local Buildout command

Introducing the Plone buildout

Using the extends parameter to specify versions

Using plone.recipe.zope2install to install Zope 2

Using plone.recipe.zope2instance to create a Zope 2 instance

The PIL problem

Using the Python buildout

Using PIP

Adding PIL to your buildout

Bootstrapping and running the buildout

Adding a Plone site

Starting Plone and adding a Plone site manually

Changing the top-level Zope user's password

Adding a Plone site with Buildout

Customizing site navigation

Plone 3 navigation portlet extended

Installing collective.portlet.explore

Installing webcouturier.dropdownmenu

Adding new content types

Adding a blog entry type

Configure the blog_view

Configure the RSS feed


3. Appearance

Installing themes with Buildout

Searching for themes on plone.org

Adding themes with Buildout

Installing themes in Plone

Examining themes with Omelette and Python

Installing and using Omelette

Exploring modules with zopepy

Overview of theme package files

Creating a theme package with ZopeSkel

Adding ZopeSkel to a buildout

Running ZopeSkel

Running Paster

Examining themes in the Zope Management Interface

Making changes through the Web




4. Administration

Configuring mail settings in a development environment

Setting up the mail host

Avoiding the mail host

Faking the mail host

User and group management: Out of the box

The Zope 2 administrator account

The Plone administrator account

Resetting the password

Users and groups management with LDAP

Adding plone.app.ldap to the Buildout

Adding plone.app.ldap to Plone

Configuring plone.app.ldap

LDAP Terminology




Bind DN and password

Attributes and object classes

Entering the form data

LDAP server type

RDN attribute

User id attribute

Login name attribute

LDAP object classes

Bind DN and password

Base DN and search scope for users and groups

Restarting Plone

Using LDAP in Plone

Creating and using LDAP groups

Restarting Plone

Adding users to MyGroup


5. Deployment and Maintenance

Creating a production buildout

Backing up your database

The repozo utility

Making repozo easier with collective.recipe.backup

A simple backup strategy

Automating database backups

Using z3c.recipe.usercrontab on Mac OS X and Ubuntu Linux

Using Task Scheduler on Windows

Restoring your database from a backup

Packing your database

Automate database packing

Rotating logs

Using iw.rotatezlogs on Mac OS X, Ubuntu Linux, and Windows


6. Optimization

Caching background in the context of Plone

Installing CacheFu—a caching add-on for Plone

Installing Varnish—a caching agent

Installing Squid—a caching agent

Creating multiple instances with Buildout macros

Load balancing in the context of Plone

Installing HAProxy—a load balancer

The HAProxy binary

The HAProxy configuration file

Installing Pound—a load balancer

The Pound binary

The Pound configuration file

Installing Supervisor—a process manager

Understanding the software stack

Frontend Apache configuration

Frontend Nginx configuration

Installing Munin plugins to analyze performance

Installing the munin.zope package

Testing the munin.zope plugins through the Web

Installing the munin.zope plugins on the command line

Testing the munin.zope plugins on the command line

Munin graphs

ZODB activity

Zope cache parameters

Zope memory usage

Zope 2 server threads


7. Security

Restricting TCP/IP access to localhost or LAN host

Managing IP addresses and ports effectively

Configuring the Zope 2 effective user dynamically

Installing Cassandra to audit through the web (TTW) security

Permissions and roles in the ZMI

Roles and groups


Applying security and bug fixes to Plone

Using a newer Zope 2 with an older release of Plone

Hold on to your buildouts

A "modern" Plone 2.1 buildout


8. The Future

Specifying package versions

Executing Buildout in offline mode

Analyzing the contents of our buildout

Staying calm when trouble arises

Upgrading to Plone 4



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