


Application Development for IBM WebSphere Process Server 7 and Enterprise Servic电子书

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作       者:Salil Ahuja

出  版  社:Packt Publishing


字       数:605.2万

所属分类: 进口书 > 外文原版书 > 电脑/网络



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This book covers building an application using the principles of BPM and SOA, using WPS and WESB. The various detailed aspects, features, and capabilities of the product are conveyed though examples. It also provides pragmatic guidance on various aspects in relation to building the SOA application. Every section has solutions to common problems and pitfalls. This book is for SOA architects, designers, and developers who have a basic understanding of SOA concepts and would like to learn more about building solutions and applications using IBM WebSphere Process Server and WebSphere Enterprise Service Bus.

Application Development for IBM WebSphere Process Server 7 and Enterprise Service Bus 7

Table of Contents

Application Development for IBM WebSphere Process Server 7 and Enterprise Service Bus 7


About the Authors

About the Reviewers


What this book covers

What you need for this book

Who this book is for


Reader feedback

Customer support




1. Introducing IBM BPM and ESB

What is Service Oriented Architecture (SOA)?

Process, Business Services, and Components—the core constructs

Achieving success through BPM enabled by SOA

Business Process Management (BPM)

Building blocks of BPM enabled by SOA framework

Business Process Modeling

Business Process Execution (including Choreography)

Enterprise Service Bus

Business Policies and Rules

Business Process Monitoring

Information Model

IBM SOA Reference Architecture

What is Reference Architecture?

Key elements of IBM SOA Reference Architecture

Introducing IBM WebSphere Process Server (WPS)

Role of WPS in SOA

Platform architecture

Common BPM adoption scenarios

Introducing IBM WebSphere Enterprise Service Bus (WESB)

Role of WESB in SOA

Platform architecture

Common WESB usage scenarios

Interaction patterns

Mediation patterns

Deployment patterns

WESB selection checklist

IBM's SOA Foundation lifecycle

IBM's BPM enabled by SOA method


2. Installing the Development Environment

WebSphere Integration Developer overview

Prerequisite configuration

Installing WID on Windows

IBM Installation Manager

Starting the Installation

Setting up UTE

WPS and WESB Integrated test environment

Verifying the installation

Post installation activities

Uninstalling WID

Getting Started with WID

Starting WID

Business Integration perspective

Available views

Working with Modules and Libraries

Solution diagram

Assembly Diagram


Imports and Exports

References and wires

Dependency editor

Words of wisdom — tips, tricks, suggestions, and pitfalls


3. Building your Hello Process Project

SOA programming model

Web Services Description Language (WSDL) in a minute

XML Schema Definition (XSD) in a minute

Service Component Architecture (SCA)

Defining SCA

Service Component Definition Language

Service Data Objects (SDO)

Business Process Execution Language (WS-BPEL)


Building your first business process

Creating the Integration Solution

Creating library project

Creating and visualizing Business Objects

Creating and visualizing interfaces

Creating the Hello Process BPEL

Creating a new module called HelloProcess

Creating a business process component HelloProcess

Implementing the HelloProcess process

Testing modules and components

Deploying the modules

Executing the modules

Logging and troubleshooting

Words of wisdom — tips, tricks, suggestions, and pitfalls


4. Building Your Hello Mediation Project

WS standards

What are mediation flows?

Mediation primitives

Service Message Objects (SMO)

Creating mediation modules

Creating the Hello Mediation Flow

Implementing the HelloMediationModule

Testing modules and components

Deploying the modules

Executing the modules


5. Business Process Choreography Fundamentals

Using WPS in the right scenarios

Creating service contracts with interface editor

Development approach with WID

Lingua Franca for BPM — Business Objects

Working with Business Process (WS-BPEL)

Long-running processes and microflows

Using control structures in your processes

Invoke external services using Invoke activity

Data mapping using Business Object Maps

Exception handling in Business Processes

SCA exception types


Catch, Catch All, Throw, Rethrow, and Terminate

Exception handling suggested practices

Failed Event Manager


Using Visual Snippets

Handling human tasks

Using rule groups and rules

Business rules

Business rule sets and templates

Decision tables

Words of wisdom — tips, tricks, suggestions, and pitfalls


6. Mediations Fundamentals

Mediation flows

Service Message Object (SMO)

Working with Mediation primitives

Mediation primitive overview

Implementation steps common to most Mediation primitives

Service invocation



Example — Callout

Usage tips

Service invoke

Key use


Usage tips

Routing primitive

Message filter

Key uses

Example – Message Filter primitive

Test and execution

Usage tips

Endpoint lookup

Key uses


Usage tips

Flow Order


Usage tips

Fan Out

Key use

Implementation steps


Usage tips

Fan In

Key uses

Implementation steps


Usage tips

Transformation primitives

Message element setter

Key use


Usage tips

Database Lookup

Key uses

Implementation steps

Example — Database Lookup primitive

Custom Mediation

Key use

Example — Custom Mediation

Usage tips

XSL Transformation primitive

Key use

Example — XSL Transformation primitive

Usage tips

Tracing primitives

Message Logger

Key use

Implementation steps

Usage tips

Example — Message Logger primitive

Error Handling — Stop/Fail

Key use

Implementation steps

Usage tips

Dynamic routing

What is the need for dynamic routing or endpoint selection?

Integration with external systems using adapters

What are adapters?

How different are the adapters when compared to mediation flows?

What are these WebSphere Adapters?

What types of adapter come "out-of-the-box" with WPS/WESB?


7. Sales Fulfillment Application for JungleSea Inc.

Business requirements

Business goals

IT goals

IT requirements

Existing JungleSea Inc. applications

Customer Information Management

Order Entry

Product Catalog Management

Customer Billing Management

Order Management

Shipping Management

Inventory Management

Customer Credit Management

Supplier / Partner Management

SOA considerations

Applying the SOA Foundation Lifecycle

Architecture and design

System context

Identified use cases and scenarios


Use cases

Identified Business Processes

Solution Architecture

Service identification

Service granularity

Top-Down, Bottom-up, and Goal-Oriented Decomposition Analysis

Categorized (Business) Service Portfolio

Identified components and services

Architectural decisions and design patterns applied

Laying out the build plan

Identifying WPS and WESB parts


8. Walk the Talk

Shared libraries

Business Doman Libraries

Creating the Common Domain library





End Application libraries

Visualizing the solution

Process Services

Process Service — Order Handling

Process Service — Order Handling components

Process Service — CustomerInterfaceManagement

Process Service — CustomerInterfaceManagement components

Business Services and Access Services

Business Services for TrackAndManageCustomerOrder component

Business Service — ProductCatalogMgmt

Business Service — InventoryManagement

Business Service — CustomerCreditManagement

Business Service — SupplierPartnerManagement

Business Service — CustomerBillingManagement

Business Service — ShippingManagement

Business Service — CustomerOrderManagement

Business Service — CustomerInformationManagement


9. Building the Order Handling Processes

Module assembly

Steps involved in building business process

Building ProcessServices-CustomerInterfaceManagement

Implementing HandleCustomerContactProfile business process component

Importing application libraries and modules/simulators

Creating and importing JungleSea domain libraries

Creating and/or importing necessary dependent modules

Creating ProcessServices-CustomerInterfaceManagement module

Module assembly and wiring

Implementing HandleCustomerContactProfile BPEL component

Implementing Fault Handling

Testing the business process

Building ProcessServices-OrderHandling

Implementing TrackAndManageCustomerOrder business process component

Creating and/or importing necessary dependent modules

Module Assembly and Wiring

Implementing the business process component

Implementing Fault Handling

Testing the Business Process

Correlation sets in BPEL processes

Anatomy of a correlation set

Using a correlation set


10. Integration with Various Applications

Patterns addressed

Module assembly

Testing the modules

Key concepts

Test configurations




Unit testing

Component testing

Implementing Business Service and Access Service modules

Building BizServices-ShippingMgmt module

Implement the Business Service component

Building AccessServices-Rapid module

Creating the Access Service module

Implementing adapters

Access Service module assembly and wiring

Implementing Mediation Flows

Unit Testing the Mediation Flows

Wiring Business Services and Access Services

Testing the Business Service end-to-end

Building BizServices-CustomerCreditMgmt module

Building AccessServices-Equal module

Create Access Service module

Access Service module assembly and wiring

Implementing Mediation Flows

Testing the Mediation Flows

Wiring to Business Services and Access Services

Building BizServices-SupplierPartnerMgmt module

Building AccessServices-Moonlight module

Create the Access Service module

Implement JDBC adapter

Building BizServices-InventoryMgmt module

Building AccessServices-Alpha module

Creating the Access Service module

Access Service module assembly and wiring

Implement the Mediation module

Testing the Business Service end-to-end

Building BizServices-CustomerBillingMgmt module

Building BizServices-CustomerInfoMgmt module


11. Business Space

What is Business Space?

Business Spaces

Launching Business Space

Creating a Business Space

Creating a Business Space template

Sharing a Business Space


Adding widgets to Business Space


12. Deployment Topologies

Deployment topology considerations

WebSphere Application Server Network Deployment fundamentals



Deployment manager





Vertical clustering

Horizontal clustering

SCA components and cluster

Operational architecture

Infrastructure requirements

Logical operational architecture

Physical architecture

Sales Fulfillment Application deployment topology

Words of Wisdom


13. Management, Monitoring, and Security

Solution administration tasks

Using the administrative console

Performing common tasks using the administrative console

Enabling server and application security

Administrative Security procedures — Enabling administration security at profile creation

Installing SCA modules using the admin console

Managing Users and Groups

Integration with LDAP

Configuring Resources

Troubleshooting and Problem Determination

Administration tasks using Business Space

Installing versioned SCA modules

Monitoring WPS/WESB applications

Tools and capabilities provided

Monitoring with BPC Explorer

Configuring BPC Explorer

Service Monitoring with Business Space

Monitoring with Problem Determination Space

Common Event Infrastructure (CEI) and CBE Browser

Words of wisdom — tips, tricks, suggestions, and pitfalls


A. WID, WPS, and WESB Tips, Tricks, and Pointers

Any suggested method to backup WID?

Restoring a profile from a backup

Increasing WID's heap size

How to add projects and libraries as dependencies in WID?

How to reset a profile within WID?

How to change the level of Web Services Interoperability (WS-I) compliance?

How to change the type of your business process?

How to get the list of ports the server uses for connections?

Various tools and associated URLs that we should be aware of and bookmark

Checking the version of the WPS or WESB server

How to list all defined profiles on a WPS server?

What is the difference between backing up admin configuration and profile backup?

The administrator user ID and password to log in to the administrative console

The recommended WPS deployment topology

Turning off IBM-specific BPEL Extension

Deploying modules with libraries by reference

How to create versioned modules and libraries?

Exporting a versioned SCA Module from WID for server deployment

Some considerations or practices to adopt when dealing with versioned modules

Recommended practices when working in a team environment or when performing team programming

Performing team programming with CVS

Stopping and starting process templates with the admin console


Enabling and disabling Cross-Component Trace settings

Use of global variables in a forEach within a BPEL process

Enabling event monitoring in WID

Using DynaCache to improve the performance of your WPS or WESB solution?

What is the difference between Shared context, Correlation context, and Transient context? When to use which?

What is WID history logging?

WID Tracing

BPEL or Mediation Flows — which and when to choose?

Some common business process implementation types and when to use them

Seeing WPS data in a Derby DB

Miscellaneous Snippet Topics

Overriding a Web Service endpoint in a mediation flow

What is deferred parsing in the context of WESB?

Some performance tips and considerations

The difference between testing a module and testing a component

What are the best forums to get help in WID, WPS, and WESB?

Where can I listen or read up on advanced presentations and Webcasts?

What are some useful pointers to articles, IBM redbooks, and other sources for advanced topics related to WID, WPS, and WESB?


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