


Moodle 1.9 Teaching Techniques电子书

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出  版  社:Packt Publishing


字       数:158.3万

所属分类: 进口书 > 外文原版书 > 电脑/网络



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This book contains clear guidance for all who want to put together effective online courses that motivate students and encourage dynamic learning. There are clear, step-by-step instructions with helpful screenshots and diagrams to guide you along the way. If you want to unleash your teaching talents and develop exciting, dynamic courses that really get students moving forward, then this book is for you. Experienced Moodlers who want to upgrade to Moodle 1.9 will find powerful insights into developing more successful and educational courses.

Moodle 1.9 Teaching Techniques

Table of Contents

Moodle 1.9 Teaching Techniques


About the Authors

About the Reviewer


What makes this book different than a typical software tutorial

How Moodle can help me in ubiquitous learning

What this book covers

What you need for this book

Who is this book for


Reader feedback

Customer support




1. Developing an Effective Online Course

The Moodle advantage

What will we accomplish with this book

Some Moodle requisites

Standard modules

Instructional principles and activities

How does learning take place in an online course?

How people learn

Categories, classifications, schemata

Social learning

Emulatory learning

Communities of practice

Social practice

Experiential learning

Conditions of learning


Course-building components in Moodle



Link to a file or website











Course Timetable

Instructional principles and activities mapped to Moodle features


2. Instructional Material

Selecting and organizing the material

Using forums to present your material

Creating a separate group for each student

Enrolling students

Creating a group for each student

Guiding and motivating students

Creating the learning environment

Asking permission and setting a policy

Type of forum

Single simple discussion forum

Standard forum

Keeping discussions on track

Use a custom scale to rate relevance

Split discussions

Will splitting change the meaning

Will splitting move replies you want to keep in place

Monitoring student participation in a forum

Who has posted to a forum

What postings has a student made


3. Collaborative Activities

Interaction involves collaboration

Uses of chat

Test preparation and online study groups

Creating study groups

Groups carried over to other activities

Key settings for study groups in chat

Assigning review topics

Kinds of questions

Reviewing papers and other assignments

Creating a one-on-one chat

Workaround 1: Using groups

Workaround 2: Hiding the chat

Guest speakers

Including chats from previous classes

Copying a transcript

Foreign language practice

Preparation for foreign language chat

Compiling and reviewing chat transcripts

Copying chat transcripts

Assigning a chat transcript as an editing exercise

Tips for a successful chat

Basic chat etiquette

Prepare for a definite starting and ending time

Limit the number of participants

Prepare a greeting for latecomers


Insert HTML


4. Assessment

Keys to successful assessment

Taking the fear out of assessment

Assessment with quizzes and distributed practice

Advantages and limitations of distributed practice

Opening and closing quizzes at predetermined times

Indicating that a quiz is closed

Use quizzes for frequent self-assessment

Exclude self-assessment quizzes from the Gradebook

Making a quiz—a learning tool

Questions must be specific

Adding feedback to quiz questions

Feedback for a multiple choice question

Feedback for a numeric question

Reinforce expertise with timed quizzes

Host a proctored, timed test from a secure location

Different kinds of network addresses

Full IP addresses

Partial IP addresses and private networks

How to determine a computer's IP address

On Microsoft Windows

On a Macintosh

OS X 10.3 or 10.4

OS X 10.2

OS X 10.1 and earlier

Mac OS 9

On a Linux computer


5. Lesson Solutions

Selecting and sequencing content for lessons

Create conditions for learning

Employ scaffolding

Use chunking to help build concepts

Get students involved early

Keep it lively

Keep focused

Use media strategically

Diagnostic and developmental/remedial content

Reward practice

Build confidence for final graded performance

Getting started: A simple example

Moodling through a course

Need for sequential activities

Activity locking versus sequential lessons

Lesson settings

General settings

Grade options

Flow control

Lesson formatting

Access control

Other lesson settings

Controlling the flow through a lesson

Use a lesson to create a deck of flash cards

Keep it moving

Lesson settings that help create a flash card experience

Use an ungraded lesson to step through instructions

A workaround


6. Wiki Solutions

Use a wiki to achieve learning objectives

Why a wiki

Wiki versus forum

Wiki versus journal

Wiki versus blog

An assignment

Let's agree to disagree

Individual student wikis

Creating individual wikis

Active reading strategies with individual student wikis

Creating a text file for the wiki's starting page

Creating multiple starting pages

Multiple text files create multiple starting pages

Creating links to other starting pages

Upload text files to wiki

Creating an individual student wiki in your course

Creating text files in wiki

Test the wiki as a student

Leveraging guided notes created by students

Suggested wiki etiquette


7. Glossary Solutions

Helping students learn: Schema building

Moodle's glossary functions

Automatic linking to a glossary

Course versus site glossary

Main versus secondary glossary

Managing students' contributions to a glossary

Ratings and comments

Adding memory aids to glossary entries

Student-created class directory

Student-created test questions


8. The Choice Activity

Moodle's choice activity

A look at the choice activity

Students' point of view

Teachers' point of view

Number of choices


Time limit

Publish results


Allow students to change their minds

Student poll

Learning styles


Choosing teams

Students' consent

Students' performance

Preview the final


9. Course Solutions

Building the course design document

Overcoming course anxiety

Important announcements

Moving blocks to the main course area

The goal

Comparing the two links

A caveat

The method

Using this workaround with other blocks

Section Links


The syllabus

Printer-friendly for letter and A4 sizes

Online calendar with event reminders


10. Workshop Solution

Workshop overview and use

Workshop basics

Listing your learning objectives

Planning your strategy

Grading peer assessment

Step-by-step example: Creating the workshop

What work do you want the student to submit

Assessing student peer assessment

Student grade: Peer assessment and student work

What are the criteria for assessing the work

What submissions will the student assess

If classmates assess each others' work, will they do it anonymously

Classmate agreement on grades

What is the schedule for submitting the work and assessments


11. Portfolio/Gallery Solution

Project-based assessment

Best uses of project-based assessment

Learning objectives and projects

Collaboration and cooperation

Examples of portfolios and galleries

Student presentations

Student image galleries

Student creative writing projects

Student research projects

Encouraging creativity: A sample assignment

The creative writing e-portfolio: My Hometown

Instructions to students

Procedures for collaboration

Our hometowns: A collective conversation

Supportive environments and intellectual risk taking

Tips for a successful experience



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