


Apache Roller 4.0 – Beginner's Guide电子书

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1人正在读 | 0人评论 9.8

作       者:Alfonso Romero

出  版  社:Packt Publishing


字       数:85.1万

所属分类: 进口书 > 外文原版书 > 电脑/网络



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This beginner's guide is packed with information, tips, and tricks, based on the author's extensive experience with Apache Roller. In next to no time, you will be able to build and deploy your own blog. The clear and concise hands-on exercises will teach you everything you need to know to install, configure, and use Apache Roller, along with the open source software required to run it. The book includes plenty of illustrations to guide you through all the detailed exercises and tutorials, so you can get the most out of every chapter. If you are interested in establishing a blog, using Apache Roller and popular web applications to write attractive posts and promote your blog on all the major social bookmarking services, this book is for you. No previous experience on Tomcat, MySQL, the Apache Web Server, or Linux is required.

Apache Roller 4.0

Table of Contents

Apache Roller 4.0



About the Author

About the Reviewers


What this book covers

What you need for this book

Who this book is for


Time for action — heading

What just happened?

Pop quiz - heading

Have a go hero — heading

Reader feedback

Customer support




1. An Introduction to Weblogs

Basic concepts about weblogs

What can you do with a weblog?

Express your feelings to the world

Time for action — a little visit to Technorati

What just happened?

Get in touch with other people

Time for action — leaving comments on other people's weblogs

What just happened?

Promote your business or professional activities

Time for action — Microsoft employee blogs

What just happened?

Share experiences with other users

Who's using Apache Roller




IBM developerWorks blogs

JRoller community

Weblogs versus Content Management Systems

A blog is not a CMS

Blogs and newsfeeds - the world is your audience

What is a newsfeed

How can a newsfeed help to promote your blog

Time for action — subscribing to a newsfeed

What just happened?

Using newsfeed readers

Time for action — using Bloglines

What just happened?

Pop quiz - weblogs and newsfeeds

Have a go hero — doing more with the thing


2. Installing Roller on Windows

Checking your environment

Installing Apache, Java, Tomcat, and MySQL

Apache web server

Time for action — installing the Apache web server

What just happened?

The Java SE Development Kit

Time for action - installing a JDK

What just happened?

Tomcat servlet engine

Time for action installing Tomcat

What just happened?

MySQL database server

Time for action — installing MySQL

What just happened?

Downloading and installing Apache Roller

Files required for Apache Roller

The JavaMail API

Time for action downloading the JavaMail API

What just happened?

The JavaBeans Activation Framework API

Time for action — downloading the JAF API

What just happened?

The MySQL JDBC driver

Time for action — installing MySQL connector/J 5.1

What just happened?

Deploying Roller files to Tomcat

Time for action — downloading and deploying Roller

What just happened?

Creating the Roller database

Time for action — creating a MySQL database for Roller

What just happened?

Roller properties and context files

The roller-custom.properties file

Time for action — creating roller-custom.properties

What just happened?

The Context.xml file

Time for action — creating Context.xml

What just happened?

Changing keys in security.xml

Time for action — changing key values in security.xml

What just happened?

Testing your Roller installation

Time for action — testing Roller

What just happened?

The mod_jk connector for Apache and Tomcat

Time for action — installing the mod_jk connector

What just happened?

Pop quiz - installing Roller on Windows

Have a go hero — doing more with the thing


3. Installing Roller on Linux

Checking your environment

Installing Apache, Java, Tomcat, and MySQL

Apache web server

Time for action — installing the Apache web server

What just happened?

The Java SE Development Kit

Time for action — installing a JDK

What just happened?

Tomcat servlet engine

Time for action — installing Tomcat

What just happened?

MySQL database server

Time for action — installing MySQL

What just happened?

Downloading and installing Apache Roller

Files required for Apache Roller

The JavaMail API

Time for action — downloading the JavaMail API

What just happened?

The JavaBeans Activation Framework API

Time for action - downloading the JAF API

What just happened?

The MySQL JDBC driver

Time for action — downloading and installing MySQL connector/J 5.1

What just happened?

Deploying Roller files to Tomcat

Time for action — downloading and deploying Roller

What just happened?

Creating the Roller database

Time for action — creating a MySQL database for Roller

What just happened?

Roller properties and context files

The roller-custom.properties file

Time for action — creating roller-custom.properties

What just happened?

The Context.xml file

Time for action — creating Context.xml

What just happened?

Changing keys in security.xml

Time for action — changing key values in security.xml

What just happened?

Testing your Roller installation

Time for action — testing Roller

What just happened?

The mod_jk connector for Apache and Tomcat

Time for action — installing the mod_jk connector

What just happened?

Pop quiz - installing Roller on Linux

Have a go hero — doing more with the thing


4. How to Start Working with Roller

Your first steps with Roller

Creating your first user and weblog

Time for action — creating your first user and weblog

What just happened?

Adjusting basic server settings

Time for action — basic server settings

What just happened?

Creating/editing your first entry

Time for action — creating/editing entries

What just happened?

Defining weblog categories

Time for action — define a category for your blog

What just happened?

Enhancing your weblog

Adjusting basic weblog settings

Time for action — basic weblog settings

What just happened?

Creating/editing bookmarks (blogroll)

Time for action — managing bookmarks in Roller

What just happened?

Using a Rich Text Editor

Time for action — using Roller's Rich Text Editor

What just happened?

The Summary field

Time for action — using the Summary field

What just happened?

Pop quiz - working with Roller

Have a go hero — doing more with the thing


5. Spicing Up Your Blog

Before the action begins

Uploading files to your weblog

Using images on your posts

Time for action — uploading images into Roller

What just happened?

Changing file upload size limit

File upload settings

Time for action — changing Roller's file upload settings

What just happened?

The struts.properties file

Time for action — modifying the struts.multipart.maxSize property

What just happened?

Using videos in your posts

Time for action - uploading and inserting videos on your posts

What just happened?

Using sound files in your posts

Time for action — uploading and inserting sound files in your posts

What just happened?

Google Maps, YouTube, and SlideShare

Including Google Maps in your posts

Time for action — using Google Maps

What just happened?

Have a go hero — explore Google Maps

Including YouTube videos in your posts

Time for action — including a YouTube video

What just happened?

Have a go hero - explore YouTube

Including SlideShare presentations in your posts

Time for action - including a SlideShare presentation

What just happened?

Have a go hero — explore SlideShare

Pop quiz - images, sounds, and videos


6. Roller Themes and Blog Promotion

Before the action begins

Choosing a weblog theme

Time for action — choosing a Roller theme

What just happened?

Exploring the differences between themes

Time for action — differences between the Brushed Metal and Basic themes

What just happened?

Downloading and installing additional themes

Time for action — getting additional themes for your weblog

What just happened?

Editing themes

Using a custom theme

Time for action - editing a custom theme

What just happened?

Adding a Twitter widget to your custom theme

Time for action — adding a Twitter box

What just happened?

Have a go hero — explore Twitter widgets and custom themes

Promoting your blog on Technorati, Digg, StumbleUpon, and Delicious

Get a free dynamic DNS service account

Time for action — open a No-IP.com account

What just happened?

Have a go hero — install the No-IP Dynamic Update Client

Open up your web port (80) to the world

Time for action — forwarding port 80

What just happened?

Adding a Digg It button to your weblog

Time for action — adding a Digg It button

What just happened?

Have a go hero — adding Technorati, StumbleUpon, and Delicious buttons

Pop quiz - editing themes and promoting your weblog


7. Working with Templates

Your first template

Creating and editing templates

Time for action — creating your first template

What just happened?

The Velocity template language

Using Velocity macros in your Roller weblog

Time for action — showing your weblog's blogroll and most recent entries

What just happened?

Velocity model and data objects in Apache Roller

The $config object

Time for action — properties of the $config model object

What just happened?

The $model, $category, and $entry objects

Time for action — properties and methods of the $model model object

What just happened?

The $url and $utils objects

Time for action — properties and methods of the $url and $utils objects

What just happened?

Creating a Roller theme from scratch

Creating a directory for your theme

Time for action — creating a directory for your theme

What just happened?

The stylesheet override file

Time for action — editing the stylesheet override file

What just happened?

The weblog template: Your weblog's main page

Time for action - editing the weblog template

What just happened?

Have a go hero — finishing your Roller theme

Pop quiz - Roller themes


8. Comments and Trackbacks

Managing comments

Enabling comments in your Roller weblog

Time for action — enabling comments

What just happened?

How to leave a comment in your weblog

Time for action — leaving comments in your weblog

What just happened?

Deleting unwanted comments in your weblog

Time for action — deleting a comment in your weblog

What just happened?

Moderating comments

Enabling comment moderation in your weblog

Time for action — enabling moderation in your weblog

What just happened?

Approving comments

Time for action — how to approve and disapprove comments

What just happened?

Avoiding spam in your weblog

Marking comments as spam

Time for action — marking comments as spam

What just happened?

Have a go hero — using Roller's blacklist effectively

Using Roller's comment validators

Time for action — Roller's comment validators

What just happened?


Enabling comment notification via e-mail

Time for action — enabling e-mail comment notification in Roller

What just happened?

Sending a trackback from your weblog

Time for action — sending trackbacks

What just happened?

Pop quiz - comments and trackbacks

Have a go hero — blog and social media blending


A. Pop Quiz Answers


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