


eZ Publish 4: Enterprise Web Sites Step-by-Step电子书

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作       者:Francesco Fullone

出  版  社:Packt Publishing


字       数:242.9万

所属分类: 进口书 > 外文原版书 > 电脑/网络



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The book is a carefully structured, practical, step-by-step guide to overcoming the trials and tribulations of building an eZ Publish enterprise web site. Each chapter will be based on a three-layer approach. Firstly, it teaches the techniques and principles required to fulfill the needs of our site, then it goes deep in the CMS approach to fulfill them. Lastly, example code and step-by-step screenshots are used to dig deeper. This book is written for beginners to eZ Publish who need to work on an enterprise-level site with a complex publishing workflow. This book is best for people who want to use eZ Publish from scratch without hard-core programming skills. Even if you are not a PHP-guru, and you don't want to study eZ Publish core functionality – this book is for you. In general, however, you'll get more out of the book if you know a little PHP, have some concept of Object-Oriented Programming, and have a general familiarity with CMS concepts.

eZ Publish 4: Enterprise Web Sites Step-by-Step

Table of Contents

eZ Publish 4: Enterprise Web Sites Step-by-Step


About the Authors

About the Reviewer


eZ Publish

Introducing the project

The project in detail

What this book covers

What you need for this book

Who this book is for


Reader feedback

Customer support

Downloading the example code for the book




1. Installing eZ Publish

What is eZ Publish?

What is a CMF?

eZ Publish packages

eZ Webin—the out of the box CMS

eZ Flow—web publishing for news and media portals


Hosting requirements

Software required

Hardware required

PHP configuration

PHP memory limit issue

PHP timezone

Shared versus dedicated hosting

eZ components

Setting up

Unpacking the installation

Initializing the database

Apache virtual host settings

Image settings

Cron jobs

Configuration files

The setup wizard

Welcome to eZ Publish

System check

Email settings

Choose a database

Database initialization

Language support

Site packages

Site access configuration

Site details

Site security

Site registration



2. Creating Our Siteaccesses

What is the siteaccess system?

Siteaccess folder structure

Creating a siteaccess for dev, staging, and production environments

Enterprise siteaccess schema

Creating siteaccesses for dev and staging

Creating symbolic links

Configuring the database parameters

Creating multilingual siteaccesses

Copying the configuration file

Editing ini files for locale components

Selecting a siteaccess using host or URI-based matching


Setting the default siteaccess



3. Defining and Creating Content Classes

Managing the content

Separation of content and design

Content structure in eZ Publish

Object-oriented content

eZ Publish content classes

Class attributes

Content class management

Content class structure



Object name pattern

URL alias name pattern

Container checkbox

Default sorting of children


Packt Media Site's content class

Creating the profile content class

Extending the Article class

The other content classes


4. Creating Content Structure

Understanding the backend

Content structure

The secondary menu

The content area






Sub items

Object contextual menu

The content tree

The "Issue archive" section

Editing an object

Short Description and Description

Embedding HTML inside the WYSIWYG XML Editor


Show children

Adding more folders

The staff section

Creating an article

Publish and Unpublish date

Enabling comments

The feedback form

Other sections


5. Creating an Extension

What is an extension?

Extension type

The directory structure of an extension

Build the extension

Settings extension

Design an extension

Template operator extension

Translations extension

Activating an extension

Manual activation

Backend activation

Design activation

Extension portability

Content class package

Extension packages

Business with extensions


6. Creating a Design

eZ Publish templating


The templating markup

Control structure operators

Conditional control

Loop control

Fetch functions

Generic template functions and operators

Layout variables

Overriding a template

Embedding HTML inside the WYSIWYG XML editor, pt.2

Creating a new design

The homepage

Issue page

The issue archive

The staff profile page

eZ Webin

Overriding the standard page layout

Section for our project

Creating a new section

Setting up the section permission access

Customizing the page layout

CSS editing

Creating a new style package


7. Template Content Class

Introduction to the content template

The override system

Creating a template override

Creating a template override from a graphic interface

Creating a template override manually

Profile class

Folder class for the issue year archive

Folder class for issue

Folder class for the issue archive section

Article class

Frontpage embed object

Creating our custom template file

Customizing our class templates

Staff profile template

Line template

Full template

Embed template

Issue template

Line template

Full template

Thumb template

Embed template

Issue archive template

Full template

Embed template

Issue year template

Full template

Issue article template

Line template

Full template

Embed template


8. Adding Community Forums

The magazine's forum

Adding the Forum

Creating a sticky post

Forum access control list

Creating the Private forums section

Creating the magazine's blog

Adding the blog

Set up the feeds

Creating the blog feed

Creating the forum feed


9. Internationalization and Localization

A multilingual site



Locale identifiers

Creating a new locale file

Anatomy of the translations.ts file

Multi-language site management

Class attribute translations

Class default language

Content translation

URL translation

Multilingual extensions

The extension folder structure

The extension siteaccess

The template strings


10. Creating Roles and Privileges

Policies, roles, and groups



Applying a role

User groups

eZ Publish user management

User accounts

Creating a new user

Extending eZ Publish user classes

Managing a user

Disabling a user

Deleting a user

The eZ Webin predefined groups

Some steps into the workflows

The default workflow events


Wait until date


Simple Shipping

Payment Gateway

Creating a notification workflow


11. Cache Configuration

Caching system

Template cache

eZ Webin cache block

Compiling a template

Template optimization

View cache

Enabling/Disabling the cache by context

Clearing the view cache

Smart cache

Default caching settings

Advanced eZ Publish caching system

Advanced settings

Override cache

Pre-generation cache

Translation cache

Role cache

Static cache

Opcode cache

Proxy and HTTP Accelerator

Customize cache settings to speed up the performance

What not to do in a template


12. Deployment


Development environment

Staging environment

Production environment

Preparing the production server

Deploying an eZ Publish site

eZ Deploy

Creating the automatic tests

Installing the Selenium IDE

Recording a session

Customizing tests

Configuring the staging and production siteaccesses

Deploying the database

Deploying the code

Configuring the extension

Excluding files from deploy

Starting the synchronization

Checking the validity

Quality assurance

Deploying to the production server


A. APC Installation and Optimization

APC tuning for eZ Publish

Opcode Cache

How does it work?

Installing APC

Installing from sources

PECL installation

APC configuration



B. Advance Debugging

Code debugger

Debug template operators

Templating debug

C. eZ Publish's Best Extensions

eZ Xajax

Star Rating

eZ Publish OE

eZ JSCore

Google Sitemaps

eZ Deploy

Data Import


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