


Alfresco 3 Enterprise Content Management Implementation电子书

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作       者:Amita Bhandari

出  版  社:Packt Publishing


字       数:1730.1万

所属分类: 进口书 > 外文原版书 > 电脑/网络



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Munwar Shariff is an experienced software trainer for CIGNEX Technologies Inc. He has trained many users, administrators, and developers in Alfresco and many other CMS systems. This book distils the hands-on approach of his training courses into a concise, practical book. The emphasis is on getting up and running fast and discovering the scope and power of Alfresco 3 incrementally through practical examples. This book is designed for system administrators, experienced users, and business owners who want to install and use Alfresco in their teams or businesses. Because Alfresco is free, many teams can install and experiment with its ECM features without any upfront cost, often without management approval. The book assumes a degree of technical confidence but does not require specialist system administration or developer skills to get a basic system up and running. Alfresco is particularly suitable for IT consultants who want or need to set up a flexible enterprise content management system for their clients, be that for demonstration, development, or as a mission-critical platform. This book gets you to that result quickly and effectively. Though this book is not a developer guide, various examples in the book will help developers to extend Alfresco functionality and to integrate Alfresco with external systems.

Alfresco 3 Enterprise Content Management Implementation

Table of Contents

Alfresco 3 Enterprise Content Management Implementation


About the Author

About the Co-Authors


About the Reviewers


What this book covers

What you need for this book

Who this book is for


Reader feedback

Customer support

Downloading the example code for the book




1. Introduction to Alfresco

An overview of Alfresco

Leveraging the benefits of open source

State-of-the-art content repository

Scalable architecture

Open standards-based underlying components

Globalization support

Security and access control

Essential library services

Business process automation

Enterprise integration

Alfresco Enterprise 3.0—An overview

Alfresco Network

Alfresco Web Studio

Alfresco Share

Alfresco Surf

Alfresco Repository Public API

Alfresco Draft CMIS Implementation

Microsoft SharePoint Protocol support

How you can benefit from Alfresco

Using Alfresco for document management

Using Alfresco for records management

Using Alfresco for web content management

Using Alfresco for collaboration management

Using Alfresco for enterprise content search

Applications of Alfresco

How does the future look like with Alfresco?

Enterprise versus Community Labs

Better support options

Free upgrades

Implementing an example solution using Alfresco

Where do you get more information?


2. Installing Alfresco

Installing Alfresco

Out of the box installation architecture

Client Applications layer

Repository Services layer

Data Storage layer

The components of Alfresco applications

Accessing the application

Choosing the right installation option

Enterprise and community editions

Operating systems—Windows, Linux, UNIX, and MacOS

Databases—MySQL, Oracle, MS SQL Server, and PostgreSQL

Application servers—Tomcat and JBoss

Portals (optional)—JBoss Portal and Liferay

Choose the appropriate software for your installation

Installing on Microsoft Windows

Full installation

Installation of the Alfresco Tomcat bundle

Installing Java SE Developer Kit

Installing Alfresco bundled with Tomcat

Installation of other Alfresco Components

Installing SharePoint Protocol Support

Installing the Alfresco license file

Installing and configuring the MySQL database

Installing OpenOffice

Installing Image Magick and CIFS

Installing Image Magick

Installing CIFS

Installing WCM

Installing Microsoft Office Add-ins

Installing Flash player

Installing SWFTools

Installation folder structure

Starting and stopping Alfresco as a console application

Configuring Alfresco as a Windows service

Installing on Linux

Installing extensions with AMP Install


3. Getting Started with Alfresco

Introduction to Alfresco Explorer

Log in to Alfresco as an Administrator

Screen layout

Tool Bar


Navigator Tree View



Categories logical view




Administration Console

User and groups management

Category management

Data management

System information

Getting started with content creation

Create space

Create content

Create a link to content

My Alfresco dashboards

Choosing the My Alfresco dashboard as the start location

Configuring personal dashboard using wizard

Step one: Selection of layout

Step two: Selecting components

Start with basic configuration

Extend Alfresco configuration

Alfresco ConfigRoot folder

Alfresco extension folder

Configuration approach

Packaging and deploying Java extensions

Install the enterprise license file

Change the default administrator password

Configure the content store

Configure the relational database

Configure the email service and email server

Outbound email service

Inbound email server

Configure the log files

Configure the Alfresco virtual file system

Configure the file systems

Configure the default logos

Customize the look and feel using CSS

Configure multilanguage support

Creating a blue print for your application

Enterprise intranet as a theme

Features you are going to implement


4. Implementing Membership and Security

The Alfresco membership and security model

Users and groups

Permissions and roles


How is security imposed in Alfresco?

Manage system users

Creating new users

Search for existing users in Alfresco Explorer

Modify user details

Deleting a user

Individual user access

New user log in and my homepage

Update personal details and password

Search for existing users in Alfresco share

Modify user details using share

Manage user groups

Create groups and subgroups

Add users to a group

Remove users from a group

Extend security permissions and roles

Default permissions

Default roles

Create a custom role

Secure your spaces

User roles on a space

Invite users to your space

Define and secure your spaces

Secure your content

User roles for content

Invite users to your content

Choosing the correct security model for you

Use Alfresco's out of the box membership system

Configuring LDAP for centralized identity management

LDAP configuration with active directory

LDAP synchronisation

Daisy chaining

Configuring NTLM for Single sign-on

SSO with active directory

SSO with CAS

Migrate existing users to Alfresco

Using command-line scripts for the bulk uploading of users

Bootstrapping the Alfresco repository with predefined user data

Using web services API to create users


5. Implementing Document Management

Managing spaces

Space is a smart folder

Why space hierarchy is important

Editing a space

Editing space properties

Deleting space and its contents

Moving or copying space by using the clipboard

Creating a shortcut to a space for quick access

Choosing a default view for your space

Sample space structure for marketing project

Managing content

Creating content

Creating text documents

Uploading binary files such as Word, PDF, Flash, Image, Media

Editing content

Online editing of HTML, text, and XML

Offline editing of files

Uploading updated content

Content actions

Deleting content

Moving or copying content using the clipboard

Creating a shortcut to the content for quick access

Managing content properties

What is Content Metadata?

Metadata extractors

Editing metadata

Adding additional properties

Library services


Auto Versioning

Check In and Check Out

Checking out documents

Checking in the working copy

Undo Check Out to unlock a document

Categorizing content

Managing categories

Adding categories to content

Search content by category

Managing multilingual content

Versions of Multilingual Content

Deleting Multilingual Content

Using network drives to manage content


Mapping the drive

Drag-and-drop documents in Alfresco through CIFS

Check Out and Check In documents in CIFS

File Transfer Protocol


Microsoft Office 2003 add-ins

Support for Microsoft Office 2007



Features of MS Word add-in

Editing a file in Word

Recovering deleted content

The Data Dictionary and space templates

The Data Dictionary space

Space templates for a reusable space structure

Creating a new space template for reuse

Using an existing space template to create a new space

Discussions on spaces and documents

Discussion forums for collaboration

Forum space

Creating discussion forums in the forum space

Creating topics in the forum

Replying to topics

Departmental forums and security

Defining forums for groups within a department

Inter-department collaboration through spaces

Managing space users

Space collaboration through email

Starting a discussion on a specific space

Content collaboration

Owner invites individuals to collaborate on content

RSS syndication

Using RSS feeds

RSS templates

Migrating existing content into Alfresco

Drag-and-drop content to the network drive

Using web services to migrate content

The ACP Generator's bulk upload utility


6. Implementing Business Rules

Using business rules on spaces

Organize documents automatically

Run rules in the background

Dynamically add properties to a document

Automatic versioning of documents

Send notifications to specific people

Chaining all of the business rules

Built-in business rules

How these business rules work

Checking the conditions

What are the actions that are executed?

When are these rules triggered?

Applying actions to individual content

Removing an aspect from a content

Handling content transformations

Transforming a Word document to PDF

Resizing and transforming images

OpenDocument Format

Converting Microsoft Office documents to ODF

Built-in transformations

Executing JavaScript as business rules

Use built-in JavaScript as actions

Extend business rules with custom JavaScript

Set up the Corporate Forms space

Create custom JavaScript

Execute custom JavaScript as an action

JavaScript API

Scheduled actions

Example of archiving expired content

XML configuration file for scheduled actions

The cron expression


7. Extending the Alfresco Content Model

Custom configuration

Configuration files for the default content model

Configuration files for custom content model

Custom model context file

Custom model file

Custom web client configuration file

Hierarchy of configuration files

Custom aspect

The need for a custom aspect

Steps for adding a custom aspect

Define a custom aspect

Extend the content model with the custom aspect

Configure the web client for the custom aspect

Use custom aspect as a business rule


Constraint types





Applying a constraint

Advanced property sheet configuration

Display labels

Conditional display of properties


Component generators

Custom content type

When do you need a custom content type

Steps to add a custom content type

Define the custom content type

Extend the content model with the custom content type

Configure the web client for the custom content type

Add custom content type

Create a Press Release as HTML content

Create business rules targeting the custom content type

Custom associations

When do you need an association?

Define a custom association

Use a custom association

Presentation Template for custom content types

Association example

Dynamic models

Dynamic custom model

Deploying a custom model

Activating and deactivating a custom model

Updating a custom model

Dynamic web client

Deploying web client customizations

Reloading web client customizations

Dynamic models in a multi-tenancy environment


8. Implementing Workflow

Introduction to the Alfresco workflow process

Simple Workflow

Out of the box features

Define and use Simple Workflow

Identify spaces and security

Defining the workflow process

Adding simple workflow to items

Sending a notification for approval to the Manager

Test your simple workflow

Email notification templates

Implementing complex workflows

The workflow process

Advanced workflows

Workflow user interactions

Out of the box features

Creating custom advanced workflows

Defining the workflow process

Step 1: Create and deploy the task model

The dynamic deployment of task models

Step 2: Create and deploy the workflow resource bundles

The dynamic deployment of resource bundles

Step 3: Create and deploy the process definition

The dynamic deployment of process definitions

Using the workflow console

Manual Deployment of Workflow

The first option: Creating a jPDL XML by hand

The second option: Using the JBoss jBPM process designer

Step 4: Display the workflow images

Step 5: Create and deploy the Alfresco Explorer task dialogs

Dynamic Alfresco Explorer

Step 6: Test the workflow

Track the status of this workflow through a customized dashlet

Out of the box features of the workflow task list's dashboards

List of My Tasks To Do

Reassign Adhoc Task

Manage Adhoc tasks

List of My Completed Tasks

View the Status of or Cancel a Workflow

Workflow information in the Document Details page

Integration with rules


9. Integrating External Applications with Alfresco

The Alfresco content platform

Embeddable enterprise content management system

Integrated enterprise content management system

Various protocols for integration

Using web service as an integration solution

Using FTP, WebDAV, and CIFS protocols for integration

RESTful web services

Web Scripts

What is a Web Script

How to implement Web Scripts

Hello World example

Sample out of the box portlet Web Scripts

Myspaces portlet

Document list portlet Web Script

Web Script to list the latest documents

Daily dose integration Web Script in detail

Integrating Web Script with an external Java application

Web Script to integrate document search

Document search Web Script in detail

Calling the Web Script from external application

Various application integration examples

Integrating with Liferay

Various available options

Using the Web Script Container

Using the CMIS proposed standard


Liferay built-in Portlet for Alfresco

Using your own API

Integrating with Drupal

Integrating with Joomla!

Integrating with Adobe Flex

Email integration: MS Outlook, Lotus Notes, Novell, and Thunderbird

Integrating with iPhone

Integrating with iGoogle

Steps to integrate iGoogle Gadgets with Alfresco

Using iGoogle Gadgets

Integrating with FFMPEG video transcoder

Various options for video transcoding

Various options for audio transcoding

Integrating transformation as an action in Alfresco

Integrating with ViewOnePro image viewer

Integrating with the Facebook social network application

Creating a new Facebook application

Registering the Facebook application with Alfresco


Scope of CMIS

Alfresco CMIS implementation

Sample Alfresco CMIS dashlet


10. Advanced Collaboration Using Alfresco Share

Alfresco Share

My Dashboard

Customize your dashboard

My Profile

Viewing your full profile

Editing your profile

Changing your password


Creating a site

Searching for a site

Managing your site membership

Deleting a site


Searching for a user

Using your personal dashboard

Entering a site

Configure the personal dashboard RSS feed

View scheduled events

Using the Alfresco Network

Using a site

Getting Started

Site Profile

Site Colleagues

Site Calendar

Site Activities

Recently Modified Documents


RSS Feed

Customize a site

Customizing a site's dashboard

Editing the site details

Configuring the site dashboard RSS feed

Configuring the Wiki site dashlet

Subscribing to an RSS feed

Tagging site content

Selecting a page

The Wiki page

Accessing the Wiki page

Browse the Wiki pages

Creating the Wiki main page

Creating a new Wiki page

Editing a Wiki page

Renaming a Wiki page

Deleting a Wiki page

Viewing a Wiki page's details

The Document Library page

Accessing the Document Library page

Browsing the library

Creating a folder structure

Adding items to the library

Working with individual library items

Viewing an item

Add a comment to a library item

Editing a library item comment

Deleting a library item comment

Editing an item

Downloading an item

Upload updated content

Deleting an item

Editing item details

Copying an item

Moving an item

Assigning workflow to an item

Managing permissions for an item

Working with multiple library items

Selecting multiple items

Performing actions on multiple items and folders

The Calendar page

Accessing the Calendar page

Browsing the calendar

Viewing an event

Adding an event

Editing an event

Deleting an event

Browsing the site's events

The Blog page

Accessing the Blog page

Browsing the blog

Creating a Blog post

Editing a Blog post

Viewing a blog post

Deleting a blog post

Configuring the external blog

Publishing a post to an external Blog

Working with comments

Adding a comment to a post

Editing a comment

Deleting a comment

The Discussions page

Accessing the Discussions page

Browsing the topics

Viewing a topic

Creating a new topic

Editing a topic

Deleting a topic

Creating a reply

Editing a reply

Managing site users

Accessing the Members page

Invite users to a site

Viewing the site members

Changing a site member's role

Removing a site member

Viewing and managing the invited users

Benefits of using Alfresco Share

SharePoint protocol support with Alfresco Enterprise 3.0

Handling documents within Microsoft Office

Creating a Document Workspace

Editing a document

Checking out the document

Checking in the document

Document Versions

Viewing a previous document version and then restoring the document to that version

Managing the document versions

Adding content to a document library

Collaborating on a document

Saving a document to the Document Workspace

Customize the Document Workspace

Editing the site name

Changing the site settings

Manage the Document Workspace membership

Adding members to the site

Viewing and editing user profiles

Changing a member's role

Removing a site member

Working with a Document Workspace document locally

Downloading document updates from the site

Updating the site copy

Saving an updatable copy locally

Managing document updates

Deleting the Document Workspace

Document Workspace dashlet in Share


11. Customizing the User Interface

Configuring Alfresco Explorer

Configuring views

Configuring space views

Applying a Custom View to a space

Configuring forum topics sort direction

Adding a custom icon to a space

Configuring HTML links to appear in Alfresco Explorer

User configurable dashboards

Writing custom dashlets

Create a custom dashlet script

Create a custom dashlet JSP

Configure custom dashlet JSP in Alfresco Explorer

Restart Alfresco

Use the Custom Dashlet in the My Alfresco Dashboard

Using webscripts as dashlets

Create a custom dashlet JSP

Configure the custom dashlet JSP

Configure the My Spaces dashlet

Custom dashlet

Using a FreeMarker dashlet from the repository

Presentation templates

The FreeMarker template engine within Alfresco

The Alfresco objects available to FreeMarker

FreeMarker template node model API

FreeMarker directives

Custom template to preview web pages

Custom template for XML content

Custom templates for custom space view

Customizing Alfresco Share

Presentation templates

Custom template

Configure custom webscripts

Configure custom dashlets

Configure custom components in Alfresco Share

Rich user interface using Flex

Alfresco Share 3.0 Integration support

Customizing JSP Client

Alfresco foundation APIs:

Various user interface options


12. Search


Search using Alfresco Explorer

Simple search

Search file names only

Advanced search

Search by content location

Search by content category

Search by content properties

Extending the search form

Configure the web client user interface

Search custom content and properties

Save a search as a report

Define complex search criteria

Save search criteria as public or private report

Reuse a saved search


Alfresco's open search engines

Keyword search description

Sample keyword search in HTML

Sample keyword search in RSS

Alfresco Explorer as an OpenSearch aggregator

Registering new search engines

Federated search

Configuring the Alfresco search engine

The theory behind the search engine

Limit search results

Indexing properties

Configuring Lucene in Alfresco


13. Implementing Imaging and Forms Processing

Electronic imaging and the paperless office

Forms processing

Alfresco for imaging and forms processing

Sample imaging solution with workflow

Setting up space and security

Business rule to extract important metadata

Transform documents into the required format

Define the workflow process

Connecting the scanner to network folder

Bulk upload scanned documents into the repository

OCR integration

Intelliant OCR-Alfresco bundle

Integration with Kofax Ascent Capture

Kofax release script configuration

Release script functionality

Integration with an eCopy-enabled scanner


14. Administering and Maintaining the System

Exporting and importing content

Alfresco Content Package (ACP)

Exporting and importing space content

Export of a department space using Alfresco Explorer

Importing a department space using Alfresco Explorer

Using business rules to import data

Using command line tools

The export tool

The import tool

Data backup

List of items to backup

The content stored in the filesystem

The metadata stored in the relational database

Customization files

Membership data

Log files

Backup frequency

Backing up based on the Alfresco deployment

Alfresco deployed as a repository application server

Alfresco deployed as a Clustered Repository Server

Alfresco deployed as hot backup

Upgrading to newer versions of Alfresco

Upgrading to a minor release

Upgrading to a major release

General maintenance tips

Regular maintenance of deleted items

Examining log files

Resetting the administrator password

Resetting the complete repository data

Migrating servers

User quota system


Enabling Multi-Tenancy

Creating tenants

Tenant use case

Managing tenants

Exporting and importing tenant data

Full auditing

Controlling audit information

Simple audit template for displaying auditing information



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