


WordPress Plugin Development (Beginner's Guide)电子书

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4人正在读 | 1人评论 9.8

作       者:Vladimir Prelovac

出  版  社:Packt Publishing


字       数:133.9万

所属分类: 进口书 > 外文原版书 > 电脑/网络



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This is a Packt Beginners Guide, which means it focuses on practical examples and has a fast-paced but friendly approach, with the opportunity to learn by experiment and play. Each chapter builds a practical plug-in from the ground up using step-by-step instructions. Individual sections show you how to code some functionality into your plug-in and follow up with a discussion of concepts. This book is for programmers working with WordPress, who want to develop custom plug-ins and to hack the code base. You need to be familiar with the basics of WordPress and PHP programming and believe that code is poetry; this book will handle the rest.

WordPress Plugin Development

Table of Contents

WordPress Plugin Development


About the Author

About the Reviewer


What This Book Covers

Who is This Book For


Reader Feedback

Customer Support

Downloading the Example Code for the Book




1. Preparing for WordPress Development

How will you benefit?

WordPress features

More sites means more opportunities

Big players use it

Urgent response to security issues


Search engines friendly

Easy to use

Social aspect

Plugins as tool for promotion

Dogfooding WordPress plugins

Challenges involved



Work after development





Plugins developed in this book

Digg This

Live Blogroll

The Wall

Snazzy Archives


Post Types

Development Goodies

Tools for the job


Text editor

FTP client

Web browser




IE tab

Final notes

Installing and managing plugins

Searching documentation


2. Social Bookmarking

Plugging in your first plugin

Time for action – Create your first plugin

What just happened?

The plugin information header

Checking WordPress versions

Checking the plugin

Time for Action – Testing the version check

What just happened?

Have a go Hero

Displaying a Digg button

Time for Action – Implement a Digg link

What just happened?

Using the Digg API

Submit URL:

Submit URL Details:

Acquiring post information

Post permalink URL

Editing the theme files

Have a go Hero

WordPress plugin hooks

Time for Action – Use a filter hook

What just happened?

WordPress hooks

Filter hooks

Action hooks

Practical filters and actions examples

Upper case titles

Mailing list

Changing core WordPress functionality

Have a go Hero

Adding a Digg button using JavaScript code

Time for Action – Implement a Digg button

What just happened?

Conditional Tags

Styling the output

Time for Action – Use CSS to position the button

What just happened?

Have a go Hero


3. Live Blogroll

Starting up with the blogroll

Time for action – Roll into the blogroll

What just happened?

RSS Feed Processing

jQuery JavaScript library

Implementing a mouse hover event in jQuery

Time for action – Creating a hover event with jQuery

What just happened?

JavaScript and WordPress

Initializing jQuery

Expanding jQuery knowledge

Creating the pop-up with CSS

Time for action – Apply CSS to the popup

What just happened?

Demystifying Ajax

Simple example of using Ajax

Time for action – Use Ajax to dynamically retrieve feed posts

What just happened?

Using JavaScript with WordPress

Parsing parameters using wp_localize_script

Ajax and WordPress

Ajax in admin panel

jQuery.ajax method

Time for action – Use advanced Ajax call

What just happened?

Ajax script security using nonces

Time for action – Add a security nonce

What just happened?


4. The Wall

The main concepts behind the Wall plugin

Creating a widget

Time for action – Create a 'Hello World!' widget

What just happened?

Register widgets with description

Widget controls

Time for action – Expanding the widget with controls

What just happened?

WordPress options

Display widget control

Handling widget input

Handling widget output

Create a WordPress page from the code

Time for action – Insert a page

What just happened?

Handling user input

Time for action – Create the wall comment form

What just happened?

Managing Ajax comment submit

Time for action – Save the comments

What just happened?

Using Ajax to submit forms

Saving comments in WordPress post

Dynamically load comments

Time for action – Display the comments

What just happened?

WordPress database query

Comment output

Displaying the comments

Ajax security

Time for action – Display the comments

What just happened?

Have a go Hero


5. Snazzy Archives

Using a class for plugin

Time for action – Create a new plugin class

What just happened?

Showing template output with shortcodes

Time for action – Use a shortcode

What just happened?

Shortcode API

Enclosing shortcodes

Custom templates

Time for action – Create a custom template

What just happened?

Prepare archives

Time for action – Show archives of posts

What just happened?

Get all posts from database

Using a regular expression

Retrieve comment count for a post

Using output buffers

Apply styling and jQuery to archives

Time for action – Style the archive view

What just happened?

Time for action – Use jQuery to allow user interaction

What just happened?

Have a go Hero

Creating plugin options page

Time for action – Create an options page

What just happened?

Managing plugin options

Handling options form

Adding administration pages

Use plugin options

Time for action – Apply the plugin options

What just happened?

Caching the plugin output

Time for action – Create archives cache

What just happened?

Have a go Hero


6. Insights for WordPress

Creating custom panels in the editor screen

Time for action – Create a new plugin outline

What just happened?

Custom edit panels in WordPress

Searching the posts

Time for action – Display a list of matching posts

What just happened?

Interacting with tinyMCE

Time for action – Insert the link into tinyMCE

What just happened?

Using Flickr API

Time for action – Display Flickr photos

What just happened?

Using third-party solutions—phpFlickr

Creating a tinyMCE plugin

Time for action – Adding a button to tinyMCE

What just happened?

Create a functional tinyMCE plugin window

Time for action – Open a tinyMCE window

What just happened?

Have a go Hero


7. Post Types

Handling localization

Time for action – Create plugin and add localization

What just happened?

Optimizing localization usage

How does localization work?

Adding a post template

Time for action – Create 'add photo' post template

What just happened?

Backend CSS classes

Handling file and image uploads

Time for action – Handle uploaded image

What just happened?

Using custom fields

Adding custom fields

Retrieving custom fields

Quick post a link

Time for action – Add link template

What just happened?

Tinkering with WordPress backend menus

Time for action - Remove 'Link' from the Write page

What just happened?

Programming the Manage panel

Time for action – Add post type column in the Manage panel

What just happened?

Modifying an existing column

Manage screen search filter

Time for action – Add a search filter box

What just happened?

Handling error messages

Time for action – Adding support for errors

What just happened?

User roles and capabilities

Time for action – Add user capability checks

What just happened?

Have a go Hero


8. Development Goodies

Creating Localization files

Time for action - Create a POT file

What just happened?

Updating POT file

Time for action – Perform translation

What just happened?

Updating translation

Documentation and support

Plugin readme file

Time for action – Create a sample plugin readme.txt file

What just happened?

Sections of readme.txt

General information

Special codes


Installation instructions

Plugin homepage

Providing support

Code management and plugin repository

Requesting repository access

Using SVN

Time for action - Manage a local repository using SVN

What just happened?

Tagging a new version

Using WordPress development SVN

Local copy of plugin repository


Plugin promotion checklist

General plugin development guidelines



Re-using resources

Keeping API up-to-date

WordPress MU development

WordPress and GPL

Online resources

WordPress documentation (WordPress Codex)

WordPress development news

WordPress blog

WordPress development updates

WordPress Trac

WordPress dev IRC channel

Debugging and testing

Unit testing

Automated tests

Mailing Lists

WP hackers

WP professionals

Other mailing lists



WordPress Weekly

Author's (Vladimir Prelovac's) web site



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