


Visual SourceSafe 2005 Software Configuration Management in Practice电子书

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2人正在读 | 0人评论 9.8

作       者:Alexandru Serban

出  版  社:Packt Publishing


字       数:309.3万

所属分类: 进口书 > 外文原版书 > 电脑/网络



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After introducing the fundamental principles of SCM and the benefits of using SCM to manage the software development lifecycle this book uses a real-world case-study project to build a Service-Oriented Application named Orbital Hotel. You will learn the team cooperation features in Visual SourceSafe with the help of John and Mary, two fictional team members assigned to implement various project components. You can visit Orbital Hotel online and you can download its source code. The appendices deal with SourceSafe administration tasks: database creation and management, how to secure the database and how to assign users and user rights, how to manage projects and project settings, and how to customize SourceSafe to best suit your development style. This book is for .NET developers, testers and configuration managers who: Use Visual Studio .NET 2005 for building software Want to use software configuration to manage their products in day-to-day activities Want to improve their efficiency by learning to use the best practices with SourceSafe Want to install, manage, and configure Visual SourceSafe 2005 for optimal operation. The book does not assume previous knowledge of Software Configuration Management or Visual SourceSafe. It takes the reader from the ground up and is a great resource for people starting to learn about this subject. Readers with previous SourceSafe experience will benefit by discovering the improved and new features in Visual SourceSafe 2005.

Visual SourceSafe 2005 Software Configuration Management in Practice

Table of Contents

Visual SourceSafe 2005 Software Configuration Management in Practice


About the Author

About the Reviewers


What This Book Covers

What You Need for This Book

Who This Book is For


Reader Feedback

Customer Support

Downloading the Example Code for the Book



1. Controlling the Evolution of Software Products

What is Software Configuration Management?

The Software Development Lifecycle

Software Configuration Management Concepts

Resource Management

The Repository


Resource Versioning



Cooperation Support

Check Out


Check In



Undo Check Out

Cooperation Models

Check Out-Modify-Check In


History Management


Using Labels

Build and Release Management

Parallel Development



Merging Branches



2. The SourceSafe 2005 Architecture

The Visual SourceSafe Server

The Visual SourceSafe Administrator Application

The LAN Booster Service

The XML Web Service

The Visual SourceSafe Database

Data Folder

Temp Folder

Users Folder

VssWebDownload Folder

VssWebUpload Folder

Srcsafe.ini File

Users.txt File

The Visual SourceSafe Clients

Visual SourceSafe Explorer

Visual SourceSafe Command-Line Utility

The SourceSafe Integration with Visual Studio .NET

Plug-In Selection in Visual Studio .NET

Accessing the Source Control Commands

Network Configurations

Accessing the Server using the LAN Connection

Accessing the Server through a Virtual Private Network

Accessing SourceSafe through HTTP/HTTPS


3. Creating a Service-Oriented Application

Specifications—Project Architecture

System Requirements

Application Architectures

Compact Application Architecture

Component Application Architecture

Data Access Layer

Business Layer

Presentation Layer


Service-Oriented Architecture

XML Web Services

Choosing an Application Architecture

Choosing an Application Platform

Microsoft .NET Framework

Designing the System

System Structure

Database Structure

Visual Studio .NET Projects and Solutions

Visual Studio .NET Projects

Non-Web Projects

Web Projects

Visual Studio .NET Solutions

Partitioning Solutions and Projects

Single Solution

Partitioned Solution


Best Practices for the Solution Physical Structure

Hierarchical Folder Structure

Creating Web Projects

Using the File System

Using Local IIS

File System versus Local IIS

Creating the Orbital Hotel Solution


4. Adding Solutions to the SourceSafe Database

Setting up the Database

Connecting to the Database

Adding the Database to the Database List

Adding the Database over the LAN

Using Visual SourceSafe Explorer

Using Visual Studio with the LAN Plug-In

Adding the Database over the Internet

Opening the Database

Using Visual SourceSafe Explorer

Using Visual Studio with the LAN Plug-In

Using Visual Studio with the Internet Plug-In

Adding the Solution to the Database using Visual Studio

Files Subjected to Source Control

Visual Studio with the LAN Plug-In

Visual Studio with the Internet Plug-In

What Happens after Adding the Solution to the Database

How SourceSafe Represents the Solution—the Data Model

Projects, Subprojects, and Files


5. Developing Solutions under Source Control

Setting up the Workspace

Workspace Mappings

Getting Solutions from the Database

Using Visual Studio with the LAN Plug-In

Using Visual Studio with the Internet Plug-In

Adding New Project Files

Creating the Room Management Classes for Orbital Hotel

Designing the Classes using the Class Diagram

Checking In to the Database

Versions and History

File Versions and History

Project Versions and History

Getting the Latest Versions

Team Cooperation

Choosing a Check-Out Model

The Exclusive Check-Out Model

Refreshing a File's Source Control Status

Checking In the Changes

Comparing Versions

Comparing File Versions

Comparing Project Versions

Undoing Version Changes

Getting Older Versions

Rolling Back Changes

The Multiple Check-Out Model

Merging Changes

Merge on Check In

Merge then Check In

Merge by Getting the Latest Version

Merge Conflicts

Resolving Merge Conflicts

Pinning Files

Searching for Files in the Database

Wildcard Search

Status Search

Canceling the Search Mode

Sharing Files

Using Visual Studio with the LAN Plug-In

Using Visual Studio with the Internet Plug-In

Using Visual SourceSafe Explorer

Moving Projects and Files

Moving Files

Moving Projects

Rebinding to the Database

Deleting, Recovering, and Purging Files


6. Working from Remote Locations

Working Online

Using the Native HTTP(S) Access

Connecting to the Database

Differences from the LAN Plug-In

Using Virtual Private Network (VPN) Access

Third-Party Solutions

Working Offline

Loosing the LAN Connection to the Database

Starting Work Offline with the LAN Plug-In

Loosing the Internet Connection to the Database

Starting Work Offline with the Internet Plug-In

The Disconnected Mode

Reconnecting to the Database

Using the LAN Plug-In

Only Allow Checkouts of the Latest Version Option Enabled

No New Revision

File is not Checked Out

File is Checked Out

Allow Multiple Checkouts Option Disabled

Allow Multiple Checkouts Option Enabled

New Revisions

File is Not Checked Out

File is Checked Out

Handling Data Loss Situations

Only Allow Checkouts of the Latest Version Option Disabled

File is Not Checked Out

File is Checked Out

Allow Multiple Checkouts Option Disabled

Allow Multiple Checkouts Option Enabled

Using the Internet Plug-In

File is Not Checked Out

File is Checked Out

Allow Multiple Checkouts Option Disabled

Allow Multiple Checkouts Option Enabled


7. Managing the Software Development Lifecycle

The Evolution of Software Products


Using Labels to Manage Milestones

Creating Labels

Viewing Project Labels

Viewing File Labels

Editing Labels

Deleting Labels

Recreating Product Configurations

Creating Persistent Configuration Snapshots

Sharing and Pinning Configurations


Build Engines


Code Analysis

Unit Testing

Code Coverage


Parallel Product Development


Maintaining Multiple Product Versions

Creating Maintenance Lines

Share, Pin, and Branch

Branching the Maintenance Line on Creation

Branching the Maintenance Line after Share and Pin

Using the Maintenance Line

Integrating Codelines

Merging Branches

Viewing the Differences between Codelines

Merging Files

Resolving Merge Conflicts


A. Installing Visual SourceSafe 2005

SourceSafe Installation

Server Configuration

Client Configuration

Finishing the Installation

Configuring SourceSafe for Remote Access

Using HTTP


Setting up a Server Certificate using SelfSSL

Installing the Certificate on the Clients

Setting up a Server Certificate using Certificate Services

Requesting the Certificate

Issuing the Server Certificate

Installing the Certificate on the Server

Assigning the SSL Certificate to the Website

Distributing the Server's Certificate to Users


B. Creating and Configuring SourceSafe Databases

Creating Databases

Securing the Database

The SourceSafe Admin User

Setting the Windows Security for the Database

Creating the Windows Groups for the Database Users

Setting the Security Permissions for the Database

Setting the Time Zone

Sharing the Database

Managing the Database Users

Adding Users

Setting Shadow Folders for Read-Only Users

Changing the User Name

Changing the User Password

Allowing Automatic User Logins

Setting Project Rights for Users

Auditing User Actions with Journal Files

Deleting Users

Configuring the Services for Visual Studio

Configuring the Local Area Network Service

Configuring the Remote Internet Access Service


C. Database Maintenance

Undoing User Checkouts

Changing the Team Version Control Model

Locking the Database

Archiving the Database

Restoring the Database

Analyzing the SourceSafe Database



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