


Building Websites with VB.NET and DotNetNuke 4电子书

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8人正在读 | 0人评论 9.8

作       者:Daniel N. Egan

出  版  社:Packt Publishing


字       数:407.3万

所属分类: 进口书 > 外文原版书 > 电脑/网络



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You can use this book to help you set up and administer a DotNetNuke portal, even if you have a limited knowledge of ASP.NET. You will learn how to setup and administer an example site, stepping through all the tasks to ease your learning. If you are a developer, this book will help you extend the DotNetNuke portal by first helping you understand how the core framework works and then show you how to create custom modules and skins. A rudimentary knowledge of VB.NET programming is assumed, but the emphasis is not on becoming a better VB.NET programmer but on taming DotNetNuke. This book has been written for both the beginner wanting to set up a website and also ASP.NET developers with a grasp of VB.NET who want a deeper understanding of how to work with DotNetNuke. To work with the DotNetNuke code, you will need access to Visual Web Developer Express or Visual Studio .NET 2005. No prior knowledge of DotNetNuke is assumed.

Building Websites with VB.NET and DotNetNuke 4

Table of Contents

Building Websites with VB.NET and DotNetNuke 4


About the Authors

About the Reviewers


What This Book Covers

What You Need for Using This Book


Reader Feedback

Customer Support

Downloading the Example Code for the Book



1. What is DotNetNuke?

Open-Source Web Portals

What is a Web Portal?

Common Portal Features

Why DotNetNuke?





Benefits of Using an Established Program

The DotNetNuke Community

Core Team

The DotNetNuke Discussion Forum

The Bug Tracker

DotNetNuke Project Roadmap Team

The License Agreement

Coffee Connections

Determining Client Needs

What is a User Story?

Advantages of Using User Stories

Coffee Connections User Stories


2. Installing DotNetNuke

Installing DotNetNuke (Local Version)

Clean Installation

Downloading the Code

Setting Up a Virtual Directory

Using Windows Explorer (the Easy Way)

Using the Virtual Directory Creation Wizard

Verifying Default Documents

Setting Security Permissions

Setting up the Database


Upgrade Checklist

Back Up Your Database

Back up Your DotNetNuke files

Logging In as Admin and Changing Passwords


3. Users, Roles, and Pages

User Accounts

What is a User?

Creating User Accounts

Setting Required Registration Fields

Managing a Profile

Registering a User Manually

Understanding DotNetNuke Roles

Assigning Security Roles to Users

Understanding DotNetNuke Pages and tabIDs

Administering Pages


4. Standard DotNetNuke Modules

DotNetNuke Modules

Adding a Module

Module Settings

Editing a Module

Importing and Exporting Content

Syndicate Information

Online Help and Documentation

Editing Module Functionality

Basic Settings

Advanced Settings

Page Settings

Standard Modules

Account Login Module

Practical Purposes

Administration and Modification

Special Features

Announcements Module

Practical Purposes

Administration and Modification

Special Features

Banner Module

Contacts Module

Practical Purposes

Administration and Modification

Special Features

Documents Module

Practical Purposes

Administration and Modification

Special Features and Additional Information

Events Module

Practical Purposes

Administration and Modification

Special Features and Additional Information

FAQs Module

Practical Purposes

Administration and Modification

Special Features and Additional Information

Feedback Module

Practical Purposes

Administration and Modification

Special Features and Additional Information

IFrame Module

Practical Purposes

Administration and Modification

Special Features and Additional Information

Links Module

Practical Purposes

Administration and Modification

Special Features and Additional Information

News Feed (RSS) Module

Practical Purposes

Administration and Modification

Special Features

Text/HTML Module

Practical Purposes

Administration and Modification

Special Features and Additional Information

User Accounts Module

Practical Purpose

Administration and Modification

Special Features and Additional Information

User Defined Table Module

Practical Purpose

Administration and Modification

Special Features and Additional Information

XML/XSL Module

Practical Purpose

Administration and Modification

Special Features and Additional Information


5. Host and Admin Tools

The Difference between Host and Admin

Admin Tools

Site Settings

Basic Settings

Advanced Settings

Stylesheet Editor

Pages Menu

Security Roles

User Accounts


Site Log


File Manager

Recycle Bin

Log Viewer



Host Tools

Host Settings

Basic Settings

Advanced Settings


Module Definitions

File Manager





Search Admin


Superuser Accounts

Extra Options on the Admin Menu

Common Tasks


6. Understanding the DotNetNuke Core Architecture

Architecture Overview

Diving into the Core

Using the Context Object in Your Application

The PortalSettings Class

Working with the Configuration Files

The web.config File

Configuring the Providers Used in DotNetNuke

Handling the Providers

The <dotnetnuke> Group

The <system.web> Group

HTTP Modules

Application Settings

The Global Files


Application Start

Examining Application_BeginRequest

The Globals.vb File

Putting It All Together


7. Custom Module Development

Setting up the Development Environment

The Coffee Shop Listing Module

Creating the View Control

Displaying the Module

What we have Accomplished

The Module Folder Structure

Inheriting from PortalModuleBase

Module Configuration

Diagnosing Errors using the Log Viewer

Navigation and Localization

Create EditShopList.ascx



Update the Configuration

Navigate from ShopList to EditShopList

What we have Accomplished



Adding Localization


8. Connecting to the Database

DotNetNuke Data Access Layer (DAL)

Create the Database Elements

Execute the SQL Script

Create the Class Files

Insert the DAL+ Code

Create the Settings Page

Update the Configuration

View the Settings Page

What we have Accomplished

SQL Scripts

The DAL+

The Business Logic Layer (BLL)

The CoffeeShopListingOptionsInfo class

Custom Business Objects (CBO)

The CoffeeShopListingOptionsController Class

The Settings Page

Inheriting from ModuleSettingsBase

Overriding LoadSettings and UpdateSettings

Built-in DotNetNuke User Controls

Comparing the DAL to the DAL+

A Close-up Look at the DAL

Create the DataProvider.vb

Create the SqlDataProvider.vb

Create the BLL Layer

DAL Summary

Complete the Presentation Layer

Alter and Complete ShopList

Alter and Complete EditShopList

Build and View the Module

Implementing Optional Interfaces

Implementing IPortable

Implementing ISearchable

Making IPortable and ISearchable Work

Testing Your Module

Packaging Your Module for Distribution

Installation Scripts

Create the Installation Scripts

The Install ZIP File

Testing Your Installation


9. Skinning Your Site

What Are Skin Packages?

Uploading a Skin Package

Applying the Skin

Creating a Custom Skin

What Tools can we Use?

Creating a Skin Using HTML

Creating the HTML Files

Creating the Container

Creating the XML Support Files

Creating a Skin Using Visual Web Developer

Creating the Web User Controls

Placing the Skin Objects

Placing the Container Objects

Creating the Cascading Style Sheets

Creating the Skin Package


10. Deploying Your DNN Portal

Acquiring a Domain Name

Finding a Hosting Provider

Preparing Your Local Site

Setting Up the Database

Backup and Restore Database

Build New Database

FTP Your Files


11. Creating Multiple Portals

Multiple Portals

Parent Portals versus Child Portals

Setting up a Parent Portal

Registering Your Domain and Setting the DNS

Creating a Parent Portal

Setting Up a Child Portal

Creating Portal Templates

Using the Site Wizard

Managing Multiple Portals



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