


Getting Started with OpenCart Module Development电子书

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作       者:Rupak Nepali

出  版  社:Packt Publishing


字       数:148.7万

所属分类: 进口书 > 外文原版书 > 电脑/网络



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Written as a step-by-step guide, Getting Started with OpenCart Module Development will teach you all you need to know about OpenCart, from custom extensions to module development.This book is for developers who want to develop OpenCart extensions and for those who want to learn more about the code workflow of OpenCart. Basic knowledge of OpenCart would be an added advantage.

Getting Started with OpenCart Module Development

Table of Contents

Getting Started with OpenCart Module Development


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1. Getting Started with OpenCart Modules

Creating the Hello World module

Changes made in the admin folder

Changes made in the catalog folder

Installing, configuring, and uninstalling a module

Installing a module

Configuring the module

Layouts for the module

Positions for the module

Status of the module

Sort order of the modules

Show same module in different layouts

Effects of clicking on the Add Module button

Uninstalling the module

File structure – admin and frontend

Creating the language files for the admin module in OpenCart

Creating the controller in the admin section of the OpenCart module

Creating the template file at admin in the OpenCart module

Breadcrumbs section for the module

Creating the language file for catalog (frontend) module in OpenCart

Creating the controller file for catalog (frontend) module in OpenCart

Creating the template file for catalog (frontend) module in OpenCart


2. Describing The Code of Extensions

Global library methods

Detailed description of the Featured module

Configuring the Featured module in OpenCart

Exploring the code used in the Featured module

Exploring the featured.php file under the admin folder

Exploring the featured.tpl file under admin folder

Exploring the featured.php file under the catalog folder

The Shipping module

Changes made in the admin folder

Changes made in the catalog folder

The Payment module

Off-site payment

On-site payment

The Order Total module


3. Creating Custom OpenCart Modules

Getting started with feedback management

Database tables for feedback

Creating files at the admin section for feedback

Creating the language file at the admin section

Creating the model file at the admin section

Creating the controller file at the admin section

Creating the template files for form and list at the admin

Creating the model file at the catalog folder frontend

Creating the language file at the frontend

Creating the controller file at the frontend

Creating the template file at the frontend

The Tips module

Creating the language file at the admin section

Creating the controller file at the admin section

Creating the template file at the admin section

Changes made in the cart file at the frontend

Changes in the shopping cart page to show tips



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