


The Complete Guide to DAZ Studio 4电子书

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8人正在读 | 0人评论 9.8

作       者:Paolo Ciccone

出  版  社:Packt Publishing


字       数:231.8万

所属分类: 进口书 > 外文原版书 > 电脑/网络



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The book builds up a complete project from scratch and demonstrates the power of DAZ to create life-like characters. The book is replete with detailed examples and instructions on creating a tailor-made marvel out of scratch.This book can be used by anybody who has DAZ Studio 4, regardless of their level of familiarity with the program or the concepts of 3D art.

The Complete Guide to DAZ Studio 4

Table of Contents

The Complete Guide to DAZ Studio 4


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1. Quick Start – Our First 3D Scene

Stepping into DAZ Studio

Studio uses 3D assets

Customizing Studio

Introducing Genesis – a shapeshifter

Adding smart content

Adding clothing

Adding hair

Treat yourself

Strike the pose

Fixing nonconforming clothing

Saving your scene

Adding an environment

Rendering an image


2. Customizing Studio

Getting more screen space

Customizing the layout

Removing screen clutter

Saving the new layout

Simpler, faster keyboard shortcuts

Changing the background color


3. Posing Figures

The main blocks of a pose

Using premade poses

Purchasing the right poses

Creating a new pose

Planning your shot

Setting up the scene

Using a reference image as a backdrop

Selecting an image size

Setting the position of the surfboard

Setting the surfer pose

Bodies without limits

Avoiding common mistakes

Keep a level head

Posing the lower part of the body

Positioning the legs

Positioning the legs with Inverse Kinematics

Finishing touches

Arms and fingers

Removing the "gaze of death"

Saving the pose


4. Creating New Characters with Morphs

Understanding morphs

Combining premade morphs to create new faces

Saving your morphs

Character creation with morphs

Inside the monster factory


5. Rendering

Gearing up for rendering

Framing the scene

Choosing the camera

The Render Settings menu

Selecting the image format


The art of lighting

Faking ambient light

Replacing the background


6. Finding and Installing New Content

Places to find more content

The beginning of the DAZ Studio era

Genesis and the market

Sources of content

Buying from DAZ

Purchasing from Renderosity

Purchasing from RuntimeDNA

Downloading free models

Installing content in Studio

Selecting the location

Configuring Studio for the new content


7. Navigating the Studio Environment

Polygons – the building blocks of our scenes

Finding the number of polygons in the scene


Moving in the 3D space

Benefits of using a real camera

Moving the camera around

Learning about the Viewport tools

The Node selection tool

The Scale, Rotate, and Translate tools

Other useful tools

Let there be light

The spotlight

Casting shadows

Point lights

Distant lights

Managing content

The Smart Content and Content Library tabs

Organizing the Content Library tab

Importing models from other applications

Scaling issues

Importing an OBJ file


8. Building a Full Scene

Adding an environment

Putting the scene together

Adding the character

Using Inverse Kinematics (IK)

Dressing the character

Delving into material poses

Editing materials manually

Using channels

We are in control

Mixing colors with image maps

The specular channel

Using the alpha channel

Learning UV maps

Setting the character's skin

Final bits


9. Lighting

Setting the scene

The frame

Adding the required lights

Renaming objects

Cinematic lighting

The braziers


Ambient color

Adjusting darkness


Finishing touches


No lights in the frame


10. Hyper-realism – the Reality Plugin


Interfacing with Lux

Creating Reality

Understanding LuxRender concepts

The render never stops

Lights and exposure

Installing Reality

Running Reality


Using realistic materials

Converting materials

Using glass

Lighting with Reality and Lux

Creating water

Reality in production


11. Creating Content

Creating clothing

3D modeling with modo

Rigging a figure

Box modeling or retopology

Dawn of a new era

A surprise for you

Layout of the tutorial

Making a dress for Dawn

Exporting a figure as an OBJ file

The Transform tool

Assigning a material

Defining UV maps

Getting the dress out of modo

Rigging the dress

Importing the dress

Distributing your work

Choosing a file format

The distribution hierarchy

Getting down to business


12. Animation

Understanding animation

Understanding frame frequency

Delving into the frame ratio

The Studio timeline


A simple animation test

Controlling the keyframes

Editing keyframes

Doing it the Studio way

Understanding the logic behind animations

Organizing your project

The shot list

Defining NLE


Spline editing


The reason to avoid movie clips

Horror story 1

Horror story 2

Escaping the horrors

Color grading

Adding music and sound effects

Exporting for playback

H.264 settings


A. Installing DAZ Studio

The reason for installing software

Using the Install Manager

32-bit and 64-bit versions

Running DAZ Studio


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